Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

The pumpkin we picked at the pumpkin patch was just calling to be carved.  Of course we couldn't do just a simple face, so we searched the internet for a design that we both loved.  We ended up deciding on a skeleton design that had some pretty hard details.

Josh cleans out the pumpkin guts

Transferring the image

Mara's real excited about pumpkin carving

Josh did the dirty work and scooped out all the seeds out while Mara and I watched.  From there I used a push pin to transfer the design to the pumpkin and then we started carving!!  We didn't really have the best tools for this design.  Although those carving kits are expensive, they have the best carving tool that really helps you get into the tight spaces.  We had to use a paring knife and ended up with a few mistakes along the way.

Mom & Dad you're crazy

With our "little pumpkin"

The excitement is too much for her

Josh and I took turns carving and in about an hour we had a pumpkin!!  I grabbed a candle and we turned off the lights to admire our handy work.

Josh takes over the carving

I try my hand at it

The finished product
Mara slept through most of it but it was fun to carve our first pumpkin as a family of three.  I'm guessing next year she'll be a little more interested in helping!


Next year she'll be a little more interested

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Two weeks ago we went to a local pumpkin patch with another couple from church.  I had been talking about wanting to go for awhile and we finally found a weekend that was free.  I know Mara won't remember her first pumpkin patch experience but I still had this strong desire to start making memories like these as a family of three.

We had a really nice time.  We started off in the corn maze.  If you have ever played the board game clue, the corn maze was kind of set up like that.  You had to figure out who killed farmer joe and we enjoyed wandering the paths trying to find the clues.

After we were finished we headed out into the pumpkin patch and grabbed the perfect pumpkin.  By then Mara was awake and looking around.  Poor girl was blinded by the sun but still wanted to see what all the commotion was about.  We grabbed our pumpkin, took a few pictures and then headed back home.

Overall it was a great day.  I know that by next Halloween Mara will be able to enjoy the pumpkin patch much more but it was fun to take her for her first trip anyways.  It was fun for us to see the world through her eyes!

Going through the maze

Mara and mom

She looks so tiny here

Mara's first pumpkin patch

Mara and her daddy

It was so bright so she had to borrow Josh's glasses

This is what I deal with every time I wear her. My little girl needs to see the world.

Family pick

Soaking in the sun

The pumpkin is bigger than her

Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mara: 1 Month

Mara, I know I keep saying this but how did you get to be one month old?  I can't believe that I now have to count your age in months rather than weeks.  The time seems to be flying by with you, my precious girl.  I love watching you change before our eyes and at the same time keep willing you to slow down.

Weight: You are probably around 9 lbs. by now the way you eat.  The last week you have been going through a small growth spurt.  You want to nurse a lot during the day but thankfully are still sleeping at night.  You look like you have gained some "chunkiness" and I love it!

Health: You are still dealing with gas on and off.  We got some gripe water and that seems to help to a point.  It seems easier for you to burp and get it all out.  I have tried to schedule your ENT appointment this week with little success.  I keep getting sent to other offices and some people don't have the referral in their systems.  To say its frustrating is an understatement.  I think by the time we finally get you seen you'll be a couple of months old.

Hanging out on the guest room bed

Social: You still are a studier.  You LOVE to look around and now get a bit fussy if you can't see the world around you.  Daddy thinks you'll be an engineer because of how you look at things like you're trying to figure out why they are what they are.

Diet: Still all breast milk straight from mama.  I'm going to start pumping in a few weeks because you will have to learn to take a bottle by the end of next month as mama and daddy are going to a Clemson game and you'll stay with nana and papa.   

Showing Minnie Mouse off at the Fall Festival

Clothes: You are still in mainly newborn clothes but they are definitely getting really tight. You have moved into your 0-3 month sleepers but they are still so big on you.  You are in this strange in between stage.  We are officially in size 1 diapers.  They too are big on you but hopefully we'll be in cloth soon.

You sucked so hard on Daddy's arm you gave him a hickey!

Mama's Favorites: I love the moby wrap this week.  You want to be held while sleeping and I love how the moby gives me that while still keeping us mobile.  I have also loved the quiet times we've had this past week.  We have had a few days where we have just stayed at home and vegged.  These are the best days.

Playing in your gym

Crying: I am finally starting to figure out your cries.  You really still only cry when you want to nurse.  The key is knowing which cries are when you are truly hungry and which ones are just when you need comfort.  

Sunday best

Sleep: For the most part you are doing good in this department. You are up to about 3 hour stretches depending on the night. Lately in the morning you tend to sleep in shorter bouts and only give mama an hour or so before you wake up again.

Check out my neck strength

This Week: You are more social this week.  You seem to have these conversations with daddy and I.  You kick your legs and move your arms to get your point across.  This week we also went to the battalion fall festival.  You dressed up as Minnie Mouse and basically slept through it all.  Mommy and Daddy loved showing you off though. This week we also introduced a pacifier to you.  I was so nervous that you would get confused and felt so bad to give you one.  You were nursing so much for comfort that Mama was in pain.  Well let me tell you girl you are not fooled by the pacifier.  You'll suck one for a bit if we hold it in your mouth but you still want your Mommy for comfort.  

Baby Likes: You still love your swing and the moby wrap. I've also noticed that you like to lay in your play gym. I think you are amazed by the different colors and toys. You of course still love to be held and would prefer to sleep in mommy's or daddy's arms at all times. For the most part we let you but sometimes we have to put you down to get things done.

Minnie Mouse

Milestones: You have smiled at both mommy and daddy.  The smiles are rare and we are looking forward to seeing that cute baby grin more often.  You are getting really good with your head support.  I put you down for tummy time today and you pushed off your hands immediately.  I can see you getting frustrated that you can't hold your body steady now and sometimes slide or roll to one side or another.  

Best of Times: We went out to eat this week and you slept through the entire time.  It was so nice of you to give mommy and daddy a short date.  It was also fun to dress you up in your first halloween costume.

Worst of Times: The gas still plagues you baby girl.  We think you're doing better but you do get fussy.  You scream and scream till you're fed.  You don't care where you are if your belly is empty and let everyone know you are hungry.  

Dear Baby Girl

Dear Baby Girl,

I'm not sure I can express everything Mommy and Daddy feel for you into words.  Everyday our love for you only grows.  We prayed for you and loved you when you were in Mama's belly but nothing compares to having you here with us now.  You have filled a void in our little family that we didn't know was there.

Mommy and Daddy find ourselves just staring at you while you sleep and being in awe of how perfect you are.  Your little faces and sounds delight our heart.  Although we can't wait to see you grow and change,  we're trying to soak in every moment because we know you'll never be this small again.  These are such precious days!

Although the nights can be rough, they are my favorite times with you.  In the stillness of the night, I look into your dark eyes just staring up at me and fall in love all over again.  I can't believe God chose me to be your mama, that I am deserving of this incredible blessing.

I love how you snuggle in to my chest after you're done nursing.  I have a hard time putting you down while you are like this.  There's nothing better than newborn snuggles and they make all the sleepless nights worth it.

You seem to know who your mama and daddy are.  You know that moma has food and comfort and daddy is great for a nap and when you want to talk to someone.  You have the deepest conversations with your daddy and are perfectly content to sit in his arms.

Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see what your second month will hold.  We can't wait to see all the milestones you'll reach and celebrate your first Thanksgiving.  We love taking you places and showing you off.  You are our proudest accomplishment!  We pray that you will continue to grow and develop and that you will continue to be the healthy, happy and beautiful baby girl we know and love.  

We love you baby girl.

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Newborn Must Haves

I was pretty skeptical about all the baby products out there on the market.  I think it came from the sticker shock of how much everything costs.  You drop $50 here and $50 there and before you know it you've spent thousands of dollars on this little one.  I mean how much does a small baby actually need?!

That being said my philosophy was to be prepared but not over prepared.  I tried to only purchase items that I thought (after much research) that we absolutely needed to have.  We were also really blessed to receive most of these things as gifts or hand me downs.

But anyways here's Mara's favorite things, month 1:

1. Moby Wrap

My sister in law gave me this wrap and I have to say its one of our favorite things thus far.  Mara will nap in this giving me both hands free to do things around the house.  This lets me not feel guilty for putting her down and still be able to check things off of my to-do-list.  I've also used this to go grocery shopping and we put her in this last weekend at the pumpkin patch.  The only downside is she loves to look around so if she's awake she will crane her neck and body to see what's going on.

2. Rock 'N' Play

I bought this after many recommendations from other moms.  They claimed this really helped with acid reflux and was the only way their babies would sleep.  I'm not sure about the acid reflux but I do love how easy this folds up and how secure I feel she is in it sleeping.  We used this the first couple of weeks as her bassinet.  I'd like to get her back to using it but with her latest bout of gas she likes the swing to sleep in.

3. Swing

We have a glider swing that also vibrates.  Right now Mara sleeps mainly in this as it seems to really help with her gas.  The vibration button is a lifesaver and will usually get me another hour of sleep in the mornings when she is a bit fussy and just wants to be held.

4. Swaddle Blankets

Although Mara doesn't like to be swaddled, these blankets are perfect for covering her up at night and on the go.  They are lightweight but warm and seriously are the softest things.  I'd like the adult version!

5. Stroller

We love our Britax B-Agile stroller.  Its the perfect combination of heavy duty and regular stroller for our lifestyle.  We've taken it to through a corn maze at the pumpkin patch and just to a restaurant at dinner. I love how we can just snap the car seat right in and we're good to go.  Mara instantly falls asleep in it which is a huge plus in my book.

6. Mommy & Daddy

All of the above items are things that honestly just make our lives as new parents easier.  Sure Mara does seem to enjoy some of them but they really just help Josh and I out.  I do know for sure that her favorite things currently are us.  She knows that Mommy has food and comfort and she rarely wants to be out of my arms.  She will stare at Daddy forever and just seems to take him in.  Naps with him are the greatest!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Mommy Must Haves

Your body takes a bit of a toll after giving birth.  I believe that giving birth completely naturally really sped up my recovery time but there were some products that I couldn't have lived without.  

I loved it during my pregnancy and I still love it.  When my stomach was going back to normal, I developed some stretch marks.  The bio oil has really reduced the visibility of them and I hope that continued use will make them disappear.

This stuff is amazing.  Its an all natural spray that really helps with swelling down there after giving birth.  I went through two bottles of this stuff and still use it.  It immediately gives me relief and I love that its all natural.  

3. Sweatpants

I mean what new mom doesn't live in sweatpants the first few days weeks.  I bought a new pair from target but mainly I've been living in my lounge pants.  I have broken out my jeans but my hips are still a bit too large for them still.

I thought I would hate these reusable breast pads but I was sorely mistaken.  They are so soft and although I mainly use disposable during the day, I love them at night.

5. Homemade Nipple Cream/ Lanolin

Lanolin is the usual go to for sore nipple relief for breastfeeding moms and I totally agree with its healing powers.  Lately though it hasn't been enough.  My sister-in-law gave me a tip about a homemade concoction and its my new favorite when you need something a bit more "heavy duty".  Its basically an equal parts hydrocortisone cream, antifungal cream and antibiotic ointment.  It has given me SO MUCH relief.  

I don't know what I would do without this thing.  I guess I would have really sore arms.  I've gotten to the point where most times I just rest her on the pillow while she nurses.  This way I have one or both arms free to do other things.  

7. Water Bottle

I am still dragging this thing everywhere I go.  I'm trying to think of it as when she drinks I drink.  My water intake has definitely decreased with her birth just because I am so busy but I know to keep up my supply I need to keep drinking.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mara-3 Weeks

Dear Mara,

Mama can't believe you are already three weeks (and well on your way to being one month old). Daddy and I are starting to get a hang of this parenting thing and it seems like you have always been a part of our lives.

Weight: You are 8 lbs. and 8 ounces 20.9 inches. You've gained a whole pound and a half in one week! I am so happy that you love to nurse and eat. You still eat about every 2 to 3 hours for about 10 to 15 minutes. I can't wait to see those little baby rolls appear!

Health: Your eye infection cleared up wonderfully. Now you're dealing with a bit of gas. It breaks mama's heart to hear you cry out of pain. We've tried bicycling your legs, burping more and rubbing your tummy. All you want to do is nurse and be held. I think we may have turned a corner today as you had two poopy diapers this morning and seem to feel a lot better. We went into the doctor today to get you looked at for your gas and ended up doing a two week appointment. You are absolutely perfect on the medical scales coming in right where you should be. The doctor says you have amazing neck support and he was so impressed with how you move your arms and legs. You made momma proud! You are a bit tongue tied but it doesn't seem to be affecting your nursing. We are still going to get it checked out by an ENT thought.

Social: You were awake a lot of this week. We are still amazed on how you love to look around and take in your surroundings. Even when you are in the Moby wrap you push off of mama to crane your neck back. I don't know how it's comfortable for you.

Diet: Strictly breast milk. You are doing great latching on to both sides now. Mama is a little sore after yesterday when all you wanted to do was nurse but we're doing ok. 
Daddy came home early = naptime for all

Clothes: You are still in your newborn clothes but they are definitely getting really tight. Last week it was only your sleepers that were too short but today I noticed some of your onesies aren't fitting. Guess its time to start wearing some of the things in your 0-3 month drawer. You are still in newborn diapers but they are now definitely getting too small. We have a whole other pack so I think we'll try to stretch them a bit. I can't decide if we'll hold off a bit longer on cloth or if we'll jump right in when we finish the pack.

Mama's Favorites: Your swing has been a lifesaver this week with your bought of gas. It was the only place you'd sleep (besides mama's arms). I am still loving your little faces. You haven't started smiling yet but you are close. You get little half grins and I can't wait to see that first true smile.

Crying: You were pretty fussy this week due to the gas. You were in so much pain. Otherwise you still only cry when you are hungry and boy do you let everyone know so. You do not give up until mama scoops you up and feeds you. 
I love your hair band but its too bad it was too big for your head

Sleep: For the most part you are doing good in this department. You are up to about 3 hour stretches depending on the night. Lately in the morning you tend to sleep in shorter bouts and only give mama an hour or so before you wake up again.

This Week: You have started making the funniest noises. You still snort when you are latching on but now you also have the best coos. You have started following us with your eyes and seem to be taking in all the little details of our faces. You are always so serious so it makes us wonder what you are thinking.

Baby Likes: You still love your swing and the moby wrap. I've also noticed that you like to lay in your play gym. I think you are amazed by the different colors and toys. You of course still love to be held and would prefer to sleep in mommy's or daddy's arms at all times. For the most part we let you but sometimes we have to put you down to get things done.

Milestones: You went to the doctor for your two week check up and did great. We also ventured out on our own for the first time this week and you did great. I try to time our outing with feeding so you are nice and tired before I put you in your seat. We also went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. You slept through the corn maze but woke up in time to see the pumpkins and help pick out the perfect one!

Best of Times: We celebrated daddy's birthday this week. It was so much fun to give him presents from both of us. We also enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch. Even though you'll never remember it, I love making memories as a family of three.

Worst of Times: Oh baby girl the gas! You were in so much pain and it was hard on mommy and daddy. We tried everything to calm you down and all you wanted to do was nurse. Thankfully you passed out around midnight. 
This is her hitler pose

Friday, October 18, 2013

First Bath

Monday before Josh had to go back to work I decided that Mara needed her first bath.  Her umbilical cord had fallen off a few days prior but hadn't fully healed quite yet.  It was finally looking good and she was starting to smell a little too much like spoiled milk so it was time to see how she did.

To say I was nervous was an understatement.  Yes I actually googled how to give a newborn a bath.  I mean do you use soap?  Do you keep a washcloth on her to keep her warm?  Thankfully Josh had more of the jump right in approach.  After I got all the necessary things ready (tub, warm water, wash cloth, fresh clothes/diaper) he handled the actual bathing.

Mara did great!  She didn't really have too much of a reaction to the water.  She was perfectly content to let Josh wipe her down while she sat halfway submerged.  In fact I think she probably liked the feeling of the water because as soon as we took her out she proceeded to pee all over her towel and dad.  :)

We haven't attempted another bath since and frankly I don't think she needs one quite yet.  Her skin is still peeling a bit and I don't want to dry it out even more.  She's been better with spitting up and thus doesn't really get too dirty minus the milk drool.

Needed dad's finger to suck on 

This was after the pee incident 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Church Baby Shower

To say that Josh and I love our new church community here in Fayetteville is an understatement.  We are so thankful that God has brought us to this congregation and introduced us to the amazing people who attend this church.  Last weekend was just an example of how giving and loving these people are.

The church threw us a baby shower along with four other couples.  It was the sweetest showered filled with encouragement, laughter and good times with friends.  We are so thankful for our church family!

(Stole these pictures from friends....)

The men come up with their answers

Answering questions

What did he say when you told him you were pregnant?

Who's most likely to leave the baby behind?

The lovely ladies from our small group at church

Loving on our newborns

All five couples
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