Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mara-22 Weeks

Weight: I'm not exactly sure where you stand on this one.  I think you're still hovering around 16 to 17 pounds.  We go in for your six month (when did you get to be six months?!) in about a month so we'll find out the exact numbers then.

* We just went in for your 5 month shots and you were 16 lbs. 11 oz. and 25.5 inches long.

My overalls.  80's style!

Health: We just got you over your cold from our trip when you and I had to fly back to Illinois for Great Grandpa's funeral.  There was a man on the plane who was sniffling and he definitely gave it to you. So we're back using the Nosefrida and eucalyptus rub on your feet. I accidentally broke the humidifier today while cleaning it so I hope you don't go downhill because we're unable to run it.

Your skin is clearing up!  FINALLY!  You still scratch your head at night for comfort so you occasionally open it up. We just ran out of the lotion that was helping so I need to order some more stat!

You do have a slight rash on your belly.  I don't know if you are reacting to a lotion or if its an internal allergy.  We're using some hydrocortizone cream to clear it up. It flared up when we went to Illinois but it seems to be getting better.

Sleeping babe

Social: You are still pretty social but have recently started to develop a bit of "stranger danger".  While in Illinois all you wanted was your mama.  I don't blame you.  There were a lot of new faces in a short amount of time.  Regardless you were a trooper and were still full of smiles for all those who talked to you.

Love this outfit on her.  She looks so grown up.

Diet: You are still breastfed but we have started baby food purees.  You have tried sweet potatoes and avocado.  You love the sweet potatoes but aren't too sure about the avocado.  I think you maybe we a bit fussy and tired when you had the avocado so we'll give it another go tomorrow.  We are slowly introducing food to make sure you aren't allergic and today I made some roasted red pepper for you to try.

You love to "help" feed yourself and insist on having your own spoon to hold.  I find this makes it easier to get the food in your mouth so we let you experiment with holding your spoon while we feed you with another.  You don't mind having food all over your and love to squish it between your fingers.  It looks like we'll be increasing the number of baths you get!

Mama there's not more?

Clothes: You are in 6 month clothes exclusively although they are starting to get a little tight.  I find the 6-9 month or 6-12 month things fit best.  You have lasted the longest in these clothes but I think we will be moving on to 9 month clothes in a few weeks.

Your diapers are not fitting so well anymore.  I don't know what it is but we've got to figure it out soon.  I hate that they are leaking in the leg holes.  I don't know if I'm overstuffing them or if they need to be on the next biggest snap level.

Grandma and Grandpa bought Mara a new toy.

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you explore your new toys we picked up at the consignment sale.  You love playing with your piano and activity table.  You don't like to lay down with these new toys and love to sit up while playing.

I loved watching you talk to your daddy via FaceTime while we were in Illinois.  He missed you so much and you definitely recognized his voice.  You would just sit and babble to him while trying to get mama's phone in your mouth.

Hanging out with Great Gram

Crying: You are still having fussy times at night.  I think its getting better with a slightly earlier bedtime.

You are going through some kind of a phase.  I don't know if its a growth spurt or if you're teething but you are fussier than normal throughout the day.  During the day you will only play on your own for about half the amount of time you used to.  Now you fuss till Mama picks you up.  Its a bit trying but I know this is just a phase and you'll get through it.  Our carriers have been life savers during this time.

Happy St. Paddy's!

Sleep:  You are now sleeping in your own room!  You went into your room with no issues!  It was amazing!  Right now our bedtime routine is to swaddle you and then we nurse.  After about ten minutes you are out cold.  For the most part you will sleep at least three hours before waking up although the last couple of nights you have fussed a bit within the hour of being put down.  We have let you self sooth for a few minutes and you're out again.  I don't think you're even really awake but just crying in your sleep.

Like I said we had to go back to swaddling you.  Without the swaddle you wake yourself up with your hands.  Its a battle.  I am hoping it would get better but I'm not sure what the long term is for this.  Right now the swaddling is calming you so we'll stick with it.

The pacifier will soothe you a bit in the middle of the night but for the most part you seem very hungry when you wake up.  You are still waking up twice a night to feed.  I know these nighttime feedings are good for you but I am living for the day we can eliminate one.  The other night you slept 4.5 hours and that felt like a dream.

Mornings are still the same with you sleeping fairly light.  I usually bring you to bed with me after Josh leaves and you seem to sleep better then.  The downside of that is I don't.

Calling Nana and Grandma

This Week: This week we flew back to Illinois for your Great Grandpa's funeral.  You did amazing on the plane.  It was such a joy to travel with you girl.  You also did really well at the services bringing smiles to those who needed it.  We missed your daddy a ton and were excited to get back to him and our normal routine.

Baby Likes: You are still chewing on anything you can get your mouth on: glasses, toys, fingers, table corners.  You are still loving your jumper and toys.  You are constantly playing.  Your new favorite toy is your piano.  You slam your hands down on it and love hearing the "music" you are playing.

You love the mornings and are so happy when you wake up.  You get very excited when I come get you and smile.  Once I pick you up its like you've never seen the house before.  You are smiling at every corner as we go change your diaper and love to babble away.  Its like you're filling me in on your dreams.

Buddy still has your constant attention.  You love petting him and thank goodness he's so patient with you.  You grab his ears, nose and hair.

Loving this color combo

Milestones: You are officially eating table food!!  We have done sweet potatoes and avocado.  We will be trying red peppers soon and then maybe throwing in bananas.

You are completely mobile with your rolling.  You easily roll from side to side and now use it to get where you want to go.

You are sitting up!  Just when I was getting over the awe of you rolling over you decided that you were done laying down.  You still don't have this one completely mastered but you hate to play laying down now.  We have had a few tumbles but for the most part you're pretty resilient.

You are doing great in the stroller.  You love sitting up like a big girl and its really fun to take you outside for a walk.  I see a lot of stroller walks in our future especially as the weather is getting warmer.  
You are babbling all the time and recently have started to say more syllables.  You laugh at me when I say mama and dada to you.  It's like you're saying, "Funny mom.  I'll say what I want when I want."

Best of Times:  Getting to see family despite the sad circumstances.  Also loving seeing you explore new foods and getting it all over you!

You are just a little person.  I love seeing your personality bud and grow.  You fill my days with so much joy and laughter little girl!

Worst of Times:  I'd say night time is still the worst of times.  I'd kill for a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep but I have to keep reminding myself that we're getting there.

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