Monday, September 9, 2013

37 Weeks

This weeks makes us officially "full term".  I'm not really sure why doctors have put this label on pregnancy other than baby girl should be good to go no matter when she decides to make her arrival.  Everything is looking great in there.  She's moving around a lot which is fun but I'm not sure there's much more space in there.  Josh has loved been able to really feel her which he wasn't really able to do until about a month ago.  We can feel little feet and knees all the time!

Our 36 week appointment went really well.  I still don't know the results of my group b test but I'm less worried about it after talking to my doula.  I found out that even if I'm positive she will labor with me at home and then when we get to the hospital (they may be a little peeved) but they won't get too worried about it.  Baby girl's heartbeat was right on track along with her measurements.  We haven't gotten an estimate of her size but frankly I don't think I really want to know.  I've seen so many doctors be way off and I don't want it to affect how I feel about my birth plan at all.  We go back next week for our 38 week check up and then its every week from then out!

So how am I feeling...well I'm getting a ton of twinges.  Lately I've been getting these pinched muscles in my legs which are pretty painful.  The doctor says its just my hips expanding and baby girl settling down in there.  Overall things are just harder to do.  I went on a walk the other day and felt like I had run 10 miles after only about 2.  I am still trying to slow down and take it easy.  Operation deep cleaning is still going.  I have 8 rooms left and am feeling really good about it.  This week I'm also going to be cooking some freezer meals and I'm excited to get stocked up.

I am a little worried about baby girl getting here on time.  The hospital won't let you go more than ten days past your due date so I'm praying that the date we have is accurate enough.  I really don't want to be induced and will be doing everything in my power to move her along if she's still in there by October 1.  Right now she's a bit slanted in there (think head at 5 and legs at 11) and I hope she gets fully head down soon.  As with all things in this pregnancy, I think she just wants her space and this position gives it to her.  BUT she will eventually have to move into a full 6 and 12 if you know what I mean!

We would appreciate some prayers though:

Prayer for baby girl's health and mine
Prayer for a safe and natural delivery
Prayer that baby girl comes before I have to be induced
Prayer that out doula will have no other conflicts when I do in fact go into labor

Don't think the belly has changed much

1 comment:

  1. Thinking and praying for you as you are about to embark on familyhood. It's great you are using a doula. Good luck, I know you will do awesome! Can't wait to meet baby girl Bast.



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