Monday, June 30, 2014

Mara-9 Months

Weight: You are 19 lbs and 4 ounces and 27.5 inches tall.  I really thought you'd be over the 20 lb. mark but I think you're burning a lot of extra calories now that you are a bit more active.

playing in the church nursery

Health:  You are still pretty healthy this month girl.  You have some white spots in your mouth but I don't think this is thrush.  The spots scratch off easily and may be just dried milk.  We go in for your 9 month appointment in a few weeks and if they are still there we'll get them looked at.

She's such a morning person

Social: You are still very aware of your surroundings although you do not readily go to others anymore.  Now you tend to prefer to be held by mama while you are looking around.  Sometimes you do not even like to be set down when I am still near.  You need to be either on my lap or in my arms.

I love that toothy grin

Diet: You are eating twice daily.  You have about 3-4 ounces of fruits and veggies at both lunch and dinner.  You aren't really interested eating in the mornings and would rather just nurse.  I'm ok with that as our mornings are usually pretty busy.

You have also been eating some oatmeal mixed with some fruit or veggies.  The oatmeal seems to help you stay more regular.

Recently you have started to like feeding yourself.  Until a few days ago you were perfectly content to let me feed you and actually would drop all food I gave you on the floor before even trying it.  Now you love to feed yourself and have denied some of the purees preferring to feed yourself.

You really love puffs and I'm hoping to start giving you some cooked veggies to try to pick up and eat soon.
I have also noticed that you are very particular about chewing.  You are like your daddy in this area.  You take your time eating and do not like to have another bite till you are done with what's in your mouth.



Clothes: You are completely in 12 month clothes and most of your bottoms are 12-18 months.  You keep growing out of clothes despite not really going up in weight.  It's kind of baffling to me.  I'm hoping you don't get into 18 month clothes within the next month or so.  We really don't have to many 18 month items!

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you interact with you daddy via skype.  I am amazed that you seem to know that it is him and still flash him a ton of smiles.

Crying:  You have been crying more lately with the teething and the clingyness.  You fuss when I put you down sometimes and are getting a bit more sensitive when I lay you down for naps.

You still don't love the car and cry until I reach back and put your pacifier in.  You also use this time to grab my hand and hold on.  It's the only thing that soothes you.

Sleep:  Sleep, as always with you, is hit or miss.  You wake up between two and three times a night, usually around 3-4 and then again around 6.  I can usually get you back to bed and to sleep till 8ish.  You also fight me at nighttime sometimes pushing off bedtime for an hour.

Naps are super hard.  I can't get you to fall asleep on your own so we nurse and then I put you in your crib.  If I'm lucky you sleep for about 40 minutes.  If I'm not you maybe sleep 20.  I don't know how you function.  I was hoping that you would increase your nap times with you being more mobile but you have proved me wrong.

You have gone down from three naps to two but they are still short.  You sometimes will go back to sleep if I nurse you when you wake up.  This makes me think you need more sleep but I don't know how to get you there.

Happy Daddy's day!

This Week: We are settling into life without Daddy.  It's been hard but now the days aren't dragging on as much.  We also celebrated mama's birthday.

Baby Likes: You are a huge fan of your toy basket and all its continents.  You love to dump it and discover everything in it.  As you become more mobile you love testing your boundaries and exploring the world around you.

You have found your voice and love to talk all day long.  You are especially talkative in the morning.

You especially like your toy where all the animals pop up and down.  You love pushing them back down but haven't quite figured out how to make them pop up.

You love to bang on mama's computer and phone.  You are not easily distracted when one of these objects are in sight.

Mowing with mama

Milestones:  You crawled forward for the first time!  You had been moving backwards for awhile now but really didn't understand how to get forward.  The best part of it was Daddy got to see.  In fact he was the reason you finally did it!  You were trying to get him on mama's phone so you finally moved your hands forward.

You broke in your top four teeth!  For the most part you didn't really notice but you did have a few cranky days where all you wanted was to be held and something cold in your mouth.

You are helping mama get you dressed now in the mornings.  You put your arms through the holes and when you are holding a toy you switch it back and forth between your hands as you put your arms through.

You are talking up a storm.  Now you don't really grunt anymore.  You babble syllables and regularly say dada.  In fact you said this to daddy on skype the other day and he was so excited.

Bathtime is still one of your favorite activities

Best of Times:  I love watching you grown and learn new things everyday.  You really seem to understand a lot of the world around you and I love watching you take it all in.

9 months big

Worst of Times: You are still pretty clingy.  I think its a combination of your age and daddy leaving still.  I'm hoping this wears off a bit because it's really hard for mama to just be on call 24/7 for you.  Sometimes I need to let others help.


She is getting so big!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Another Year Gone By

Goodbye 26.  Hello 27!  Yesterday was my birthday and despite missing the hubby I had a pretty good day. 

Mara slept decent and we had a lazy morning as we got ready and ate breakfast.  Around lunch time we were able to connect with Josh and I opened my present from him.

After a quick nap for Mara, we decided to get out of the house for a bit.  I didn't really have any particular place in mind and we ended up at Lowe's.  I've been wanting to start a few plants and decided to do some browsing in the garden section.  We really didn't get anything as we are headed up north soon and I didn't want to have to worry about watering them while I was away.

Then it was on to Starbucks for my birthday reward drink and home to relax before heading to a friend's for dinner.  

I don't think I put it into words how grateful I am for the friends I have here.  That they would just know how hard it would be to be alone on your birthday with your husband deployed.  That they would throw you the sweetest birthday dinner and just shower you with love.  That they would make you a birthday cake.  (I don't think I've had a birthday cake for over four years)  

Yesterday was hard.  It was one of the first real holidays that Josh and I were apart.  Despite the tug to be with him, my day was pretty good thanks to amazing girlfriends who go out of their way to make you feel special.  27 is fixing to be one of my more difficult years but after days like that I am reminded of the support system I have and am so grateful.  

Thank you to everyone who made my day so special!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday Rambles

Our lives have been a bit boring so to speak since Josh has left.  We've been trying to settle into a new normal and some days that just means staying home in our pjs and relaxing.

We have been getting out and seeing friends.  We've gone swimming in one of our friends pools and have been running errands around town.

Mara has become ever increasingly mobile.  She has been scooting around on her bottom using a combination of her legs and arms to push herself.  Just yesterday she learned to crawl while we were skyping with Josh.  It was the sweetest things.  He was just the encouragement she needed to finally get moving forward.

She has also been testing her voice lately and we frequently have screaming matches in the house.  She isn't shy about showing her displeasure and lets me know if she's unhappy with me.

She's also been getting more of an appetite.  She will regularly eat anywhere from 3 to 4 ounces of food at both lunch and dinner.  She still isn't interested in eating in the mornings but that's ok.  Maybe she's like her daddy in that regard.

She loves her toys and is constantly dumping her toy basket to discover what's inside.  Buddy is also one of her favorite things and she loves pulling his fur out  petting him.  She loves talking to Josh on skype and I'm so happy that we've been able to do this almost everyday.

Next week we have a few things on the agenda but it looks like it'll be a bit slow.  Although I love staying home I get a bit stir crazy if its been too long.

I think that's about it...hahaha our lives lately have been a bit slow but hopefully we'll develop a bit of a routine in the next few weeks and have some more exciting things to talk about :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's day 
two of the most
men I know!

Happy Father's day babe!  Mara is so blessed to have you as her daddy.
We love you so much and hope you had a great day!
Despite the distance we hope you 
knew how appreciated you are!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!  
To the first man I ever loved, I hope you had a great day.
We love you and appreciate everything you've 
done for us. 
You are the best Grandpa!
We love you!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mara-34 Weeks

Weight: Still not exactly sure where you stand in this department.  You are probably around 20 lbs. and somewhere around 26-28 in.

bathtime is always a hit

Health: You were run down with a small cold shortly after Daddy left.  I'm not sure where you picked it up but thankfully you got over it pretty quickly.  You also passed it on to Mommy and Nana.
Social: You are experiencing a lot of stranger danger.  On top of the stranger danger I think you are clinging more to your mama now that Daddy has left.  You may be a bit worried that I am also going to leave.

You still give out a lot of smiles but it takes you a long time to warm up to people.  For the most part you'd rather just be held by mama.

Diet: We are still breastfeeding about the same.  You don't like to eat in the mornings and would prefer to just nurse.  We then try to have some solids for lunch and dinner.

You still seem to prefer the store bought foods to mine.  I think you may have some issues with texture.  You love your fruits and only eat veggies if they are mixed in with something sweet.

We have gotten away from finger foods for a bit mainly because you don't even try to eat them.  You just pick them up and throw them on the floor.  I know this is inevitable but you don't even attempt to put them in your mouth.

I think we'll start you on some oatmeal and see if we can slowly introduce that for breakfast time.  In general you love to eat and are always interested in others food.

She looks so big to me here

Clothes: Well we are mainly in 12 month that was quick.  I still have most of your 9 month outfits in your dresser but let's be honest we probably won't wear them anymore.  Girl you have too many clothes!

I'm wondering if you will slow down a bit.  I still have a ton of dresses for the summer that I think will last you awhile.  Its really the pants that you grow out of first because of the cloth diapers.

New car seat!

Mama's Favorites: I really like watching you interact with your daddy on skype.  It makes me really happy to see you recognize him and smile.  You love hearing his voice and always seem to light up when we get to talk to him.

I am also really liking watching you become more mobile.  You are exploring trying to crawl and pull up on things.  I can see you getting more and more confident in yourself each day.

Oh the toy basket dump

Crying: This category has probably increased a bit.  With your stranger danger you get pretty upset when I walk away.  You will fuss till I am back in your sight line.  Otherwise you're pretty good and only really cry when you're hungry or tired.

Sleep: Sleep is still the one category I wish you were better in girl.  You still wake up at least once a night to nurse.  Lately you've been waking up around midnight wide awake.  It's been a struggle to get you back down.  I don't know if you're just awake or looking for reassurance that I'm near but I'm hoping we can work through it.

On a positive note, you've been taking your naps in your cribs which is my ultimate goal.  The naps are short but I'm hoping they will steadily increase as you get more used to napping in your bed.

Posing in the British themed photo booth

This Week:  We said good-by to Nana and Papa and started settling in to life just me and you.  We've been chatting with daddy and trying to figure out our new normal.  We also went to LTC Kness's change of command where you entertained everyone around you.

Baby Likes: You love to play patty cake.  You start clapping and then look to me to sing the song.  Once I am done you start clapping again to start the song.

You love dumping your toy basket.  It's seriously your favorite activity.  You then take each toy out and look at it.  It's like you're discovering everything in it for the first time.  Once the basket is empty you proceed to try to crawl inside.

Milestones:  You are playing patty cake now.  You start clapping and then watch intently while I go through all the motions.

You are pulling up on things!  You pull to standing at your musical play area and the fireplace.  Your balance has come a long way in a few days and I no longer have to support you.  Daddy got to witness this for the first time which was awesome!

You're crawling is still coming along.  Just today you got past your knee and progressed to all fours.  Maybe in the next few days you will actually move your arms and legs.  In the meantime you still rock and scoot to get around.

Dropping things is your favorite game.  Anything that makes a noise you immediately notice and you will continue to drop it as long as someone will pick it up for you.

You moved into a bigger car seat and love it.  Now you can see yourself in the mirror and smile and clap at your reflection.

Your third tooth is coming in.  The top right one has broken the skin and is slowly making its way down.

You are giving kisses on demand!  In the last two days I have started asking for kisses and you turn in and lay one on me.  It's the sweetest thing and I can't help but squeeze you every time you do it.

Best of Times: Every time we get to talk to daddy on skype.  We both light up and so does he :)

Worst of Times: I'd say the few nights you've woken up late in the night.  I've been sick and it's been rough.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Life Lately

Everyday life has looked a little different around the Bast household these past few days as Mara and I adjust to our new normal.  We spent the first few days getting over a nasty cold.  Thankfully Mara didn't get it too bad and I've been able to conquer the worse of the symptoms.  I still have a bit of a cough but I'm hoping it clears up in the next day or two.  

Besides fighting the everyday cold, we've been keeping busy hanging out with friends and running errands.  They say the first month is one of the hardest and it's been really helpful for me to have one thing to do each day.  It gives the day purpose and helps it not drag on.  We've gone to a pool party, hit up the commissary, attended a change of command and visited with old friends.  

Everyone has been just so amazing and supportive.  It's great to know that we have a network of friends here who we can turn to if we need to.  

Most importantly we've been keeping up with Josh.  The network there has been surprisingly great and we've been able to connect almost everyday.  I love watching Mara interact with Josh.  She loves hearing his voice and is always full of smiles for him.  He's been able to engage with her and even saw her pull up for the first time!

To say it hasn't been difficult would be a lie but we're getting there.  I think it's been good for me to just focus on the day rather than the larger picture which can be a bit daunting.  Plus another day down is another day closer!


Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Goodbye

Saying goodbye to Josh was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.  On one hand we were dreading the day, wishing it to never come but then on the other it was like ok this has to happen and let's get this started so that we are only one day closer to being together again.

I have never seen a deployment ceremony before and was really pleasantly surprised with how informal it was.  Words were said by the battalion commander and the commander of Ft. Bragg and then everyone was allowed to just have family time.

I really cherished this time.  We were able to pull off in the corner and just soak in every last minute.  Josh got to hold Mara and I got to hold Josh.

A few of our friends were there and captured these sweet moments.  We will always treasure these.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dear Baby Girl

Dear Baby Girl,

Do you know how lucky you are little girl?

Do you know how lucky you are to have a Daddy like you do? A Daddy who sacrifices so that the rest of us can live the life we sometimes take for granted.  A Daddy who willingly puts on his uniform day in and day out because he loves what he does, because of an inner duty that drives him.  A Daddy who had to be away from his little girl and her mommy because of a cause bigger than all of us.

Baby Girl I wanted to write you this letter because I know you will not remember.  You won't remember this time when your Daddy wasn't here.  

In a way we are comforted by this but at the same time I want you to know what it was like for him.  The days leading up to his departure were rough.  Baby girl he wanted to spend so much time with you, to make precious memories.  We soaked up each and every moment we had.  We laughed and we cried.

It was like you knew something big was about to happen, girl.  To watch you two together those few weeks just about made my heart explode.  Your Daddy became your world.  You lit up when he entered the room and the smiles you two shared were breathtaking.

We marveled at the little accomplishments you did knowing that in the back of our minds he was going to miss quite a few in the months to come.  He was so strong, Baby Girl.  He tried not to let it show but it was those quiet moments that got to him.  When you held his hand so tightly, not wanting to let go.  When he comforted you in the night.  Those were the hardest.  But oh girl how he loves you.  It was so hard because of just how much he loves you.

The day we said good-bye to daddy was rough but you were such a comfort to both daddy and mommy.  You went right to your daddy and snuggled into him.  Although you were asleep you seemed to soak in these precious minutes.  You grasped his coat and buried your face into his neck.  Daddy was doing the same, kissing your precious head and smelling your wonderful smell.

Giving you back to mama was probably one of the hardest things Daddy had to do that day, girl.  Thankfully  you woke up to flash him that smile of yours and give one last open mouthed kiss.

We are a military family, baby girl, and that sometimes means we will have to be apart.  That your Daddy will have to leave to go protect others.  This is just one of the sacrifices we choose to make as a family.  I pray that when you get older and look back at this time through pictures and stories that this is what sticks out most to you:  that Daddy doesn't love you less because he had to be away but that his love for you will always hold despite distance and time.  It will never falter.

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Arthi's Wedding

The last part of our trip was spent at one of my best friend's wedding.  I met Arthi at the University of Michigan and she stood up for me at my wedding.  I was so excited that both Josh and I could make it to every part of her wedding weekend.

Circling the Eternal Fire

The weekend started off with Vik and Arthi's Hindu ceremony.  Although the day was cold (think snowing in May) we had a great time.  I have never attended a Hindu ceremony and loved learning all the rituals and traditions that went along with it.  I got to dress up in Indian clothes and loved all the beautiful colors and jewelry that went along with the day.  Every detail was gorgeous and both Josh and I loved being a part of it.
The bridesmaids
After the ceremony we ate a delicious lunch.  It took both of us back to our Kenyan days and delicious Indian food.  It was so good!  Wedding games followed lunch and it was fun watching Arthi and Vik compete against each other.

From the Hindu ceremony we headed to the rehearsal.  The second ceremony would be a Catholic mass which required a bit of coordination.  After a quick run through it was off to eat!  We had dinner at a great little pizza and pub place.  Arthi and Vik opened the floor for toasts and advice and we had a great time hearing everyone offer up their thoughts.

Selfies in the limo on the way
Saturday was the big day and we woke up bright and early to get everything situated and ready.  Arthi looked beautiful in her dress. It was so classic especially with the lace veil.

I can't put into words how beautiful the day was.  Arthi really had every detail planned to the tee.  Everything was just so romantic.

Beautiful bride
After the ceremony we all piled onto the trolley and headed down to take a few pictures.  It was so much fun to just let loose and relax after the long weekend.  Not only do they (Arthi and Vik) know how to plan a wedding but they know how to plan a party!  Josh and I had a blast.

The night continued with great food, good drink and lots of dancing.  Again I am so thankful that we were able to be a part of her day.  Words cannot express how much I love that girl and I was so happy to be able to support her in my small way.  Congrats Arthi and Vik!  Here's to many more happy years to come!  Love ya guys!!

I'd do it all over again with this guy any day!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mara-8 Months

Weight: Still not exactly sure where you stand in this department.  You are probably around 20 lbs. and somewhere around 26-28 in.

She loved looking out the window on the plane

Health: You were doing pretty well in this department till a few days ago.  You spiked a high fever and we're run down with it for a day.  We did lots of snuggles, naps and Tylenol and you were feeling better by the next day.  Still not sure what caused it but glad that you're feeling better.

Girl loves to eat

Social: You are still pretty social in that you love interacting with people, especially babies and kids.  You give smiles out easily if you are safe in Mama or Daddy's arms.

I've loved watching you interact with your daddy this week.  It seems that you two have bonded and you love being with him.  You literally light up when he gets home and you want to be held.

Sink baths are the best

Diet: We are still breastfeeding about the same amount.  You nurse about every three to four hours.  This past week you have stopped nursing to sleep for the most part.  We nurse for awhile but then you refuse the breast and instead want to be rocked to sleep.  This is a new one for mama and we're trying to get used to this change.

We haven't done much with the sippy cup this week.  Even if we did, I don't think you'd be interested still.  You do love bottles and cans but haven't tried drinking out of any of them.

You are still loving eating solids.  Now you get angry if everyone else is eating and you don't have anything.  You have transitioned back to my food for the most part but you still seem to prefer the store bought pouches.  We have started giving you tastes of our food at dinner and you love it.  Rice and beans are your favorite non-pureed food.  As for texture you seem to prefer pureed things versus whole food which surprised me.

You still love all things sweet and love your fruits.  You're doing better with veggies and liked all the store bought veggies, especially carrots!

We will keep exploring the next few weeks with food.  I think we are in the midst of a transition with table foods.  You are making signs that you are ready for more meals a day and bigger more complex foods.

She is always happy in the morning

Clothes: Well so much for you staying in 9 month clothes for awhile.  I noticed your onesies were getting a bit tight so I tried some 12 month items on you.  They fit!  So right now you have about half of your 12 month wardrobe in your drawers and the rest is 9 month.  Your 9 month jammies are getting really tight and will probably have to be packed away soon.

Swimming with Daddy

Swimming with Mommy

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you do new things each and every day.  I swear every time I turn around you are doing something new.

I am also loving watching you become such a big girl.  Sometimes I look down and I wonder where my baby went.  It's a little sad but mostly happy because I love seeing your personality grow and develop.

Toy basket dumps are the best

Crying: You are still utilizing your fake whine constantly.  You do it when you are unhappy in how you are sitting, when you want a toy, when you can't find mommy or daddy.

Lately you have been a little grumpy and with that there has been tears.  We've had a bit of an adjustment in our home life and you maybe teething so I'm going to say its just a stage.

Enjoying some Memorial Day sunshine

Sleep: When we got back from our trip you had a lot of trouble adjusting.  We would literally have one good (regular) night and then one bad one where you would be up every two hours or so.  You needed constant reassurance that we were near.

We're still not completely back to where we are but we're getting there.  Now you've been going down anywhere between 8:30 and 10 and sleeping till about 3 ish.  You sometimes fuss once or twice before we go to bed and then we just give you your pacifier.  You then wake up sometime around 7 when I just pull you into bed with me.  We usually get about another hour or two before its up for the day.

We're working on your naps.  They are still pretty unpredictable and inconsistent but we'll get there.

Daddy is "babysitting"

This Week:  We soaked in a ton of family time before daddy had to leave for deployment.  We had to say good-bye to him the other day.  You slept through most of it but woke up in time to give him a hug and a kiss.

I love her expressions

Baby Likes: You love to mimic.  You will make the same moves and sounds as anyone around you.  You are still babbling and your sounds are starting to sound more and more like real words.

You still love to play with your toys and have recently developed a love for any toy that makes music so you can dance.

Buddy, keys and remotes are still by far your favorite objects.
She spends most of her playing

Milestones:  I feel like there is so many things each week.  You have recently started clapping.  I think you did it by accident but as soon as you did you were amazed.  You now get the biggest grin on your face every time you do it.

You have started dancing.  Now when you hit your musical toys you sway from side to side as you listen to the song.  You always wait till the song is over before hitting the next button and dancing again.  We've started having mini dance parties in the afternoon.  :)

You are still progressing with crawling but aren't quite there yet.  Now you don't get angry when I put you on your knees.  You rock and have tried to move your hands.  You even worked your way from your knees back on your butt.  I honestly think you'll just start walking as you seem pretty satisfied with just sitting.

You are pretty close to pulling up on things.  I've found you on your knees at your standing toys and trying to climb up the tile in our bathroom.  Tonight you were trying to climb out of your tub.

You have started throwing your puffs on the ground.  Not mama's favorite game but you seem to enjoy it.  On that note you are getting better with your pincher grasp.

You had your first pool experiences.  You swam a little in your kiddie pool and then once in the big pool on base.  I'm not sure what you thought of the big pool but you loved watching all the other kids.  You loved your kiddie pool although I think you thought it was just a big bath and were confused with having to wear a swim suit.

Best of Times: Sweet family time with daddy.  Girl you love him so much and he you.

8 months old

Worst of Times: Without doubt saying good-bye to daddy.  I know you knew something was up.  I'm comforted that you won't remember this separation in the long run.

pretty girl
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