Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mara-3 Weeks

Dear Mara,

Mama can't believe you are already three weeks (and well on your way to being one month old). Daddy and I are starting to get a hang of this parenting thing and it seems like you have always been a part of our lives.

Weight: You are 8 lbs. and 8 ounces 20.9 inches. You've gained a whole pound and a half in one week! I am so happy that you love to nurse and eat. You still eat about every 2 to 3 hours for about 10 to 15 minutes. I can't wait to see those little baby rolls appear!

Health: Your eye infection cleared up wonderfully. Now you're dealing with a bit of gas. It breaks mama's heart to hear you cry out of pain. We've tried bicycling your legs, burping more and rubbing your tummy. All you want to do is nurse and be held. I think we may have turned a corner today as you had two poopy diapers this morning and seem to feel a lot better. We went into the doctor today to get you looked at for your gas and ended up doing a two week appointment. You are absolutely perfect on the medical scales coming in right where you should be. The doctor says you have amazing neck support and he was so impressed with how you move your arms and legs. You made momma proud! You are a bit tongue tied but it doesn't seem to be affecting your nursing. We are still going to get it checked out by an ENT thought.

Social: You were awake a lot of this week. We are still amazed on how you love to look around and take in your surroundings. Even when you are in the Moby wrap you push off of mama to crane your neck back. I don't know how it's comfortable for you.

Diet: Strictly breast milk. You are doing great latching on to both sides now. Mama is a little sore after yesterday when all you wanted to do was nurse but we're doing ok. 
Daddy came home early = naptime for all

Clothes: You are still in your newborn clothes but they are definitely getting really tight. Last week it was only your sleepers that were too short but today I noticed some of your onesies aren't fitting. Guess its time to start wearing some of the things in your 0-3 month drawer. You are still in newborn diapers but they are now definitely getting too small. We have a whole other pack so I think we'll try to stretch them a bit. I can't decide if we'll hold off a bit longer on cloth or if we'll jump right in when we finish the pack.

Mama's Favorites: Your swing has been a lifesaver this week with your bought of gas. It was the only place you'd sleep (besides mama's arms). I am still loving your little faces. You haven't started smiling yet but you are close. You get little half grins and I can't wait to see that first true smile.

Crying: You were pretty fussy this week due to the gas. You were in so much pain. Otherwise you still only cry when you are hungry and boy do you let everyone know so. You do not give up until mama scoops you up and feeds you. 
I love your hair band but its too bad it was too big for your head

Sleep: For the most part you are doing good in this department. You are up to about 3 hour stretches depending on the night. Lately in the morning you tend to sleep in shorter bouts and only give mama an hour or so before you wake up again.

This Week: You have started making the funniest noises. You still snort when you are latching on but now you also have the best coos. You have started following us with your eyes and seem to be taking in all the little details of our faces. You are always so serious so it makes us wonder what you are thinking.

Baby Likes: You still love your swing and the moby wrap. I've also noticed that you like to lay in your play gym. I think you are amazed by the different colors and toys. You of course still love to be held and would prefer to sleep in mommy's or daddy's arms at all times. For the most part we let you but sometimes we have to put you down to get things done.

Milestones: You went to the doctor for your two week check up and did great. We also ventured out on our own for the first time this week and you did great. I try to time our outing with feeding so you are nice and tired before I put you in your seat. We also went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. You slept through the corn maze but woke up in time to see the pumpkins and help pick out the perfect one!

Best of Times: We celebrated daddy's birthday this week. It was so much fun to give him presents from both of us. We also enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch. Even though you'll never remember it, I love making memories as a family of three.

Worst of Times: Oh baby girl the gas! You were in so much pain and it was hard on mommy and daddy. We tried everything to calm you down and all you wanted to do was nurse. Thankfully you passed out around midnight. 
This is her hitler pose

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