Thursday, September 26, 2013

Positives of Pregnancy

I feel like in these last few weeks I have been focused solely on how uncomfortable I am and how ready I am to be not pregnant.  I know its completely normal at this stage in the game to be having these feelings but I wanted to meditate a bit on the great things of being pregnant, the little things I'm going to miss.

1. Feeling all the little kicks and movements from the inside.

With my anterior placenta it was awhile before Josh could actually feel her moving around in there.  As much as I wanted to share each kick with him, I will treasure those little movements that I got to feel first.  I'll miss the hiccups and the jabs to the ribs.

2. That sweet moment of realizing there's another life inside of you.

There is no way to describe that feeling when you take that pregnancy test and you see that second line.  Its a mixture of disbelief and wonderment.  There's uncertainty and excitement.  Its like, "Wow. I'm going to be someone's mom." I savored this moment and thought a lot about it in the weeks leading up to telling everyone we were expecting.

3. The first day someone asks you when you're due.

Those first months you are just dying for someone to notice the baby bump that you are SO SURE everyone can see.  All you want to do is talk about it and share that joy with someone else.

4. Buying that first little outfit.

I still remember doing laps around the PX trying to decide if I should buy an outfit.  We had just found out it was a girl and I was dying to look at the baby clothes.  I was in such awe of how tiny they were.

5. Being able to be a part of a miracle.

One of my favorite quotes I've seen about pregnancy is, "Instead of wishing away 9 months of pregnancy, I have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside of me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle." I love this and have really tried to focus on it.  She is a miracle and we feel so blessed to get to be her parents.

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