Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mara-8 Months

Weight: Still not exactly sure where you stand in this department.  You are probably around 20 lbs. and somewhere around 26-28 in.

She loved looking out the window on the plane

Health: You were doing pretty well in this department till a few days ago.  You spiked a high fever and we're run down with it for a day.  We did lots of snuggles, naps and Tylenol and you were feeling better by the next day.  Still not sure what caused it but glad that you're feeling better.

Girl loves to eat

Social: You are still pretty social in that you love interacting with people, especially babies and kids.  You give smiles out easily if you are safe in Mama or Daddy's arms.

I've loved watching you interact with your daddy this week.  It seems that you two have bonded and you love being with him.  You literally light up when he gets home and you want to be held.

Sink baths are the best

Diet: We are still breastfeeding about the same amount.  You nurse about every three to four hours.  This past week you have stopped nursing to sleep for the most part.  We nurse for awhile but then you refuse the breast and instead want to be rocked to sleep.  This is a new one for mama and we're trying to get used to this change.

We haven't done much with the sippy cup this week.  Even if we did, I don't think you'd be interested still.  You do love bottles and cans but haven't tried drinking out of any of them.

You are still loving eating solids.  Now you get angry if everyone else is eating and you don't have anything.  You have transitioned back to my food for the most part but you still seem to prefer the store bought pouches.  We have started giving you tastes of our food at dinner and you love it.  Rice and beans are your favorite non-pureed food.  As for texture you seem to prefer pureed things versus whole food which surprised me.

You still love all things sweet and love your fruits.  You're doing better with veggies and liked all the store bought veggies, especially carrots!

We will keep exploring the next few weeks with food.  I think we are in the midst of a transition with table foods.  You are making signs that you are ready for more meals a day and bigger more complex foods.

She is always happy in the morning

Clothes: Well so much for you staying in 9 month clothes for awhile.  I noticed your onesies were getting a bit tight so I tried some 12 month items on you.  They fit!  So right now you have about half of your 12 month wardrobe in your drawers and the rest is 9 month.  Your 9 month jammies are getting really tight and will probably have to be packed away soon.

Swimming with Daddy

Swimming with Mommy

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you do new things each and every day.  I swear every time I turn around you are doing something new.

I am also loving watching you become such a big girl.  Sometimes I look down and I wonder where my baby went.  It's a little sad but mostly happy because I love seeing your personality grow and develop.

Toy basket dumps are the best

Crying: You are still utilizing your fake whine constantly.  You do it when you are unhappy in how you are sitting, when you want a toy, when you can't find mommy or daddy.

Lately you have been a little grumpy and with that there has been tears.  We've had a bit of an adjustment in our home life and you maybe teething so I'm going to say its just a stage.

Enjoying some Memorial Day sunshine

Sleep: When we got back from our trip you had a lot of trouble adjusting.  We would literally have one good (regular) night and then one bad one where you would be up every two hours or so.  You needed constant reassurance that we were near.

We're still not completely back to where we are but we're getting there.  Now you've been going down anywhere between 8:30 and 10 and sleeping till about 3 ish.  You sometimes fuss once or twice before we go to bed and then we just give you your pacifier.  You then wake up sometime around 7 when I just pull you into bed with me.  We usually get about another hour or two before its up for the day.

We're working on your naps.  They are still pretty unpredictable and inconsistent but we'll get there.

Daddy is "babysitting"

This Week:  We soaked in a ton of family time before daddy had to leave for deployment.  We had to say good-bye to him the other day.  You slept through most of it but woke up in time to give him a hug and a kiss.

I love her expressions

Baby Likes: You love to mimic.  You will make the same moves and sounds as anyone around you.  You are still babbling and your sounds are starting to sound more and more like real words.

You still love to play with your toys and have recently developed a love for any toy that makes music so you can dance.

Buddy, keys and remotes are still by far your favorite objects.
She spends most of her playing

Milestones:  I feel like there is so many things each week.  You have recently started clapping.  I think you did it by accident but as soon as you did you were amazed.  You now get the biggest grin on your face every time you do it.

You have started dancing.  Now when you hit your musical toys you sway from side to side as you listen to the song.  You always wait till the song is over before hitting the next button and dancing again.  We've started having mini dance parties in the afternoon.  :)

You are still progressing with crawling but aren't quite there yet.  Now you don't get angry when I put you on your knees.  You rock and have tried to move your hands.  You even worked your way from your knees back on your butt.  I honestly think you'll just start walking as you seem pretty satisfied with just sitting.

You are pretty close to pulling up on things.  I've found you on your knees at your standing toys and trying to climb up the tile in our bathroom.  Tonight you were trying to climb out of your tub.

You have started throwing your puffs on the ground.  Not mama's favorite game but you seem to enjoy it.  On that note you are getting better with your pincher grasp.

You had your first pool experiences.  You swam a little in your kiddie pool and then once in the big pool on base.  I'm not sure what you thought of the big pool but you loved watching all the other kids.  You loved your kiddie pool although I think you thought it was just a big bath and were confused with having to wear a swim suit.

Best of Times: Sweet family time with daddy.  Girl you love him so much and he you.

8 months old

Worst of Times: Without doubt saying good-bye to daddy.  I know you knew something was up.  I'm comforted that you won't remember this separation in the long run.

pretty girl

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