Monday, July 8, 2013

My Thoughts on This Whole Pregnancy Thing

This being my first pregnancy, I am by no means any kind of expert.  Far from it to say the least!  I debated a lot about writing this post mainly because being pregnant you get a lot of advice.  Some great, some a bit uncomfortable, some just flat pushy.  Overall I am completely convinced that every pregnancy is different and its hard to gain any real/exact "truth" from others' experiences.  The best you can do is take in all the information and make the most of it.  I don't write this to offer advice but mainly to document some of my pregnancy observations for future reference.

As I'm entering my third trimester today these are a few things on my mind:

1.  You will feel bigger than you actually are. 
I look at every other pregnant women and feel 10x bigger than they are regardless of how far along they are.  Despite feeling this way, I've learned its useless to compare.  Each baby and body is different.  Baby girl is on track and that's all that matters!

2. All the attention isn't always welcome.

Yes I love talking about my daughter.  Yes I will share that she's a girl and when her due date is.  But please don't rub my belly if I don't know you.  It's weird.  

3. Slowing down is necessary.

This one is SUPER hard for me.  I feel like I can still move mountains but am constantly reminded that I can't.  I blame this on my upbringing on the farm.  :) Also yes I know I should slow down and I know the constant reminders are people's way of being sweet but I get it.  I'm trying!

4. Nesting is a real thing.

Ask Josh about this one.  I am all over the place emotionally with this.  All I want to do is organize and clean and put away and just make things perfect for her.  Some days I'm good with where we are in the house and others I want to crawl out of my skin.  I think moving started this feeling a lot sooner than most people.  

5. There will be highs and lows. 

Pregnancy brings a ton of excitement.  Excitement about this new life, blessing that is about to enter your lives.  Excitement over the subtle changes in your body and what it means for the little life growing inside of you.  But it also brings worries and stress and I find this completely NORMAL.  Normal to be a little worried about being a parent.  Normal to be stressed about getting everything done before baby's arrival.  NORMAL.

6. Let people help.

I've found that this one is hard for me.  I want to do everything myself and really that's just not necessary.  People are amazing when you let them be.  They will offer cribs, bedding, rockers, clothes, cleaning, food, etc. We have been so blessed by everything everyone has given us thus far.  I am so proud to say we've only spent about $200 on baby things (this doesn't count my maternity clothes/pillow).  People have been awesome!

7. Pregnancy is normal.

One of the biggest truths I've gained from those around me is that pregnancy is a natural thing.  Its not a condition to be delivered from (to quote my lovely sister-in-law).  My body knows what its doing and I have to just let it do its thing.  Sure the doctors and nurses are there for advice and if something goes wrong but you have to trust in your body a bit.  

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