Monday, March 31, 2014

Mara-6 months

Weight: I'm thinking you are still around 16 lbs. 11 oz.  and 25.5 inches long.  We go in for your six month visit in about a week so we'll know if you gained any more weight.

Riding in the cart like a big girl

Health: You are over your cold and hopefully will be cold free for a while.  We got your 5 month shots about a week ago and you did super as usual.  You didn't have any reaction and handled them great!  Shots always tend to be worse on mama then they do on you!

Your skin is still the usual battle.  You keep scratching at your cheek but we've gotten the lotion that worked last time and are trying to keep some on it at all times.

You giggled the entire time

Social: You have become more talkative with others besides mama and daddy.  You babble and make gestures with your hands.  You love to observe activity around you and are most content when there is a lot to look at.

Diet: We are still breastfeeding and doing purees.  You get about 1 ounce at night.  We have tried sweet potatoes, avocado, pears, and red peppers.  You aren't too sure about the avocado or peppers but slurp down the pears.  We have slowed down the food because you have been a little "stopped" up lately.  Even with the pears (which are supposed to loosen things up) you aren't completely back to normal.  Some days we just breastfeed and that seems to help.  I'm wondering if your body isn't maybe completely ready but boy girl you are!  Its hard to deny you food when you stare and reach for things at the dinner table.  You are so interested and love trying new foods.  Hopefully things will even out soon.

You still don't mind having food all over you and are a bit of a messy eater.  You still try to help feed yourself and love having your own spoon.  The trick is trying to get that spoon out of your mouth so I can put the spoon I'm feeding you with in there.  

Not sure about red peppers

Clothes: You are still in 6 month clothing.  I've put away all your 3-6 month things and am thinking that the 6 month clothes will shortly follow.  We may try to get another week on somethings but then I think we will have to move up to 9 month.

Your diapers are doing better this week.  They aren't leaking so much so I don't know if it was the stripping I gave them or if your legs have just gotten a bit chubbier.  Probably the stripping.

Still loving this military outfit!

Mama's Favorites: I loved watching you interact with your grandma and aunt mary this week.  They were down for a visit and you loved having two more people to keep you entertained.  You showed them your new toys and smiled for a few pictures with them.

I also loved the few moments you've gotten to be with your daddy.  He's been extra busy and in the field so every moment with him is special.  Thankfully you've been waking up earlier and he's been having some late reportings so you can catch him in the mornings.

Crying: You really are only fussy when you're bored at this point.  You don't like to play by yourself for very long and then start to look around for mama.  At night you can have your moments but for the most part are fine as long as we don't wait too long for bedtime.

Look at that face

Sleep:  You are still doing great in your room.  You have even been waking up in there rather than having mama bring you back to her room.  The last few nights your initial stretch has been at least four hours which is really nice.  The amount of time between wakeups varies and we rejoice if its at least three.  You are not a sleeper girl.

You still fuss in your sleep some nights.  I've been able to tell when you really aren't awake and I let you soothe yourself asleep.  This works best because if I do go in there you wake up even more.

We are still swaddling you but you are finding ways to escape.  Last night you had your hands out every time I came to check on you.

You love to hike
 This Week: This week your grandma and aunt mary came to visit you.  Daddy was in the field so it was nice to have two extra pairs of hands.  We went shopping and mama got a day without you to run errands and attend meetings.  Next week daddy is headed back out to the field and we'll be on our own again.

My aunt mary calls me Kenya

Baby Likes: Anything you can chew on!  You put everything in your mouth including a ton of things you shouldn't.  I've noticed you aren't as entertained with your jumper as you used to be but now love to sit in your highchair with a few toys around you.

You are still a morning girl and immediately break into a smile when I come and get you.  We have recently been getting out of the house on walks with the nicer weather and you seem to really enjoy this.  You are still getting used to the stroller but we can usually make a loop around the neighborhood before you get fussy.

Cheezin for the camera

Milestones: We have added red peppers and pears to your menu!  You LOVE pears but aren't so sure about the peppers.

You almost have a tooth.  One has definitely broken through on the bottom but still needs a few more days to pop.  I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been using my finger as a chew toy.  Man that tooth is sharp!

Best of Times:  Getting to spend time with grandma and aunt mary.  It was so good to have them here and do grandma's favorite thing: shopping!

This face kills me

Worst of Times:  I'm still struggling with our night schedule.  I could really use some more uninterrupted sleep.

Also not having your daddy around for a few days wasn't fun.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Randoms

~I am so glad its the weekend.  Josh has been in the field all week and will be again next week.  I am looking forward to these two days with him.

~Mara is finally getting into a rhythm with eating. She will consistently eat about 1 ounce everyday.  Feeding her solids still makes me nervous.  I know she loves it but I feel like I don't know anything about how much she should be getting when and what foods to do.  We're kind of feeling our way along.

~My back has been killing me lately.  I don't know what I did to it besides lift a 15 lb girl everyday.  I keep taking ibuprofen and trying to rest it but nothing seems to help.  Seems like now back issues are a family affair.  

~I am so ready for spring.  The weather keeps going up and down.  One day its beautiful and 70 degrees the next its rainy and 40.  I wish it would make up its mind.

~Buddy's been a bit out of sorts lately.  I don't know what's going on and I feel bad that I'm not able to give him as much attention that he seems to want.

~I'm loving my new Dyson Slim Animal.  I've always doubted the Dyson vacuums because they cost so much.  Well this vacuum is amazing.  Watch out Buddy I'm on all the cat hair you leave EVERYWHERE.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Raven Rock State Park

This weekend we got a group of our friends together and headed up to Raven Rock State Park in Lillington, North Carolina.  The park is about thirty minutes from our home and we have been meaning to do some hiking for awhile.  It was beautiful today so we decided to take full advantage and headed up north.

The main trail in the park weaves down to the river and leads to the main attraction Raven Rock.  It was a fairly easy hike and we were able to stop along the way at an outlook for a nice view of the river.  After stopping at the viewpoint we headed down the steps to the rock.  It reminded me a lot of the canyons at Starved Rock, a state park near my hometown in Illinois.

From the view point

We stopped for a quick break and snack along the water then headed back around the trail loop.  It only took about an hour and a half to do the entire three miles with our break and leisurely pace.

Mara did amazing just taking it all in from her perch in the ergo.  We have a little hiker on our hands!

Overall it was a great half a day.  We got to get outside and check out a nice little state park that's practically in our backyard.  We also got to spend some good time with friends.  Now if we could fit in a little afternoon nap, I'd say that would be just about perfect.  :)

Hiking with my girl

Saturday, March 22, 2014


On March 20, my grandma passed away.  She was 86 years old.  She too had been going downhill steadily and really lost the will to fight anymore after the passing of my grandpa a few weeks later.  Don't they say that happens so often?  When two people have been together for so long and one passes away.  They kind of loose everything they were living for.

I wanted to pay similar tribute to my grandma and list a few memories of her that I will always hold close.

  • She could talk your ear off.  I would always go up to visit her when I was home but she'd do the majority of the talking.
  • She loved to read and do puzzles.  She usually had both a good book started a puzzle pieces scattered around the living room.
  • She found meaning in everything.  Yes she was a bit of a hoarder but she also kept treasured family pieces and loved to share the story behind things.
  • She loved my grandpa more than anything and fought a hard battle at the end to be able to be home with him and take care of him.
  • She always had her hair done on the top of her head neatly covered with mesh scarf.
  • She would head to town every Friday without fail to do her errands.
  • She loved garage sales and normally had a list of ones she wanted to hit up.
  • Her and grandpa had a thing for Ziggies and could usually be found there on a Sunday afternoon.  We even had their 50th wedding anniversary there.
  • She was an amazing gardener.  She grew the most beautiful flowers in the multiple beds around the house.

Again I am so thankful for the many years I had her in my life.  I am so thankful that she was able to be at school events and graduation.  I am so thankful that she was able to be at our wedding.  I am so thankful that she got to meet and HOLD Mara.  Love you gram.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mara-22 Weeks

Weight: I'm not exactly sure where you stand on this one.  I think you're still hovering around 16 to 17 pounds.  We go in for your six month (when did you get to be six months?!) in about a month so we'll find out the exact numbers then.

* We just went in for your 5 month shots and you were 16 lbs. 11 oz. and 25.5 inches long.

My overalls.  80's style!

Health: We just got you over your cold from our trip when you and I had to fly back to Illinois for Great Grandpa's funeral.  There was a man on the plane who was sniffling and he definitely gave it to you. So we're back using the Nosefrida and eucalyptus rub on your feet. I accidentally broke the humidifier today while cleaning it so I hope you don't go downhill because we're unable to run it.

Your skin is clearing up!  FINALLY!  You still scratch your head at night for comfort so you occasionally open it up. We just ran out of the lotion that was helping so I need to order some more stat!

You do have a slight rash on your belly.  I don't know if you are reacting to a lotion or if its an internal allergy.  We're using some hydrocortizone cream to clear it up. It flared up when we went to Illinois but it seems to be getting better.

Sleeping babe

Social: You are still pretty social but have recently started to develop a bit of "stranger danger".  While in Illinois all you wanted was your mama.  I don't blame you.  There were a lot of new faces in a short amount of time.  Regardless you were a trooper and were still full of smiles for all those who talked to you.

Love this outfit on her.  She looks so grown up.

Diet: You are still breastfed but we have started baby food purees.  You have tried sweet potatoes and avocado.  You love the sweet potatoes but aren't too sure about the avocado.  I think you maybe we a bit fussy and tired when you had the avocado so we'll give it another go tomorrow.  We are slowly introducing food to make sure you aren't allergic and today I made some roasted red pepper for you to try.

You love to "help" feed yourself and insist on having your own spoon to hold.  I find this makes it easier to get the food in your mouth so we let you experiment with holding your spoon while we feed you with another.  You don't mind having food all over your and love to squish it between your fingers.  It looks like we'll be increasing the number of baths you get!

Mama there's not more?

Clothes: You are in 6 month clothes exclusively although they are starting to get a little tight.  I find the 6-9 month or 6-12 month things fit best.  You have lasted the longest in these clothes but I think we will be moving on to 9 month clothes in a few weeks.

Your diapers are not fitting so well anymore.  I don't know what it is but we've got to figure it out soon.  I hate that they are leaking in the leg holes.  I don't know if I'm overstuffing them or if they need to be on the next biggest snap level.

Grandma and Grandpa bought Mara a new toy.

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you explore your new toys we picked up at the consignment sale.  You love playing with your piano and activity table.  You don't like to lay down with these new toys and love to sit up while playing.

I loved watching you talk to your daddy via FaceTime while we were in Illinois.  He missed you so much and you definitely recognized his voice.  You would just sit and babble to him while trying to get mama's phone in your mouth.

Hanging out with Great Gram

Crying: You are still having fussy times at night.  I think its getting better with a slightly earlier bedtime.

You are going through some kind of a phase.  I don't know if its a growth spurt or if you're teething but you are fussier than normal throughout the day.  During the day you will only play on your own for about half the amount of time you used to.  Now you fuss till Mama picks you up.  Its a bit trying but I know this is just a phase and you'll get through it.  Our carriers have been life savers during this time.

Happy St. Paddy's!

Sleep:  You are now sleeping in your own room!  You went into your room with no issues!  It was amazing!  Right now our bedtime routine is to swaddle you and then we nurse.  After about ten minutes you are out cold.  For the most part you will sleep at least three hours before waking up although the last couple of nights you have fussed a bit within the hour of being put down.  We have let you self sooth for a few minutes and you're out again.  I don't think you're even really awake but just crying in your sleep.

Like I said we had to go back to swaddling you.  Without the swaddle you wake yourself up with your hands.  Its a battle.  I am hoping it would get better but I'm not sure what the long term is for this.  Right now the swaddling is calming you so we'll stick with it.

The pacifier will soothe you a bit in the middle of the night but for the most part you seem very hungry when you wake up.  You are still waking up twice a night to feed.  I know these nighttime feedings are good for you but I am living for the day we can eliminate one.  The other night you slept 4.5 hours and that felt like a dream.

Mornings are still the same with you sleeping fairly light.  I usually bring you to bed with me after Josh leaves and you seem to sleep better then.  The downside of that is I don't.

Calling Nana and Grandma

This Week: This week we flew back to Illinois for your Great Grandpa's funeral.  You did amazing on the plane.  It was such a joy to travel with you girl.  You also did really well at the services bringing smiles to those who needed it.  We missed your daddy a ton and were excited to get back to him and our normal routine.

Baby Likes: You are still chewing on anything you can get your mouth on: glasses, toys, fingers, table corners.  You are still loving your jumper and toys.  You are constantly playing.  Your new favorite toy is your piano.  You slam your hands down on it and love hearing the "music" you are playing.

You love the mornings and are so happy when you wake up.  You get very excited when I come get you and smile.  Once I pick you up its like you've never seen the house before.  You are smiling at every corner as we go change your diaper and love to babble away.  Its like you're filling me in on your dreams.

Buddy still has your constant attention.  You love petting him and thank goodness he's so patient with you.  You grab his ears, nose and hair.

Loving this color combo

Milestones: You are officially eating table food!!  We have done sweet potatoes and avocado.  We will be trying red peppers soon and then maybe throwing in bananas.

You are completely mobile with your rolling.  You easily roll from side to side and now use it to get where you want to go.

You are sitting up!  Just when I was getting over the awe of you rolling over you decided that you were done laying down.  You still don't have this one completely mastered but you hate to play laying down now.  We have had a few tumbles but for the most part you're pretty resilient.

You are doing great in the stroller.  You love sitting up like a big girl and its really fun to take you outside for a walk.  I see a lot of stroller walks in our future especially as the weather is getting warmer.  
You are babbling all the time and recently have started to say more syllables.  You laugh at me when I say mama and dada to you.  It's like you're saying, "Funny mom.  I'll say what I want when I want."

Best of Times:  Getting to see family despite the sad circumstances.  Also loving seeing you explore new foods and getting it all over you!

You are just a little person.  I love seeing your personality bud and grow.  You fill my days with so much joy and laughter little girl!

Worst of Times:  I'd say night time is still the worst of times.  I'd kill for a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep but I have to keep reminding myself that we're getting there.

Monday, March 17, 2014


On March 6, my grandfather passed away.  He was 99 years old.  For the past few months he had slowly been going downhill and I had come to peace that his time was getting short.

Although his passing was hard, I really tried to focus on all the memories I have of him rather than the sorrow currently felt.

  • He was constantly telling a story about his childhood.  He'd tell the same story over and over again mostly for the lesson embedded within.  Sometimes it just took awhile for that lesson to set in :)
  • He loved his sweets.  Cookies, cookies, cookies.  But he always shared!
  • His favorite thing to do was talk about the farm and would ALWAYS ask "what the word was".
  • He loved westerns and could usually be found with a good book in his hand.
  • He lived in flannel shirts and overalls. Oh and that straw hat.
  • He was as stubborn as they come but in that good way where he always got his way with a quick smile. 
  • His smile.  I got my dimples from him.
  • He was a great mentor.  Teaching my dad and then my brother and I the ins and outs of the farm.
  • He would spend hours walking the pasture.  
  • He would always show up hours early when we'd ask his help and stay hours later even when we didn't ask.
  • He was an avid poker player and carried around a tub of pennies just in case someone wanted to get a game going. 
  • He knew the meaning of hard work.
  • He had so much practical knowledge despite his little schooling.
I'm so thankful for the many years I had my grandpa in my life.  I am so thankful that he was able to be at my high school performances and graduation.  I am so thankful that he was at my wedding.  I am so thankful that he got to meet Mara.  He lived a long life and I am so proud to have known him.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hugs & Kisses Round 2

*My first experience with Hugs & Kisses can be found here

The Hugs & Kisses Consignment sale is one of the largest child sales in the Fayetteville area.  They have everything you'd need from birth to junior high!

Again I was stressing a little bit about getting some of the bigger ticket items on our list but had high hopes because a friend of mine had given me a pass that would allow me to shop two hours earlier than what I had planned. Consignment sales are great for the savings but definitely get overwhelming with the number of people grabbing things.  I'm usually 50/50 going into the sale.  50% excited. 50% stressed.

This year I was extra nervous because I had to take Mara with me.  I knew this sale ment at least an extra 30 minutes waiting in line before my designated time and then up to two hours shopping and check out time.  I didn't know if she would last that long.

Well I didn't give my girl enough credit.  It was me who was at my last straw by the end of the day.  I swear I was doing circles in the building making sure I didn't forget something.  Not to mention I accidently deleted half of my list and couldn't for the life of me remember what was on it.  (Pregnancy brain has permanently been replaced with mom brain) To top it off the big ticket items we wanted were all sold by the time we got there!

Despite some anxiety, we did pick up a lot of feeding supplies, clothes, and toys for the next few months all at great prices that saved us probably more money than we actually spent.  I even braved the crowds again for the 50% off sale the last day picking up some more outfits. (My girl has too much clothes)

I complain a bit but really this sale is a huge blessing.  We are able to get everything we need for Mara at a reduced price and still in excellent condition!  Childrens items are so expensive now a days and kids go through things so fast.  Its great to know that we are saving that money instead.

I didn't take a photo but here's a brief rundown of what we were able to pick up:

1 swaddler 6-12 month
3 suction bowls with lids
5 feeding spoons
1 squeeze and feed spoon
8 sippy cups
2 mesh feeders
Numerous dresses and outfits for 9 and 12 months
3 cloth diapers
Toy telephone
toy piano
wooden bead maze
place mat
push activity cart
pull up to standing play station
2 pairs of sandals
1 pair of baby keens
1 Clemson cheerleading outfit
1 swim float
2 bathing suits
1 sand pail
1 teething necklace
1 bib

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Life Lately-Rambles

Well hello neglected blog.  It's sure been awhile.  Life has been a little hectic in the Bast household and finding time to write well that's at a premium.

Here's a SHORT rundown of life:

We hit up a consignment sale last week that is one of the largest ones in the area.  This sale is both amazing and so stressful.  We managed to get most of what we'll need for Mara over the next six months and probably bought one too many outfits.

Mara's been a little clingy lately.  She has a cold (again) and may be pushing a tooth through.  Either way its really hard to get anything else done.

My grandpa passed away last week and Mara and I traveled up north to be with family for the services.  Even though the circumstances weren't the best, it was nice to see everyone.

Josh has been very busy at work and getting home late.  This combined with a fussy Mara has not really allowed me any extra time.  Plus although I love this little space of mine, spending quality time with my hubby comes first!

Anyways...I'm back and have a few posts in the works for this week.  Happy Early St. Patty's day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Asheville Area Brewery Guide

On our recent trip to Asheville, Josh and I checked out a ton of breweries.  Asheville has the largest per capita of breweries in the country.  Josh loves craft brews and brews himself so it was natural for us to make sure we checked out a lot of the local scene while we were there.

Overall we made it to ten breweries on our trip.  Here's a little run down on each one along with our favorites.

1. Lexington Avenue Brewery: Located in downtown Asheville, this was a great start to our brewery tour.  We grabbed lunch here and a few pints.  Josh thought the Eleanor Rye IPA was pretty good. Jen didn't prefer the honey wheat due to the sour notes from the belgian yeast. The layout of the restaurant with a huge round glass room in the middle holding the brewing room was impressive.The beer was good but neither of us were impressed enough to warrant making a second trip.

2. Green Man Brewery: One of Asheville's oldest breweries located downtown.  We stopped in here after lunch at L.A.B.  Green Man had a great pub atmosphere and was a nice little place to escape the cold. Josh tried the Seeing Double IPA from Foothills Brewery (see later note) for the first time here and it ended up being one of his favorites. Neither of us were huge fans of the british style of the Green Man's brews.

3. Wicked Weed Brewing: Both Josh and I loved the atmosphere at this place.  With a separate bar downstairs, you can get away from the casual dinners (or be a dinner without the beer crowd!).  The place was packed but we appreciated the quick service and the large beer selection.  They had an outside area which I bet is great in the summer months. There were five different IPA varieties and Josh enjoyed the "Freak of Nature DIPA" the best. Despite not being able to try them all, both of us agreed that this was probably the best of all the breweries we visited.

4. Wedge Brewing Company: This brewery is in the River Arts District and definitely reflects that.  The outside decor seemed to be a collection of whatever had been found at the local scrap yard put together with an artist's eye.  With no inside seating, you have to have a nice day to enjoy this brewery but the food trucks parked outside were a nice touch.

5. Asheville Brewing Company: Asheville's third oldest brewery is combined with a pizza restaurant and movie theater making it an unique experience.  We stumbled onto this one as it is located across the street from a growler store. Josh enjoyed a seasonal IPA that is nowhere to be found online but was better than their Shiva IPA.

6. Tipping Point Brewing: In Waynesville, this small brewery is more a restaurant than bar.  We stopped in for a light lunch and a few pints before heading to Bryson City.  The Punch In the Face IPA was more like a slap in the face at just 4.9%

7. Nantahala Brewing Company: In Bryson City, this brewery uses clean, crisp Great Smoky Mountain water from one of the purest, protected watersheds on the planet.  This brewery had one of the more unique set ups of all the breweries.  They were undergoing lots of construction to build multiple levels and places to hang out.  Its going to be a really great place to hang out come summer. There was a huge open area inside with a band stage and enough space to play a few games of cornhole. While the beers were good, this place probably came in second overall due to the ambiance.

8. Lookout Brewing: In Black Mountain, this nano-brewery specializes in IPA's and session beers.  This brewery was the smaller of the two in Black Mountain but our favorite.  The atmosphere was super relaxed and felt more like hanging out in a friend's garage than in a brewery. Their beer was reasonably priced and really good! Our only disappointment was they didn't have the usual number of IPA's (Josh's favorite) on draft due to a busy weekend and limited production capacity. Thankfully, halfway through the first pint, they brought in a beautifully crafted seasonal double IPA.

9. Pisgah Brewing Company: A local staple, this brewery was voted best brewery in Western North Carolina.  Pisgah specializes in brewing organic beer.  We weren't overly impressed with the beer or atmosphere of this place.  It was pretty quiet and dark inside and the bartender was a bit rude.  We mainly hit it up to be able to say we'd been there.

10.  Foothills Brewery: This brewery got thrown in the mix on a whim.  Located in Winston-Salem, we stopped in here for lunch on our way back from Asheville.  Despite feeling like a chain brewery, I think overall this brewery had a really well rounded selection of brews and a few fun seasonals to throw in the mix.  Josh fell in love with their Seeing Double IPA at the Green Man and ended up filling up a growler to take home.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Daddy Daughter Love

From a self proclaimed Daddy's girl, it just makes my heart melt to see Josh and Mara's relationship blossom.  There is something special about that relationship.  Your dad is the first man you ever love.  The man you compare all men to.  He's your rock and you know he will always be there no matter how hard you fall.

There are things only a Daddy can teach.  Lessons that she will remember forever and some she will wish she could forget.  There will be times when she won't understand his firmness but will be thankful for it in the long run.  He'll drop her off at her first day of school.  He'll kiss her cut when she falls.  He'll cheer her on at her first sport event.  He'll take her car keys away some day.  He'll walk her down the aisle.  He'll shed a tear (or a few) when she lets go of his hand.

This girl loves her daddy.  She can be having the roughest day and then just lights up when Josh walks through the door.  She turns when she hears his voice and looks for him in a crowded room.  Her smile for him just fills my heart with so much joy.

I love watching her reach for him and just look up into his face.  He is the only one who can constantly make her laugh and she loves nothing more then when her daddy gets down on the floor to play with her.

Watching these two love each other is seriously the most amazing thing.  I loved Josh before we had Mara but I didn't know my capacity to love him until I saw him with her.  He is the best daddy to her.

I'm so lucky to have these two in my life and cannot wait to see their relationship continue to grow and blossom.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Baby Wearing aka Our Lifesaver

I had never really heard of babywearing until I was pregnant.  I had seen the popular Baby Bjorn but that was about it.  Different carriers were recommended to us and I thought maybe they might be useful on a long hike or outing.  Today, we wouldn't get through the day without babywearing. Not only do we have a carrier but we have three!

Now its pretty laughable my lack of knowledge was.  Now I'd even consider myself a bit of a baby wearing snob.  I am pretty picky about my carriers and now tend to cringe when I see a baby dangling in a
Baby Bjorn or laying down in one of those sling wraps.  I am always checking out other mama's carriers and will be the first one to ask if I don't recognize it.

Babywearing is so much for us.  First and foremost its the fastest way to calm Mara down.  She loves to be worn and immediately settles when she is put in a carrier.  She usually will  look around a bit but then settles in for a little snooze.  It also promotes attachment.  She loves to be near us, smell our scents and hear our heartbeats.  I love holding her but sometimes it can really do a number on your back and arms.  Bring in the carrier!

Its also super convenient.  Both Josh and I can throw her on our back or side and quickly bring her where ever we're going.  I don't know if you've ever lugged one of those infant car seats around but man are they heavy.  Add a diaper bag and a purse and yeah its hard.  Its so much easier for me to wear her, leaving my hands free, then grab whatever else I need.

We have three carriers.  When Mara was really little I used the Moby Wrap almost exclusively.  The Moby is a jersey fabric that wraps around the parent.  Once on baby just slips inside and is cuddled against the parent's chest.  This was perfect for a newborn because it was a longer wear wrap.  Once you got that thing on you didn't want to take it off or the baby out for a bit.  The downside of the wrap is its made of jersey fabric.  Really after Mara hit 12 lbs I didn't feel comfortable carrying her around in this.  It just stretched too much.  I felt like she was between my knees.

The Moby
Our Ergo is the other carrier we've had and used the longest.  We knew we wanted this carrier from the beginning because we thought it would be great while hiking and outdoors.  Not only does the Ergo do great when we're out and about its great around the house too.  We never bought the infant insert for it (because we had the Moby) and Mara started riding around in it at about 1.5 months.  I just put her legs in fetal position and went from there.  At three months she was finally big enough to ride with her legs out and at four months we started wearing her on our backs.  To say that this carrier is loved by all is an understatement.  Mara loves to be able to see from her perch on our back.  We love how easy it is to wear and get on.  This is normally our go to carrier for all things long.  When we're out and about, traveling, hiking, trying to get her to nap we use it!

Out for a walk
We recently picked up a third carrier, the ring sling.  This is my all-time favorite carrier.  Our ring sling is a woven wrap that has been converted to a sling.  Its so easy to just grab and throw in the diaper bag, then whip out when we get somewhere.  This sling is also perfect for breastfeeding.  I've almost abandoned my old nursing cover for this.  I much prefer to just flip the excess fabric over Mara and go about my business.  Mara doesn't easily fall asleep in this wrap but for the most part I'm not looking for her to fall asleep in it.  My favorite part of this wrap is its just like carrying her on my hip without actually having to carry her!

Sleeping in the sling (a rarity)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Four Month Sleep Regression

I had never heard of the four month sleep regression until we were in the midst of sleep issue last month.  Low and behold of you google four months and sleep you come up with all this information about the sleep regression.  I didn't know that babies are starting to sleep more like adults at this point, not going into deep sleep for almost an hour after they fall asleep.

Mara hit this sleep regression about a month ago.  She went from sleeping anywhere from five to seven hours straight to less than four.  Its so hard to go from getting that much sleep to being thrust back into the middle of the newborn weeks so to speak.  You're cranky, she's cranky, your partner's cranky.  Its just a mess.

We were at a loss as to what to do.  Did we bring her back into the bed with us?  Did I feed her EVERY time she was waking up?  How did we get her back to sleep?  Seriously we were at a lost with that last question.  Mara didn't know how to put herself to sleep without me and nursing.

Looking back on it, that was the key to everything.  We needed to help her figure out how to fall asleep without nursing.  Or more so not using nursing as a crutch.  I started trying to make sure she took her naps without nursing to fall asleep.  The basic sleep, eat, play, and sleep schedule.  She took to this super fast and now won't fall asleep at the breast during the day at all.

The night was a little different of a challenge.  (Mara has always been SUPER different in her sleep trends during the day and at night.) We were still using nursing to help her fall asleep but trying other techniques to keep her that way.  We swaddled.  We used noise machines  We put shirts with our scents in her crib.  She was still waking up every two hours or so.

I was starting to get worried that we had created a habit until our recent trip to Asheville.  As we climbed the mountain Mara was having trouble with her ears.  I stuck her pacifier in her mouth on a whim and she took it!  My daughter does not like her pacifier so this was huge.  Back at home I had a thought, "Why don't I try the pacifier at night?"  I knew she wasn't hungry and thought maybe she'd just use the pacifier for comfort.

I was right.  Slowly two hours became three and last night it was four.  We're getting there.  Slowly but surely we are emerging from this sleep regression.  I'm just thankful that through it all she has consistently slept her 12 hours allowing us to catch up when we needed to.  Hopefully in another week or so we will have a little girl who likes to sleep 5 to 7 hours again.  Dreams people.  A dream!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mara-5 Months

Weight: I just weighed you this morning and I think you are probably around 17 lbs.  Our bathroom scale has been off before so I'm not betting on this number.  Everyone keeps saying how big you're getting.  Daddy and I said last night that we don't really notice it but we see your sweet face everyday.

Loves chewing on glasses

Health: And the cold is back...I think you may have picked something up from the kids at the ski resort day care.  You have been a little stuffed up ever since although its definitely not as bad as last months cold.  At the first sign of congestion we broke out the nosefrida, humidifier with oil and the rub.  Just last night I noticed that you don't sound like you're struggling anymore.

The teething is still going.  We see a ton of drool everyday along with chewing on everything.  We are still putting pumpkin butt oil on your gums and you love it.  I swear you'd drink the bottle if we let you.

Your skin is giving us the most worries as of late.  It still seems dry although we slather it up multiple times a day.  This dryness leads you to scratch which opens it up.  Last night as I was putting you to bed you did a number on your face.  So much so I had to bring you out to your Daddy for help in getting you taken care of. We've been trying honest company cream, this one with honey in it, coconut oil, aveeno baby, etc.  We also put hydrocortisone cream on you as well to help with the itch.

Mara's been to more breweries than most her age

Social: You are super social all the time.  You give everyone smiles and love to hang out with whomever wants to hold you at the moment.  You really love kids your age and reach for them.  I really need to get you in a playgroup where you can check out other kids.

playing with those feet

Diet: You are still breastfed but we have been experimenting with food.  On our trip you loved sucking on bananas and pickles.  Weird but whatever works.  You have also had the naked brand juice mango and blueberry flavors and LOVED them.  You even at them from a spoon!  I think you may be ready for real food soon.  We're going to try to hold off another month or so but I'm thinking its time to start filling the freezer with some homemade baby food!

More feet

Clothes: You are mainly in 6 month clothes although your 3-6 month things are still in your drawer.  They barely fit you but I'm still trying to get that one last wear out of them.  You seemed to have stalled a bit in the growing out of clothes but I'm sure now that I've said that we'll be in 9 month things tomorrow.  We've had some issues with your cloth diapers leaking since you've been sleeping on your side but I think that's just user error rather than an issue with fit.

She loves pickles!

Mama's Favorites: I'm just loving this stage.  You are so much fun little girl.  You laugh easily and playing with Mommy and Daddy are your favorite things.  You still love to be worn and will only nap if you're in the carrier.

I'm also getting really excited to hit up the local consignment sale next week to shop for all we will need for the next six months.  Its crazy to me to think of you and what you'll need at 1 year of age?!

Crying: You're nights have continued to be a bit fussy.  I have a suspicion that you are wanting an earlier bedtime but we keep putting it off because I want to give you and Daddy sometime in the evenings together.

Love this smile

Sleep: You are still sleeping in your crib with no issues.  We had a few nights that were rough on our trip but even pulling you into our bed one night didn't really affect you.  We are no longer swaddling you to sleep and you aren't flailing to wake yourself up.  This is a huge relief because we were running out of swaddlers to fit you.

You are now sleeping on your side and seem to do best when we lay you down like this.  You sometimes roll to your back but then you seem to sleep lighter.  Right now we're working on sleeping longer stretches of time at night.  You were waking up every two hours wanting to nurse.  I KNOW you're not hungry so we're working on getting back to those longer stretches before every two hours becomes a habit.

Lately you have been taking a pacifier to soothe yourself back to sleep at about 1am and will sleep another hour or so until you really want to eat.  Last night after a little while of holding the paci in your mouth you went down again until 4 am!

You're still a catnapper and I don't know if we're going to be able to change this.  You did sleep long stretches on our trip if we were in the car but this is the only time you will do so.

We've moved the jumper into the bathroom so mama can get her shower in the morning

This Week: We went on our first big vacation as a family of three.  You did amazing!  You were so flexible and willing to sleep on us or in the car.  We just got back home and you've adjusted so easily.  Its like we weren't even gone.  I love how adaptable you are girl and appreciate that we can cart you just about everywhere.

This grin

Baby Likes: You still love glasses and chewing on the rims.  You still love your jumper although it is on its last leg.  We can't make it any taller for you!  You are obsessed with toys.  You grab them and shove them in your mouth.

You love giving kisses.  You squeal and then grab our cheeks to lay a wet one on us.  You usually can't stop with one and do it a couple more times.  This melts my heart.

You love your Daddy and sometimes he's the only one who can make you smile when you're fussy.

You also love getting your diaper changed although you're making it much harder with all the rolling around now.  Buddy is also your new obsession, to his dismay.  You stare and laugh at him.  When you're close enough you grab fistfulls of his hair in your attempt to "pet" him.

She loves playing on her mat with all her toys

Milestones: So many things!  I feel like you've changed overnight.  You are rolling from back to belly now with ease.  You just did it one day like it was nothing.  You didn't get your hand stuck or anything.

You found your feet!  You love grabbing them and pulling them up although you can't quite get them to your mouth yet.

This shot just captures her personality
You are also no longer distracted when we take something away from you.  You used to not even notice but now you do!  You get mad if we take that napkin away that's coming apart in your mouth or something you shouldn't be sucking on.

You love tasting new things and loved eating mango and blueberries.  I'm guessing you're going to be such a good eater.

You're still super vocal and are babbling most of the day.  You have recently found your squeal and give these ear piercing screams just to hear yourself.  You think its funny while mom and dad cover our ears.

You are getting closer to sitting up on your own.  You can pretty much do it if you lean forward.  I think you'll have it mastered in the next month or so.  You already show signs of frustration when you have to lay down to play with your toys now.  You're ready to sit.

In her stroller like a big girl

Best of Times:  Our family trip!  I can't say how good you were little girl.  I hope you're going to be a great traveler!

Five months already?

Worst of Times:  Your fussy times at night.  Although they are super minor in the grand scheme of things its rough.  You're so happy the rest of the day that its so weird that you get so upset then.  Again I think you're just overtired but we'll work though it!
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