Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One Week

Are we really a week out from leaving this place?  This place that we've called home for the past three years. The time seems to only be going by faster as we get closer to our leave date.

Each time I see someone I find myself wondering if its the last.  I've found that in this kind of work you don't say good-bye, just "Till next time."  Sure there may never be a next time but saying that aloud is too sad.  The friends we've made here are some of the greatest.  I've said it before, but it takes a special type of person to live/work in Africa and we have met some of the best people here.  They have made our time in Kenya what it was whether it was on one of our many trips or just hanging by the pool on a Sunday afternoon.  I don't know what we would have done without them.

Kenya has been good to us.  It holds so many firsts for us and for our family.  Its were we met, fell in love, got engaged, married and found out we were expecting.  Its our beginning and its really sad to see that chapter in our lives close.  

I have this bittersweet feeling as we use this week to visit with friends, enjoy "last" dinners and say our good-byes.  Yes its hard.  Its always hard.  But at the same time we're ready.  We're ready for a new adventure and to take that next step in our lives.  The idea of North Carolina is exciting.  A new start and a new stage of life.

I'm sure this week will go by fast.  Time has already shown us that.  I'm just praying that we're able to soak in every second of it.  Make those final memories with friends and toast our farewell over a few last Tuskers.

Asante sana, Kenya!  For everything...


  1. Hi Jen- I can't remember if I have commented recently or not (I have in my head). I feel like our last week in Korea is a blur in my mind...I can't really remember too much, there was so.much.to.do. I am glad y'all gotaway for a few days.
    I totally resonate with, "Sure there may never be a next time but saying that aloud is too sad."

    We will be thinking of you! Safe travels!

    1. Thanks Alissa! We really appreciate the thoughts and the prayers. Things are falling into place here and it'll all get done one way or another.


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