Wednesday, September 25, 2013

39 Weeks

At this point I feel like we are in a countdown till the day we get to meet this little girl.  I'm hoping she will decide to make her appearance this week but I'm not holding my breath.  I am measuring a little small (not that that means anything) but my guess is we will be delivering in October not September.  Things are still tight in there and every night all I feel are hands and feet.  As I type she has the hiccups and my belly is moving up and down.

She has started deciding she doesn't like anything on my belly and immediately starts kicking at hands, pillows, the lap top, etc. The other night I was laughing so hard when we were trying to fall asleep because she was kicking at Josh's hand and my maternity pillow at the same time.  I had to roll over just to get her to settle down!

I am still walking, drinking tea and using the primrose oil.  I don't know if any of them are working but I feel really good about being on top of things.  The walking definitely makes me feel like she is slowly making her way lower although the minute I sit down I lose that feeling.  I haven't let (and the doctor hasn't asked) to check my cervix so I have no idea if I am dilated or effaced.  I figure when she's ready she'll come!  We are still praying that there will be no conflicts with our doula but we're really excited to learn that our doctor has given his personal cell phone to our doula and wants to be called when we're ready to deliver.  I am so excited that he will most likely deliver her.

The other day I was walking the neighborhood and one our of neighbors stopped me and asked if I had had my baby shower yet.  I told her that I didn't think we would have one as our families are out of town.  Little did I know she called all the neighborhood ladies and they decided this was unacceptable.  I feel so blessed by their kindness and am SUPER excited about meeting everyone and getting to celebrate this little girl on Friday.  I just hope she stays in there that long!  We also found out that our church is throwing a huge baby shower for all the expecting families (there's something in the water there ;) next month.  It constantly amazes me how awesome people can be when you least expect it.

Operation Deep clean is complete!  I finished all the rooms in the house last week and did a bunch of touch ups over the weekend.  I told Josh last night that I didn't know what to do with myself because there wasn't really anything to clean.  Our freezer is filled to the max too so I haven't been able to make the last three freezer meals I was planning to.  I may try to rearrange it today and see if I can squeeze in another one or two.

We just got back from our doctor's appointment this week and all is still completely normal.  My vitals and baby girl's are right on track.  I'm still measuring small but at this point I've basically completely stopped gaining.  Right now our plan is to keep praying that she makes her appearance on her own but we will be trying all the doc's suggestions to speed that along.  Today was the first day the doc asked to check my membranes and was awesome when I said I would rather not.  It looks like next week (if we make it that long) will be the week where we'll do a check and a potential stripping of the membranes.  Josh and I will likely call our doula beforehand and just make sure that everyone is on board.  Apparently my doc has a high success rate at this kind of thing...

Overall we want her here but I'm not in too much of a hurry.  We have a few things we'd like to attend next week sans baby (promotions and change of responsibilities).  I do not however want to get to the 41 week point and worrying about the added non-stress tests and ultrasounds that the hospital will do.  

I'm so ready to ditch these maternity clothes...

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