Saturday, September 21, 2013

If You Leave a Pregnant Woman Alone With Pregnancy Brain...

If you leave a pregnant woman alone with pregnancy brain she will wake up and eat breakfast.

Then she will decide she needs to do a load of laundry.  On her way to grab the dirty clothes she'll decide that she should quickly grab a shower.

After her shower she will decide to run the dishwasher.  On the way to the kitchen she will notice the general disarray of the living room and decide to straighten up.

After straightening up she will remember that there was something in kitchen she wanted to do.  First she will grab a glass of water and then stand around wondering what exactly she came in here for.  Deciding its a lost cause she will decide she has to use the restroom.

On her way to the bathroom she will pass the laundry machine and remember she wanted to run a load of laundry.  She will quickly run to grab the dirty clothes before she forgets again and throw in the clothes.

After throwing in the clothes she will remember she wanted to run the dishwasher and go into the kitchen to do that forgetting that she had to use the restroom.  Ten minutes later she will have to pee so bad she will be running to the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom she will decide she better start thinking about dinner.  On her way to her laptop she will get distracted by the amount of cat hair on the floor.  She will then grab the vacuum and proceed to vacuum the entire house.

After finishing vacuuming she will get the urge to clean something else and knock out another room on her Operation Deep Clean list.  After crossing off another room on her list she will decide that she better make a to do list for the week before she forgets another thing.

Upon working on her list she will remember that she wanted to look up recipes for dinner tonight.  She will open her computer and get distracted by emails, facebook and blog posts.

After getting tired of surfing the internet she will close her computer and start thinking about decorating the house for fall.  She will decide to get started on crafting a burlap wreath for her front door.  She will spend the most of the afternoon slaving over the wreath until she decides she needs to go for a walk.

She will head out for her walk only to come back to her husband home from work early.  Her husband will ask what's for dinner and she will remember that she wanted to look up recipes.  Deciding that its been a long day she will ask if leftovers are ok and crash on the couch for the night.

(The next day she will discover the musty laundry still in the machine and have to rewash the entire load)

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