Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The To-Do List

The last couple of weeks has been spent receiving shipments, opening boxes and unpacking, unpacking, unpacking!  For as much as I am pulling things out, I don't feel like we're getting anywhere (or at least anywhere fast).  BUT I've come to the conclusion that this is ok.  In fact its more than ok; its normal.

While we were in Kenya all we had was "Josh's".  My things were in storage at my parents.  Now we're trying to combine it all into one household and create a system that works for us.  And that's just going to take some time.  Time now will only make future moves easier (oh yes with the Army there are many moves in our future) so I'm willing to put in the effort.

Each day I've carved out a little bit and that makes me feel accomplished.  Today I tackled the guest bedroom closet and the pile of linens.  Now we have an organized closet and clean folded linens.  Mission accomplished!  All the china is now stored in the china cabinet and Josh's old army uniforms are put away in storage.  I also moved all the office things upstairs in prep for setting up our home office.  All this on top of the usual dishes and laundry and this girl feels pretty good about herself!

Despite plugging away daily I do have a mental to-do list for this week.  With the pregnancy I really can't be tackling some of the major projects I normally wouldn't think twice about.  So here it is.  Our goals for the weekend (or at least mine, poor Josh just may get suckered in...)

1. Mow the law:  The neighbors probably think we're growing a forest out there.

2. Spray weed killer:  While we're at it we might as well get a hold on this dandelion population.

3. Organize garage

4. Decide on which mattress for the guest bedroom

5. Move Jen's desk upstairs

6. Brainstorm ways of getting Josh's furniture into the house: For those who didn't see my facebook pic,     Josh's beautiful couch from Korea didn't make it through the front door.  Not sure what we're going to do exactly but we'll find a way!

7. Research this garden thing: I really want to plant some seeds and I'm thinking I need to do it soon!

8. Set up bookcase and books: easier said than done as there's a lot to be moved before this gets accomplished.

Think we'll get it all done?  Here's hoping!

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