Wednesday, April 17, 2013

16 Weeks

4 months?! How did we get here so quickly? Overall I'm still feeling pretty good.  I have had a lot of trouble sleeping lately though.  The body pillow isn't cutting it anymore and I'm waking up with a lot of hip pain.  I'm not sure what else I can do to combat this but hopefully it doesn't get worse.

Still no movement from Baby Bast yet.  They say it will feel like flutters but I'm not exactly sure what flutters are supposed to feel like.  Sometimes I stop and think, "Was that it?  Or is that just gas bubbles?"  Guess I'll know it when I feel it.  My belly is still growing like a weed.  Its crazy to me how large its getting despite only being up 2 lbs.  Maternity clothes are still not necessary but are a bit more comfortable than my normal clothes.  Know that once we get back to the states I'll have to pick up a few more pieces including some jeans!

*A few hours after I wrote this, I was reading an email from Josh when I adjusted my computer to rest on my lower abdomen.  I got two distinct kicks from the inside.  :-)

I'm starting to have slight cravings.  I'm not sure if these are pregnancy related or just me wanting some of my U.S. favorites.  All I want is a sandwich from Subway or a burrito from Chipolte.   I'm also loving spicy food right now and have been making dinner a tad spicy as of late.  Luckily Josh doesn't mind too much!

I am still looking forward to starting to think about baby items once we get back to the states and see this little one again.  I also can't wait to see our families and give out lots of hugs.  I'm expecting lots of chat time with my sisters and cannot wait.  I also can't believe that by the time we get settled in in North Carolina we'll be almost five months!

Look at that belly!

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