Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 13

This week I'm really excited as we are headed to the beach for a little relaxation and some ultimate Frisbee.  I am a little nervous about playing as I don't want to overdue it.  I'm pretty good at listening to my body but I am worried about getting accidentally knocked over or ran into.  Otherwise I've been feeling really good.  My nausea is next to gone and even my insomnia has cleared up.  I've found that my hips are starting to hurt at night and I started trying to sleep with a body pillow.  Its a bit difficult as it takes up some space in the bed at night.  I've already gotten my head stepped on by Buddy because he couldn't figure out how to get out of the bed due to the pillow.  I've also finally put on a few pounds and my belly is starting to really show (in my opinion).

We were also able to connect with Josh's brothers to tell them.  It was really great to finally tell all of our family and friends.  Next week we are thinking of putting it on facebook and letting the rest of the world know so to speak.  I know my mom really would like us to make it public as she is dying to share with her friends and colleagues.

I have also started the long process of researching baby items.  Its all a little foreign to me and a tad overwhelming.  I've found that if I just take one item at a time its not so bad.  Right now I'm most concerned about safety, of course, and making the best use of the item.  I'm trying to find things that will last more than one baby and if possible grow with the child.  I'm all about multipurpose and saving money especially as we're not sure if I'll be working when we're in North Carolina.

Otherwise we're doing great, all three of us!  :-) We haven't really started thinking about names or the nursery.  I think we'll wait till we get back to the U.S.  Its funny to me how this doesn't stress me out.  Usually I would like to be 10 steps ahead of the game but I'm enjoying just treasuring every minute of being pregnant.  I'm sure the next 6 months will go by fast.

I'd say this is the first real bump picture!

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