Thursday, July 4, 2013

27 Weeks

LAST week of my second trimester.  Um how did you get here so fast and how can we slow this down a bit?!  I'm not ready for baby girl to make her arrival in three short months.  Yes I realize that three months is still a long time but its going by so fast.  This week hasn't brought too many new changes.

I got a few new maternity clothes thanks to my mama.  Four new shirts that should last me through this hot North Carolina summer.  Baby girl also got a few new things from her grandma.  She got these adorable Aden by aden + anais Swaddle blankets in Oh Girl and a very cute purple outfit.  I also got her a few more long sleeve onesies for when we first get home.  I couldn't resist for $1 each.  She's going to have one great wardrobe!

This week we had Josh's change of command ceremony.  It was busy running around getting all the last minute details but it was totally worth it.  Luckily I fit into one of my nicer dresses for the event, just barely.  If the ceremony would have been even another week later who knows!  It makes me nervous for my friend Jill's wedding.  Hopefully I can still zip the dress and the only alterations that will have to be done are to the straps and length.

I'm still feeling quite big although I feel like that is pointless to say at this point.  I am learning that I can't do everything I once was able to and am trying to be more aware of that fact.  Baby girl is still pretty quiet in there.  She gets to moving around at night right before I fall asleep and in the mornings when I'm making my breakfast.  Josh was finally able to feel her the other night for the second time.  She gave him a few small kicks then decided it was time for bed too!

She has acquired a nickname the last few weeks from her Great Aunt Mary.  (This is a tradition and cannot be changed :) She will forever be dubbed "Kenya".  I like it as Kenya holds so much meaning to both Josh and I.  Even my mom has taken to calling her this so who knows it may stick.  Despite the nickname, we still haven't made any progress on the naming front.  I think we both have had too much on our minds to sit down and talk names.  Like I said before we'll probably feel the heat of it soon.

Speaking of pressure, I am starting to get anxious about her nursery.  There's still a lot of projects I want to get done and the tiny thing of buying a few more essential things for her.  Sure she has clothes but that's about it!  Thankfully I can say we have hit the ground running with our birth plan and research as that was the highest priority.

Looking forward to our next doctor's appointment next week and getting to hear her heart beat again.  I'm hoping Josh will be able to come with me so he can meet the doctor as well.  I also have the dreaded glucose test next week that I'm not looking forward to.  Sugary sweet goop doesn't sound too fun.

Is it just me or is my face looking a bit different?

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! I think you should just name her Kenya ;)


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