Thursday, December 31, 2015

Our Year in Review-2015

2015 has once again been a year of big changes!  Looking back I am shocked and amazed how much our lives have changed since last January.  Here are some of my favorite moments:


This month Mara started ballet and we got more involved on post.  I did the whole-30 and was amazed with my results.


February brought our deployment diary to a close with Josh's homecoming!  We were so ready to have our favorite guy back at home.  We enjoyed the rest of the month with him.


This month we made it a priority to really utilize our family time.  We explored the children's museum in Raleigh and started our block leave.


Our block leave continued with trips to SanfordSea Worldthe beach, and Disney.  This month we also confirmed that our next assignment would be in the Republic of Georgia!


The highlight of this month was our trip to Grand Cayman.  We spent over a week there exploring and diving.


In June we moved to a small apartment while we waited till Josh's change of command.  Mara also had her first ballet recital.


This month we left North Carolina for good and visited family in Wisconsin and Illinois.  We also announced that we were expecting!


We started to settle into our new home in Tbilisi and we also found out we would be adding another little girl to the mix!


This month was busy as we started to explore our surroundings..  I started Tot School with Mara and we celebrated her 2nd birthday!


In October I joined Usborne Books & More and we really got into our Tot School lessons studying texturespatternsbody partsfall and animals.


This month was slower with constant pregnancy updates.  We also celebrated our first Thanksgiving here in Georgia.


We celebrated the holiday season with visits to Santa and trimming our tree.  We took maternity pictures and got a much needed weekend away.

2015 has been such an amazing year!  We are looking forward to 2016 as we await the delivery of our second daughter and celebrate the new year with family here in Tbilisi.

Tbilisi-A Day Tour

Yesterday we took Mom and Dad out into Tbilisi for a day tour of old town, the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Rustavelli.  We started off the day in old town near the sulfur baths.  David, our tour guide, took us back around the baths to the waterfall and then up into the hills of old town to the fortress. It was quite a hike for this pregnant lady but I'm hoping it brings labor on sooner rather than later.

We spent a little time at the fortress exploring and then took the cable car down, probably the highlight of Mara's day.  From there we walked to a great little wine bar for a rest and enjoyed glasses of red wine (hot chocolate for me) while we got our legs under us again.  Then it was onto lunch at a little out of the way spot that David recommended.  The food was a tad expensive but really tasty.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral was also on our list and we toured all three floors of this beautiful church while Mara snoozed in our arms.  The tour ended with a driving tour of Rustavelli, the main downtown street in Tbilisi.  Some day we'll take them back here and check out the museums and art galleries closer.

Overall it was a great day exploring the city.  Even Josh and I enjoyed the tour as we visited a lot of sites we hadn't yet.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mara-27 months

Mara is now 27 months!  I decided to switch these monthly updates to quarterly as she gets older.  Lately she is all toddler.  She is constantly running around and exploring her surroundings.  She loves to challenge our authority and is always seeing how far she can push us to get her way.  Because we all know a two year old knows best! :)

Sleep has had it's ups and downs these past few months.  At age two I started to only sit at the foot of the bed when she fell asleep instead of laying down with her.  She was accepting this and sleeping through the night most nights.  If she did wake she was easy to comfort and fell asleep quickly.  The past month she has gotten worse.  She will usually wake once or twice a night screaming.  She seems unsure of her surroundings and wants us to lay with her.  We don't want to make this a habit, especially with the new baby on her way, so we refuse.  We've tried music and just reassuring her again and again.  Our rule is she can't get out of her bed till Daddy's alarm goes off so some mornings this means we have to listen to screaming for an hour or so if we can't get her to go back to bed.  We've also tried putting up the gate at her door (we can't lock her door) but just last night she showed us she is capable of scaling that.

She talks about the potty all the time but refuses to sit on it.  She also hates getting her diaper changed.  This is hilarious to me because she will tell us when she is wet most days but when we say ok let's go change you she doesn't want any part of that.  I wanted to have her potty trained here before the baby but now think we should just wait till after.

Currently she's not a fan of bath time.  I don't know what it is but it's a struggle.  She uses the excuse that she has to go potty to get out.  She knows we want her to sit on the potty so she offers that instead of being in the bath.

Her vocabulary is exploding.  She now says: please, keys, salt, mooo, ice, neigh, "oh toodles", hey, I do, hop, hat, and meow.  She also has her own language for some things.  Ee you dah means music.  Ice is water and boot is our housekeeper Lizi.

Her favorite toys are her new trampoline.  She loves jumping on this all day and we are thankful she has an outlet for her energy these winter months.  She also loves her doll house and plays with it everyday.  She moves the little people around and pushes all the noise buttons.  Musical instruments are always a hit with her and on a typical day they are all out to some degree.  We got her a cupcake sorter which she does everyday matching the shapes.  As always she loves her books and puzzles.  Puzzles she typically wants others to do for her but she will do all of her wooden ones.  Lastly legos are big here.  She really likes building towers and her skills have really evolved.  At first she was building up on one block but will now mix the shapes and colors of the blocks to build a unique structure every time.

These past three months have been her last as an only child and we've cherished them.  She is really moving into that roll as a toddler and we are looking forward to seeing how she interacts with her new baby sister.  

Sunday, December 27, 2015

38 Weeks with Baby #2

Well still pregnant here.  I really hate to say that I'm inpatient but I am.  I do not want to wish this pregnancy away but I'm ready for her to be here.  Tomorrow is week 39 and she can officially come anytime she wants.

I still feel like she's sitting really low.  It's hard for me to get around and chase after Mara.  There also seems to be very little space in there for her.  I've been getting very sharp pains as she shifts too and from.  I still haven't really had any true contractions yet.  This doesn't surprise me as I didn't get any with Mara till the real deal.  Frankly I think this is the way to do it because then you don't have to worry about false labor.

Sometime next week we have to go in and get some blood work done.  We also need to get our passports and marriage certificate translated.  I'm hoping Josh can get this accomplished at work on Monday.  I'm kind of nervous we're going to put this off and then I'll go into labor and then what.

I finally made a few freezer meals.  I definitely don't have as many as I did before but I'm ok with that.  We have a few soups and crock pot dinners.  I have the supplies for more just need to get around to it.

Thankfully I haven't been hit by the nesting bug this time.  I have Lizi to clean so I've just been putting things away and hanging the last few things in the nursery.  I'm also trying to enjoy this time with Mara.  I know her little world is going to be turned upside down and I want to treasure this time with my firstborn.

For comparison 38 weeks with Mara!

The Circus

The day after Christmas we had tickets to the local circus.  We got there a little late (apparently the show started at 1 not 2)  but still had a great time.

When we got there the clowns and trapeze artists had just come on.  Mara was pretty enthralled.  She got even more into it once the animals came out.  We saw horses, dogs, penguins and seals.

The only disappointment was there wasn't any elephants.  I mistakingly told Mara that the circus has elephants and she kept asking for them the entire time.  No elephants.  Mom lesson learned, "manage expectations".

Overall it was really nice and I think it is a trip we'd repeat in the future.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas this year was pretty great.  Mara (thankfully) isn't quite at the wake up early age yet so we got to sleep in till after 8:30.  Before going down to start our own Christmas we skyped with my mom and let Mara open up two presents from her.  Minnie's camper was a huge hit and Mara loves carrying Minnie around everywhere we go.

After skyping we went downstairs to start our own family Christmas.  I had planned on letting Mara open all her presents first but it was almost like pulling teeth to get her interested.  lol  I think this is because we gave her our big present first or more so we didn't wrap it so she wanted to jump on her trampoline all morning.  So we did a present here and there while Josh and I opened from each other.

Mara seemed to love all of the presents she received but has been enthralled by her trampoline, dollhouse (from aunt Mary), picnic table (from Uncle Joe) and sorting cupcakes from Mommy and Daddy.

I'm in love with my pots and pans from my parents and Josh is super excited to use the brewing supplies they sent him as well.

After Christmas presents were opened we had a lazy lunch followed by naps for all!  My kind of day! :)  For dinner we headed to old town and indulged at Organique, a small specialty beef restaurant.  It was absolutely delicious!

I'm so thankful for the true meaning of Christmas and getting to celebrate our Savior's birth.  I am so so happy that we were able to spend this holiday together as a family of three.  Family makes the season and I am so grateful for my little (but growing) one!


Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Day Trip to Mtskheta

Josh took Christmas Eve Eve off and we decided to take his parents out to Mtskheta.  Mtskheta was once the capitol of Georgia and is a quaint little town just outside of the city.  This made it the perfect day trip for this preggo!

We got a slow start to the morning but headed out at about 11.  We decided to go to the Sveti-tskhoveli Church first.  It's an old church in the center of town.  Last time Josh and I passed through we weren't able to check out this site.  The cathedral contains the grave of Sidonia who was said to have been buried holding Christ's robe.

The present cathedral dates from the 11th century and is the third building on the site.  We got a tour guide when we were there but I heard little of what she said because I was chasing a roaming toddler.

Afterwards we strolled through the streets and Josh's mom did a little shopping.  There were a ton of small shops along the side streets.  From there it was onto lunch.  Josh and I had chosen a Georgian restaurant called Salobie to eat.  We ordered the traditional fare and gave his parents their first taste of the cuisine.  Mara really loved the lobio!

The last stop of the day was to Jvary Monastery just opposite of the town, across the river.  We had been there before but wanted to show Mom and Dad since it is a very important historical site here.  We quickly toured the grounds and the church due to the cold and wind.  Mara slept through all of this and Josh got to sit in the car with her while she slept.

Overall it was a fun outing.  The day went quick but we got to see a lot and like I said it was the perfect mix of activity and rest.

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