Wednesday, September 18, 2013

38 Weeks

Well I looked up how big baby girl was this week and was a little shocked to see that they are comparing her to a pumpkin.  A pumpkin! I guess its appropriate with my Fall obsession in full gear.  But that does make me a tad nervous when it comes to this whole labor thing.  I'm not entirely sure if she's dropped yet but I am feeling a lot more pressure down there along with some sharp pains now and again.  I read (and the doc confirmed) that these pains are merely my pelvis expanding and making way for baby.  They can also be a result of her settling on random nerves.  The pains aren't too bad but I do look kind of funny when all of a sudden my leg spasms.

I'm pretty ok with her cooking in there for at least another week but I have started to do everything I can to ensure that we don't go past the hospital's end date.  I've been walking our road at night and drinking a lot of raspberry leaf tea.  The tea isn't supposed to put you into labor but helps tone the uterus and prepare you for it.  I've also been taking evening primrose oil at night and eating fresh pineapple.  We're just ready to meet this sweet girl and hope she decides to make her appearance soon!

Baby girl is all elbows, feet and arms in there. She's super active especially at night and Josh and I love guessing the baby part that is sticking out of my stomach at any given time. The other night Josh kept grabbing for her hand and she kept moving it away. I wonder what she thinks is going on in there. I love feeling her move but feel like my skin is pulled to its brink. This fact makes any movement a tad painful as well!  She also has been getting the hiccups a lot lately.  I don't know if she has always had them and I'm just now feeling them or its a new thing for her.  It's a weird feeling because her head is so low that they feel like they are in my butt!  Sometimes they even make my belly move from side to side they are so strong.

Nesting is in full gear now.  I'm thankful that its not stressing me out to the brink of tears (like it did at some points in my pregnancy) but I do feel like I am up against a wall.  I mean realistically there isn't much time left.  I'm still making meals and cleaning rooms.  I only have four more rooms to finish this week including some outdoor things and then Operation Deep Clean is complete.  From there its just some touch ups.  Yes I will be doing touch ups.  I can't stand all the hair on the bathroom floor; um gross!  We are also trying to get Buddy a checkup before baby girl arrives.  I'm sure he's fine but after the move from Kenya we would just feel better if we got him seen.

We went to the doctors today and it was by far the easiest appointment yet.  I tested negative for group b (YEAH!) My vitals were spot on as well as baby girl's.  I've stopped gaining weight and am just maintaining at this point. Our doc measured my belly and then we were out the door.  I'm set to come back next Wednesday if we haven't delivered yet; which I don't think we will be.  Seems she's quite happy in there.

That's a lot of belly!

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