Friday, July 31, 2015

17 Weeks with Baby #2

This week was a whirlwind!  Our move went smoothly and for the most part the plane rides were pretty comfortable for me. I did get a few bumps and bruises trying to install Mara's car seat but otherwise came out pretty much unscathed.

I've been finding that I'm most comfortable on my left side while sleeping.  Getting any sleep on my stomach is pretty much out of the picture and my back is a big no no.  Otherwise I feel pretty normal.  I do get tired a lot quicker and really don't feel like I did at this point with Mara.

Hopefully we will get established at a doctor pretty soon.  I am trying to keep an open mind about it as I really want to deliver this baby here in Georgia mainly because of the convenience of it.  I really don't want to fly home to only sit for a few months.  I am also really excited to see this little one again and just make sure everything is ok.  I have been feeling small kicks now and again but really nothing with any consistency.

I've been starting to see some of the same symptoms that I had with Mara.  A few of the veins in my legs are enlarged and I only hope they don't burst like they did during my last pregnancy.  My hands also go numb when I sleep.  It's a really strange thing and I remember getting it with Mara.  My only thought is it's because they are under my pillow and thus above my heart.

I was thinking about this pregnancy the other day and was a little sad that it's going so fast.  I almost feel guilty that I am not as "in-tune" with it as I was with Mara.  Life has been so busy and unfortunately most days I forget that I am pregnant.  I don't know if this is normal with pregnancy #2 but I hope so.  For the most part I chalk it up to the move and chasing after Mara.

For comparison 17 weeks with Mara!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

We Made It!

Well we've made it.  Josh, Mara, myself and even Buddy survived the two full days of travel.  Looking back on it, the flights actually weren't that bad.  Do I want to do that trip anytime again soon?  Not so much...

Thankfully upon our arrival we were taken straight to our home.  Apparently this is really unusual for this post.  Usually embassy personnel spend up to three months in temporary housing while their house is readied.  During this time they basically only have what they brought in their bags.  We were so blessed to not have to deal with that.  Not only did we move in immediately but the very next day our unaccompanied baggage shipment arrived!  We were super excited to receive some of the necessities from home including more cat food, Mara's toys and more clothes for all!

Our home is beautiful.  We are on the top floor of an apartment complex although our place in no way feels like an apartment.  We have two floors with the bedrooms upstairs and the main living areas down.  Our favorite part thus far has to be the many balconies.  We weren't sure if we would get any outdoor space but have three spacious terraces that outlook the most amazing view.  Read city skyline to the east and picturesque mountains to the west.  A little icing on the cake is the cutest playground right in the compound that we have already visited twice since being here.  Mara is in heaven.

Right now our struggles are what every family moving half-way around the world experience lol.  We're still adjusting to the time zone, sleeping too late and waking at weird hours of the night.  We're trying to unpack.  We literally have clothes everywhere.  We're trying to get the necessities in the house.  You know food and water.  No biggie :)  We're trying to bridge the language gap.  We knew they didn't speak a lot of English here but yeah they really don't speak English here.

Today is Josh's first day of work so to speak.  He'll spend the next week or so in processing at the embassy.  Hopefully this goes smoothly as this is the first step in getting the rest of our things and really getting into the grove of life here.  We are still car-less and will be till mid-September.  It's weird being somewhat stranded.  There are still taxis but I think both of us are a little gun shy on the language barrier thing.  We have also met a few neighbors and other embassy staff.  All are so kind and I think will make this transition even easier.

It all takes time.  We'll get settled again and find that new normal.  Tbilisi will soon become home!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

And So Starts the Journey...

Well it's about that time. As we embark on this trip I ask that you keep my little family in your thoughts and prayers.  Please pray for Mara that this trip goes smoothly and she quickly adjusts to the new time zone with little disruption to her sleep.  Please pray for us that we handle the stress of travel well and enjoy this transition time as a family.  Please pray for Buddy (our cat) that he makes the long journey safely as well.  Please pray for the family we're leaving behind.  Please pray for the adventure that lays ahead.

So long U.S.!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

16 Weeks with Baby #2

Well we're finally caught up with these posts.

This week Mara and I traveled back to North Carolina to be reunited with Josh.  At the end of the week we'll start the long journey overseas!

I'm so thankful that I've been feeling really well.  I really haven't had any true pregnancy symptoms this week other than getting bigger. Again I feel like this pregnancy is flying by and that I'm not really soaking it in.  Not that we haven't been busy with the move and general life.  We are already at the four month point and almost halfway!

I'm getting anxious to find out if we'll be adding a little girl or boy to the family.  Essentially I think we'd be able to find out now but we'll wait till we get settled and established with the medical community over there.  Hopefully it will go smoothly and we'll be satisfied with the level of care available.

Food cravings are becoming a regular thing around here.  Lately it's been everything Asian!  I'm also really excited to have Indian tonight.  My sweet tooth is still there but not as intense as it was with Mara and just my normal self lol.

I've been wearing a lot of maternity clothes already.  It's probably not extremely necessary but is more comfortable.  My regular jeans don't fit anymore but the full belly of maternity pants isn't comfortable yet.  I'm ready to have my full wardrobe back and some options!

Otherwise nothing exciting here.  I'm ready to be in our new home and seriously hope it doesn't trigger the nesting stage early like moving did with Mara.

For comparison 16 weeks with Mara!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Saying Farewell

I've been putting this post off for awhile now.  For the most part we've already said our goodbyes to our friends and church family here.  Our bags are packed and we're literally just waiting for the day we can fly.

Every move is hard in its own way and I don't think the reality of this one has hit yet.  We've been so blessed with an amazing community here.

We had friends from past assignments who graciously welcomed us in to their home and lives when we first came.  We found the best church and quickly formed friendships that will span the test of time and space.  We were ushered into the Army community at Josh's work like we had always been there.

It's hard to leave these people and to really put into words the impact they've had on our lives.  We've celebrated births, survived deployments and just lived the everyday life together.  They have made our time here in North Carolina unforgettable.

In this military life we call normal it's inevitable that someone is always moving on.  It's the nature of the beast.  But no one ever says goodbye for good.  See you later is the catch phrase heard at farewells and going away lunches.

So, "see you later!" North Carolina and all the amazing people you brought into our lives.  We pray that down the road we all run into each other again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

15 Weeks with Baby #2

It is so refreshing to be in the second trimester!  I love everything that it brings.  You aren't so big that you're uncomfortable yet and you usually can get some pretty decent sleep.

Despite Mara waking up a lot in the night I've been sleeping great.  It is a little difficult to get comfortable but not horrible yet.  I can already feel my abs weakening which I hate.  I really have no excuses for the lack of exercise.  I still find myself on my back a lot while sleeping.  It's strange because it's a position I normally hate but has been the most comfortable for me as of late.  I need to break the habit as I am getting to big for it to be safe.

I got to feel the first sweet flutters this week.  It's a bit earlier than what I felt with Mara (I think) but I believe that's normal for the second one.  Maybe I don't have an anterior placenta again and that's why I am feeling things sooner.  After the first flutter I began noticing them more and more.  Last night I got some serious (for this stage) true kicks.  It was such a sweet moment as I was laying in bed cuddling with Mara.

The belly is still growing at a rapid rate.  I hope at this point I just look pregnant and not chubby.  I hate that stage in between.  I'm looking forward to our flight out at the end of this week and thankful that I am feeling good for it!

For comparison 15 weeks with Mara!

Monday, July 20, 2015


From Wisconsin we traveled down to Illinois.  Josh's parents were nice enough to take us which made it super convenient for us! It's so nice that our families live so close and make visiting both on one trip doable.

Our time in Illinois is usually a bit more low key because of the nature of our families.  My parents are still working and pop in and out accordingly.  My brother is younger and still single as well so Mara is the only young one running around.

Most days we hung around my parents' house relaxing and playing.  My mom has kept practically all of our toys so Mara is in heaven.  They also have a spare bedroom that has been converted to a toy room and mom set it up with all of her favorites.  She has been sliding and cooking in the playhouse all week.

This past weekend we were able to visit with Mallory and Patrick as well.  They are so awesome and always make a point to come down from the suburbs when we are in town.  This time we tried out a new restaurant in a neighboring town and then walked around the mall a bit.  It was pretty low key but it is always great to get to catch up with them.

On Sunday we went swimming at my Aunt Donna's.  Mara loves the water so she was right at home in her float and splashing on the steps. One of her favorite things was to watch her Daddy dive off the diving board.

Josh had to fly back in the middle of the second week here.  We had a few things to take care of before leaving.  Mara and I, however, hung around Illinois and enjoyed some more time at Grandma & Grandpa's.

We did the usual shopping trip with Mom.  I stocked up on a lot of post baby clothes.  I didn't really want to buy a lot of maternity clothes this time around as I already have a bunch.  I instead opted for a few I could still wear now and will be able to afterwards.  I did pick up a few maternity pieces especially a nice dress for any special occasions.

We also ran a few errands to the local craft store.  We decided to make a window seat for my mom's bedroom and picked up the foam and fabric.  Unfortunately I'll have to sew it overseas and send it back.  Mom's machine just can't handle the thickness.

Otherwise the rest of our time here was spend at my parents hanging out and playing.  It was really nice to see everyone and enjoy a little slower pace of things.  Although we don't want to leave them, we are ready to be reunited with Josh and get settled in our new house.

Georgia here we come!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

14 Weeks with Baby #2

This week we were in Illinois visiting my family.  On Monday we told my dad and brother we were expecting.  We didn't do anything exciting just told them.  Their reactions were to be expected; excited but somewhat reserved.  The next day we dressed Mara up in her big sister shirt and took her to Taco Tuesday night.  It took a little bit for people to start to realize what was going on but everyone was pretty excited.

It's nice to finally have this pregnancy out in the open!  I feel like it's been so much longer than we waited with Mara.  Essentially it's probably only a week or so but it really just felt longer.

Pregnancy symptoms have somewhat vanished.  I have noticed that I am more tired than normal.  For the most part I have been napping with Mara when she does.  My sense of smell is a bit off too.  Josh's morning coffee, which usually smells amazing to me, has recently smelt like tuna fish.  Weird yes I know but....

I can't believe we are officially in the second trimester and well on our way to being able to find out what this little one is.  I haven't had any strong inclinations one way or the other so I guess we'll just see!  I really feel like either would be amazing!

My belly is huge.  If we hadn't had the ultrasound I would have sworn there were two in there.  I know this is my second and they say your body just knows what to do the second time around but I see my friends with their first baby bellies and they are just SO TINY.  I hope I'm not at 20 weeks and looking like I'm going to pop.

For comparison Mara at 14 Weeks!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

13 Weeks with Baby #2

This week we had a fun start traveling from North Carolina to Wisconsin.  It was a long road trip and I am thankful that I had no real serious symptoms.  I did a lot of the driving but didn't get any swollen feet or bloated veins.

My nausea is gone and I just really need to make sure I continue to eat on a timely basis.  There were a few days that I didn't get breakfast soon enough and felt bad.  I get this weird dry mouth sensation when I don't get enough food.  That is something I do not remember with Mara.

We've already had a few encounters with family asking about another baby.  We wanted to keep it a secret from Josh's parents and brother's family until his sister's family could be here.  We plan on telling them all together.  Our niece asked us if we wanted more kids and I had a long conversation about baby names with my sister-in-law.  I think we have them fooled though!


We finally told everyone on Saturday of this week.  We were taking a family photo and Josh told everyone to say "Jen's pregnant!"  It was great because Josh kept snapping through it all and we captured everyone's reactions.  We'll tell the rest of my family on Monday and then we can officially go public with this news.

For comparison 13 weeks with Mara!

Friday, July 17, 2015

12 Weeks with Baby #2

Oh gosh this week was so busy that I got behind on writing these posts.  It's not a huge deal but I know I would look back on it and be upset that I didn't keep track of this pregnancy like I did Mara's.  This week we were super busy preparing to leave North Carolina.  Josh was also recovering from surgery so we had a lot going on.

Overall I felt pretty great though.  I think my nausea is gone as well.  I did get a few killer headaches but again I am so thankful that these are already so much less than they were with Mara.  It just blows my mind how much I forget I'm pregnant.  If my belly wasn't getting bigger I'd question the validity of that test!

We're gearing up to visit family next week and share with them the news.  I can't wait to see the looks on their faces and for it to finally be pretty much out in the open.  We will still have to tell my folks and then we can put it out there on social media.

For comparison 12 weeks with Mara!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

11 Weeks with Baby #2

Well here we are almost finished with the first trimester.  It's really true what they say that the second pregnancy goes much faster.  It makes me feel a little guilty because with Mara I was so focused on the pregnancy and now most days I honestly forget.

This week has been for the most part great.  Josh is finally slowing down so we have had a lot of family time.  It has been good for me because I have had some serious cases of nausea. I also had my first major headache of the pregnancy.  I'm thankful that this is my first one.  With Mara I had a ton so to just have my first is great.

We had our first official ob appointment this week.  It was really kind of pointless hahaha.  Here at Ft. Bragg the first appointment is with a family doctor who basically does a physical and then recommends you to the ob clinic at the hospital.  Well we're not going to get that recommendation because we're leaving so we just went in for the physical.  The one positive is we got to hear the baby's heart beat again.  It was a strong 170 down from 189 at the ultrasound.  I also got a prescription for prenatal vitamins which will save us a few dollars.

I feel like my stomach is still huge.  We were looking at pictures of Mara and I was definitely smaller.  I know it's to be expected but it still awes me every morning.  Again I just hope I can hide it long enough to surprise people when we go home in a few weeks.  I'll be 13 weeks then and will be wearing every loose item of clothing I own!

For comparison 11 weeks with Mara!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

10 Weeks with Baby #2

I think I said this last week as well but time has really flown by lately.  This week was pretty mellow with not a lot going on.  Thankfully I'm feeling pretty normal nausea wise so that has been a blessing.  I may just be past the first trimester sickness.  I did have a few days were I was a little beat but nothing too crazy.  On those days Mara and I just hibernate indoors and watch too much TV.

My most obvious pregnancy symptoms at this point are the vivid dreams and insomnia.  I have the craziest, most realistic dreams throughout the night usually totaling about 5-6.  I also have a lot of trouble falling back asleep.  I get a little uncomfortable but I think it's mainly how awake I am when I do wake up.  I know this eventually passed and I can't wait to get to that point again.

The heat here in North Carolina has been a killer and it is bringing me back to my pregnancy with Mara two summers ago.  Thankfully I am no where near as far along as I was with her.  The warm weather still kicks me in the butt if I am out too long but it's not nearly as bad.

This week was special as I got to celebrate this little one with friends.  I had a last minute shower with Mara thrown by the ladies on our street so it always touches my heart with people go above and beyond for us.  It was just a great lunch! It is so rare to have all my girlfriends in one place and their kiddos.  So many babies and little ones on the way.  It's an exciting time!

I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to hide my belly enough to surprise family with our news. Although the bloat has gone away the belly is there already.  It's crazy how fast your body remembers what to do with number 2!  It makes me wonder if we have more how quickly I will show.

For comparison Mara at 10 weeks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Starved Rock Morning

We were getting a little stir crazy here at my parents so last Friday we decided to get out and do a little hiking.  Josh and I were married at a local state park called Starved Rock.  It is right on the Illinois river and has beautiful canyons and hiking trails.

It had been a few years since we went hiking there and were not able to see all the canyons.  On this trip we decided to take it easy and just stick to the trail headed to St. Louis Canyon.  It was only 1.5 miles out and a fairly easy hike.

Unfortunately the area received a lot of rain recently and the trail was pretty saturated.  We were still  able to hike but the mosquitoes were pretty bad.

Despite that, Mara was a trouper.  She insisted on walking most of the way and probably hiked about a mile.  Once we made it to the canyon Mara and Josh got in the water.  She loved it almost as much as playing in the sand next to it!

After hiking we stopped at the restaurant on the veranda for lunch.  It was the perfect ending to the morning.  I love hiking at Starved Rock and am looking forward to more visits in the future!

9 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has been a blur of activity as we dealt with with our old house and had my mom in town for a few days.  On top of it I am starting to finally feel pregnant.  I've had a little nausea return and just overall have felt really bloated and big.  I know they say you show earlier with your second but I never expected to have a belly this early.

I got to tell my mom this week.  She reacted pretty much as I expected her.  She doesn't outwardly show too much excitement but I know she's excited.  It was really fun to be able to talk about the baby with her and throw around whether this baby is a boy or a girl.

We also had our first ultrasound this week.  Similar to with Mara, our appointment was late (10 pm) Mom had been watching Mara while we attended a dinning out so we swung by and picked them both up on our way to the hospital.  It wasn't the original plan but sometimes Mara has her own plans.  lol

Once we were there we had to wait for almost 30 minutes.  Normally not a huge deal but when you're required to have a full bladder and you're pregnant, it's torture.  I was pacing the waiting room by the time the tech called me back.  This ultrasound was to date the pregnancy and just make sure everything was looking good.  By the measurements we were two days behind what I originally thought.  I don't put much thought into this as baby's will come when they come.

The heartbeat was strong at 189 and the baby was already moving around those arm and feet buds a ton!  With Mara we never had an ultrasound this early so it was kind of neat to see the baby so early. He or she definitely looks a lot different than at 12 weeks!  They always bring Josh in at the end after the exam and I just love the look he gets on his face.  He just kind of melts and it is the sweetest thing.

The rest of the week was somewhat uneventful.  We got some family pictures and I tried to suck it in (and failed).  It was so great to see this little one and really made it real.

For comparison Mara at 9 weeks!!

Monday, July 13, 2015

8 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has been pretty much a complete turn around from last week but I think it's because this week has been so busy.  I haven't had the time to sit down and feel nauseous.  We've had two different movers coming through and three different moves to sort.  Josh has been busy at work so I'm on my own at the house.

I was able to schedule our first ultrasound for next week.  It seems a little early to me as we didn't have one with Mara till 12 weeks but I am excited to see this little one.  That first ultrasound always makes it real for me.  I remember asking the tech with Mara if he was sure there was something in there.  As always with Ft. Bragg and Womack our ultrasound is at a crazy hour.  Thankfully my mom will be in town and will be able to watch Mara while we get the scan done.

My baby bloat has gone down this week.  I felt like I was looking more like 15 weeks along than 8 before this.  I thought it was likely bloat as I carried Mara very similar.

My stomach has started hurting at night if I roll onto it at all.  I had this with Mara too and have already started using another pillow to sleep with at night.  We packed my pregnancy pillow so unfortunately I won't have that till we get settled in Georgia.

I'm struggling with bouts of insomnia too.  I usually fall asleep pretty quickly at night but have a hard time going back to sleep if I have to get up with Mara or when Josh's alarm goes off in the morning.  I typically do fall back asleep but it can take up to an hour.

Otherwise this week has been pretty uneventful.  I am ready to be a little more settled again once the moves are complete and am definitely ready to be less busy.  I see a few afternoon naps in my future along with (hopefully) some nights that Mara sleeps through the night!

Here's Mara at 8 weeks! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

4th of July

This 4th of July was pretty low key for us.  We were excited to be able to celebrate it with family up in Wisconsin and also celebrate a few birthdays. Josh's sister and family we're coming in so it made the day even more special.

We started the day with some swimming at the house Josh's parents were staying at.  Mara slept through most of it but was able to enjoy some swinging and pool time when she got up.  After swimming we headed back to Caleb and Carrie's for dinner.

Right before dinner we decided to do a family picture.  This was probably one of the best moments for us as we took the opportunity to tell the family we would soon be adding another little one to the mix!  From there it was dinner and dessert, including birthday treats for Ani, Caleb and myself.

You can't have the fourth without fireworks so we headed to the local expo center to enjoy the display.  Mara was a trooper staying up till about halfway through.  We were also super impressed that she wasn't scared.  She was in awe of the colors and shapes so much so we are still hearing about them today!

Overall it was a great fourth of July!  Not only did we get to spend it with extended family but it was our first fourth as a family of three!  (Next year we will be four!!)

Uncle Arne brought his snake

swinging with mommy

The Bast Family 

Nana & Papa with their 9 grandkids!

Mara gets personal with the snake

Love how she has her tongue out like the snake

ahhh sweet summertime

7 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has pretty much been similar to my pregnancy with Mara.  I have been dragging my feet like no other and it's everything I can do to get out of bed in the morning.  I have had some nausea but I can usually combat it if I eat something.  At night I also get a lot of stretching and bloating.  Sleep is also hit or miss.  I usually have insomnia and am already having a lot of trouble getting comfortable at night.  I was joking with Josh last night saying that I may break out the pregnancy pillow sooner rather than later.

I had my first ob appointment this week.  Normally I wouldn't go into the doctor this early as I am pretty hands off when it comes to my pregnancies.  I decided to go in early because of our move.  I wanted to get the blood work done and just start the process in hope that we can do an ultrasound before going overseas.

The appointment went well.  Here at Ft. Bragg your first appointment is just basically a lot of information.  What to do.  What not to do.  They ask about your medical history and give you a lot of handouts.  Basically it was all old hat.  The one funny bit was on top of the 9 vials of blood they originally had to take I had to run in right before my appointment for one more.  Guess what they forgot to run?.....the pregnancy test!  Duh!

Otherwise I'm feeling ok.  This has definitely been the worse week for me thus far but I'm hanging in there.  I know I have it a lot better than most and for that I am grateful.  I can't wait for our ultrasound in a couple of weeks and being able to tell my mom when she comes.

Here's Mara at 7 weeks!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Before heading to Georgia we wanted to make sure we got some quality time in with family.  We were so lucky to have all of our family in the same general location currently which allowed us to check in with everyone without making a lot of trips ourselves.

Our first stop was Wisconsin to see Josh's side.  Josh's brother's family is there and his parents were also up visiting.  The usually travel north during the summer (from Florida) to see the grand kids.  The first few days here were slow which was so nice after a long road trip.  We got to visit with the kids and parents while Mara enjoyed running around with her cousins.

I was pleasantly surprised as to how fast she warmed up to the kids.  She loves running around with them and lets the older ones pick her up.  She is also so willing to give out kisses, hugs and high fives all around.

The week went by fast.  For the most part we hung around the house visiting with family and enjoying time together.  We did get out a few times to break up the days.  One day we played at a local park and another we spent shopping new clothes for Josh.

The fourth of July weekend was busy as Josh's sister and family came down from Minnesota.  We went swimming and celebrated birthdays (separate post on this!).  We also took Mara to see her first fireworks in Waukesha and they were a huge hit.  She is still talking about the big booms in the sky!

It was a great week and it went by way too fast!  It's hard to believe it may be years before we see everyone again but we are so thankful that we were able to have this time together.

6 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has brought a lot of pregnancy symptoms.  I'm getting a little nausea at night and definitely have the baby bloats.  I know my stomach will go back down but for now I look like I'm 12 weeks instead of 6.  I have also been really exhausted as of late.  In the mornings it's all I can do to drag my butt out of bed and usually around 4 I hit a wall.  This isn't the most convenient as Mara is still running around then and it's about time to start dinner.

I also haven't been eating the greatest.  Basically if it sounds good at the moment I will eat it.  There's been times when I make dinner to only not want it at all.  Hopefully soon my taste buds will go back to normal.

Today we did all the blood work the hospital requires.  I forgot how many vials they need.  They made me fast and took 9!!  Note to doctors: not a good idea.  By the time it was over I was pretty close to fainting.  I got out of there and grabbed something to eat stat!

I also found out today that one of my close friends here is also expecting!  She's about one week ahead of us.  It's super exciting and I only wish we could go through this entire pregnancy together.  I'm so happy for them and pumped to have another pregnant friend to go through this with.

Otherwise there isn't much new.  Everything is going pretty much as normal.  Next week we have our first appointment and then will schedule our 12 week appointment after that.  It's exciting because hopefully by the 12 week appointment we'll be able to hear this sweet babe's heartbeat.

For comparison Mara at 6 Weeks!

Friday, July 10, 2015

A Letter to My Little Girl

Baby Girl,

You don't really understand yet but your world is going to change.  You will no longer be the center of Mommy & Daddy's world, our sole focus.  You will have to share us with a new little one.

I want you to know this does not change anything.  We won't love you less.  You will always be our baby girl.  The one who made us parents.  Who changed our lives for the better.

We are so excited for you to have a sibling.  We hope you will love having a playmate so close in age to you and will see this as a great gift to our family.

Baby girl we are so excited for you to have a sister or brother.  I can't wait for the day where you two will meet.  I know you will be so loving and caring.   You are the sweetest little girl and I know you will smother this new baby with hugs and kisses.

You will be the best big sister little girl.

We love you!

Mommy & Daddy

5 Weeks with Baby #2

The time seems to be going by a little quicker with this pregnancy than with Mara.  I am still feeling pretty good for the most part but have been experiencing a few first trimester symptoms.  I have serious insomnia at night sometimes sleeping like a rock and others tossing and turning.  The vivid dreams have also come on already.  It's nuts what your mind comes up with!

I have also been feeling a little nausea at night.  For the most part I feel pretty good till about 11 am then I seem to hit a wall.  Usually I push through to Mara's nap where I either nap myself or just sit on the couch.  At about five I'm pretty done and usually am starting to feel kind of crummy.  This is when I get the nausea and a lot of bloating/stretching in my abdomen.

But overall I can't complain.  I know I have it much better than most.  This week I shared with a few of my friends here.  Although we're waiting to tell family (sorry guys we want to do it in person) it's hard to keep it from friends....especially pregnant friends. ;)

On that note, we've decided how we're going to tell our family.  We'll likely get some family photos taken of us with Mara wearing a Big Sister shirt.  Then we'll print them out and give them out saying here's an updated pic of us.  We'll see how long it takes people to notice!

I'm not sure it's completely set in that we're going to have another one yet.  We've started thinking about some things regarding the new baby such as certain things we need to get before our move and what certain things will be like with two instead of one.

With Mother's Day tomorrow, I feel so blessed to have not one but two little blessings who call me Mommy.  It just blows my mind every time I sit down and really think on it.  I mean if this is all I do in my life wow.

For comparison 5 weeks with Mara!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

4 Weeks With Baby #2

We are so excited to be expecting a new little baby.  Even though this babe was semi-planned, I am still in disbelief that we are expecting again.  It's so different having Mara running around and being pregnant again.  With her I was so focused on my pregnancy but now I have a toddler running around.  I feel like I've barely let the news sink in.

I really struggled with how to tell Josh.  With Mara I got him a shirt that said dad.  This time I thought well maybe I'd get him a shirt that said, "Dad2" or maybe get Mara a shirt.  I looked and looked and just didn't find anything.  Finally I settled on a card and threw the pregnancy test in there for good measure.  I think it turned out great as it was actually a really busy day for him.  He got home late and Mara was already in bed.  

We're still not sure how we are going to tell family or when.  I actually told a few of my friends yesterday as we got on the topic and I just couldn't lie.  Since we are in the US (unlike with Mara) and planning a trip to see family soon we may just wait till we're there in person.  We haven't had that opportunity yet and it might be really fun.  We'll probably tell my mom first as she gets here early June when I'll be about 9 weeks along.  

We are so thankful and so excited that the Lord has entrusted another little life to us.  We pray that he or she continues to grow and develop.  Little one we love you so already!!

For comparison 4 Weeks with Mara!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Little Announcement...

We are so excited to announce that we are expecting
 Baby Bast #2! 
Due just after the first of the year.  
Mara is super excited to be a big sister 
(well as much as she can be lol)

We are thankful for this new little life and feel so blessed!

say "Jen's Pregnant!"

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mara-21 Months

Wears: You are still in a mix of sizes.  You are wearing 18, 24 and 2T.  Most of your 18 month pants don't fit anymore so you are wearing 24 or 2T shorts instead.  Your shirts are mainly 18-24 months and the few 2T ones you have are doable but a little long.

You are still in size 3 diapers but once we are done with all the size 3 we are going to switch you to size 4.  We went into the doctor for one last check up before we move and you were 22.8 pounds (20%) and 31.8 inches (25%).

Health:  No major illnesses this month to report.  You are almost over your runny nose.  The doctor said that maybe you have minor allergies.  You also have small patches of eczema on the backs of your legs.  You had this when you were younger too.  It doesn't seem to bother you much during the day but you do itch it at night.  
Says:  You've almost doubled your vocabulary this month.  You try to count but just say, "two, two, two".  You also say dirty, Minnie, Papa, and the end.  Mommy and Daddy have also been able to figure out what you're saying more this month too.  I don't know if you're clearer or we are just able to understand better.

Watching cartoons

she loved crawling in this drawer

Favorite Foods:  You still continue to try most things.  However, if you decide you don't like something it is SO hard to make you try it.  I think you may get this from me (hangs head).  You really love Chipolte and chips this month.

You are still eating all the time and always ask for more.  You have drastically cut back on your nursing this month (not by choice).  Your latch is horrible now-a-days so I only let you nurse for a bit.  Right now you nurse at most 3 times a day and at least once.  Mainly these sessions are at night or when I am putting you down for your afternoon nap.
Mr. Bear had to wear the sticker before Mara wanted to

Not the best month shot but we tried so many times

Sleep: This month has been hit or miss for sleep.  I think it has been hard on you to move to another place.  The majority of this month you have been sleeping regularly: going down at about 9 and waking at about 6.  At that point we bring you into bed with us and you sleep till 8.  We did have a few nights that you were up every two hours.  This was really hard but I honestly think you had a bad dream.  You were really hard to console and just out of yourself.

Best Moment:  My favorite moments this month has just been watching you really love on those you know.  You seem to have deepened your attachments to some people.  You especially love on your daddy and ask where he is constantly.

playing with the water bowls

Milestones: You had your first ballet recital.  Grandma, Mommy and Daddy came to watch.  You did great!

You give fist bumps, high fives and kisses out freely when asked.

You count but only say two as you point to each object.

You play the copy cat game.

You have cut back on nursing.

You pick your scabs and fingernails.

You moved for the first time.

You can push play on multi media devices.

getting in some park time

these two 

Loves To:  You love to chase buddy around. You are terrorizing him girl!

You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love when daddy copies what you do.

You love to tell us you have stinky feet.

You love test your limits.  You push back every time Mommy and Daddy say no.

You love to be in the water.  Swimming and playing with water filled mixing bowls.

ballet recital time

Favorite Toys: books, mickey mouse, tea set, plastic mixing bowls filled with water

grandma came to visit

Dislikes: bath time, getting in trouble, not getting your way

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