Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Weeks 4, 5, & 6

*I kept this journal as time went on to keep track of what I was feeling when we first found out.

Week 4: I am still in shock.  I have to remind myself constantly that there is a precious little baby growing inside of me.  I just don't feel any different.  I expected to be pretty sick (not that that won't happen in the upcoming weeks) initially but thus far I just have a little nausea in the mornings and minor twinges/cramps now and again.

Telling Josh was my favorite thing.  His brother and sister-in-law always get him an "uncle josh" shirt every time they are expecting.  So I got him a "dad" shirt and said, "I thought you needed a new shirt since your role is changing."  The look on his face was priceless.

Overall we're doing well.  A little scared about this new phase of life we're entering but I think that's to be expected.  You go through these waves of excitement and scared excitement and scared, but we feel so blessed that the Lord has entrusted this little life to us.  We are praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Nothing yet. (That pouch is merely the shirt. I promise.)

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s
womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your
works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

Week 5: I think I've gotten over the shock and have entered the planning mode.  This week has been about trying to learn as much as I can about pregnancy.  I'm sure every woman feels this way but, I feel like I know NOTHING about what my body is going through.  I've been looking up every twinge and symptom.  Is this normal?  What can't I do?  What should I be doing?  

Josh has been great and really encouraging.  He's adapted this attitude of "your body knows what its doing". Its really helped me not worry as much.  I don't think the fact that we're going to be parents has sunk in yet.  We were watching one of our friends run around with his little boy the other day and I was like, "Babe, do you believe we're going to have one this year?" Craziness!

I still haven't decided when I want to tell family and friends.  I'm bursting with wanting to share yet don't think its time yet.  We definitely need to visit the doctor and make sure everything is alright in there before sharing at least.  That's another thing we need to do...We need to figure out a decent OB in Kisumu.  We have had pregnant friends see doctors here with mixed reviews.  I'm a little hesitant but know that its going to be necessary.  I'm hoping that we can get an appointment after the honeymoon!

Overall I'm not really physically feeling any different than last week.  I have a little nausea throughout the day.  In the evenings though I've been feeling really bloated.  Its like things in there are stretching, kind of like when you're too full.  The worst thing thus far is the insomnia   I don't know if this is due to the pregnancy, because of excitement or anxiety, or just one of those stretches where you have trouble sleeping.  I do know its getting old fast.  Its been taking hours to fall asleep and then its difficult to stay that way.  I don't want to take anything and am hoping it goes away soon.

5 Weeks

Week 6: It may seem a little crazy but I feel like we've known forever already and time is going by really slowly.  I think I feel this way because I am bursting with excitement and cannot wait until we get to share the news with family and friends.  I'm really thankful that we are headed off on our honeymoon next week and hopefully that will make the time seem to go a bit quicker.

The reality of it all is really starting to set in for us.  It makes me really excited to start talking about how our lives our changing and things we should expect down the road.  Speaking of that, I am starting to look into some pregnancy books.  I'd like to get a couple and do some reading.  Its a bit daunting picking a book as there are literally hundreds out there.  I've been reading reviews and am so thankful to have been given a list by someone who's gone through this a couple of times :)

I'm still feeling really good.  I haven't had much nausea and the stretching feeling has for the most part gone away.  I'm not naive in thinking that it won't come back, but I'm enjoying every good day.  This week I've noticed I'm more tired and have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.  Its hard for me to accept as I am not a napper but I keep telling myself that there's a little baby in there who needs me to rest so he/she can grow.

*Note I wrote this the first day of the week.  I was surprised that literally hours later I was hit with the worse nausea that I had experienced thus far.  I feel lucky that I haven't had to run to the bathroom yet but this week has thus been the worse for stomach.  I've found I feel really poor till about 10 am when I have this crazy spurt of energy.  Then it goes downhill from there and I usually end up camped out on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.

This week I've also noticed how poorly I've been eating lately.  Although I don't have nausea nothing really has sounded good to me.  If you know me, I have to be in the mood for certain foods and can be somewhat of a picky eater.  Unfortunately I haven't been in the mood for veggies.  I have been loving my morning fruit smoothie and my occasional tomato/green pepper salad but its not enough. Case in point: I had box mac and cheese for lunch.  I'm going to try to make a point of improving my diet in the upcoming weeks.  Less starches and sugar.  More protein and veggies.

6 weeks.  Nothing but bloat!


  1. Thanks for sharing your moments. I am thrilled for you and Josh. Can't wait to see you in July for Jillian's wedding.

    1. Thanks Kathy! I told Jill that I will probably be waddling down the aisle by that time. Hopefully the dress still fits!

  2. Yeah! So happy for you two! Can't wait to follow along on this new adventure as ya'll head for the States!


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