Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weeks 7, 8 & 9

Week 7:  I was a little nervous to head out on our honeymoon after last week's bouts of sickness but was at the same time determined to not let this pregnancy be an excuse to not explore Morocco to its fullest.  My worries were for not as I had a complete turn around.  My nausea has basically gone away as long as I can keep some food in me.  Its been a little difficult finding healthy small snacks to munch on throughout the day but its worth it in the long run.

I feel like my stomach ballooned overnight.  I can no longer suck in my "pouch" and just overall feel a bit chubby.  I really haven't gained any weight yet but I feel like my body is shifting and certain body parts are stretching and getting ready.  I can't have a belly already and feel like the bloating will reduce in the next couple of weeks.

I'm having the craziest dreams.  They're so vivid and some of them a bit disturbing.  I always wake up in a bit of a panic and have to reassure myself that it wasn't real.  I know this is just the overload of hormones but its making falling back to sleep a bit difficult.

Otherwise I feel great!  I think its really starting to sink in for Josh and I that we're going to be parents.  Since we are only in the early stages of this pregnancy I think we sometimes forget about the precious little miracle growing inside of me.  We're both pretty nervous but also excited to start this journey together.

Week 7 A little bloat; getting packed for Morocco!

Week 8:  Being pregnant in Morocco is pretty much the same as being pregnant in Kenya I've found.  Its actually a whole lot easier to eat healthy and not stick out for turning down alcohol.  (Morocco is 98% Muslim)  My body is however not appreciating the winding roads in the mountains.  I have never gotten car sick before but there were some points this week when I thought I was pretty close.  Luckily I packed some mints and sucking on them really seemed to help.

I am still getting some nausea when I haven't eaten in a while.  I'm finding that I need to put something in my stomach about every 4 hours or so.  I shouldn't complain because I know I am so lucky when it comes to this.  Josh and I have a running bet about whether or not I can make it through the pregnancy without "loosing my lunch".  I am determined to go the whole nine yards.  His bet is sometime before the first trimester is up.  :)

This week we bought the first thing for the baby.  We were shopping for Berber rugs and the salesman rolled out one that was meant to bring fertility and lots of children.  It had beautiful animals stitched into it and I just knew we had to get it for the nursery.  Josh agreed and we had a sweet moment over making that first purchase.

I'm getting really anxious to start telling people and some of our friends are starting to look at me funny.  We decided that we would wait to get through the 10th week and then see if we can get an ultrasound.  (The Kenyan elections are in a weeks time and we don't know what the situation will be like afterwards. a.k.a. if it will be safe enough to venture out)  If we can get an ultrasound we're going to try to see if we can hear/see the heartbeat and make sure everything is looking normal.  If we can't I think we'll still go ahead and start sharing with family and friends.  We've been trying to think of creative ways to share but thus far are a bit stumped.  Hopefully we come up with something in the next few weeks.

Week 8

Week 9:  Nothing much has changed this week.  Even though I haven't gained any weight yet, I feel pretty chubby.  If anything, its motivated me to get back in the gym and keep up with my workouts.  I will admit I haven't been as good as I used to be but honestly I just don't have the energy to complete a 30 minute workout anymore.  I've been super tired in the mornings and have just been trying to do what I can.  I think once the first trimester is over I'll be able to get in some longer gym sessions.

No nausea during the day although I do feel it at night.  I've also found that my stomach has really been hurting during the night if I sleep on it.  I'm trying to change my sleeping habits because I know sooner rather than later my stomach will be too big to sleep on.  Maybe these pains are my body's way of telling me this needs to happen asap.

I had a really hard time not telling my mom yesterday.  She was going on about future vacation plans and was wondering if we'd have kids by then.  I wanted to scream, "YES!" but held my tongue.  It was even harder when she said she was going to start cleaning the house out and said we could have the crib when the time came if we wanted it.  Only another two weeks or so till we can start spreading the good news!

9 Weeks.  The bloat has gone down!

1 comment:

  1. Jen - I can't believe that you did not tell your momma :) I think that will be the hardest for me (someday, in a bajillion years when we are prego).


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