Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Life Lately

For those of you who don't know, Josh and I just recently made our way back to the ole' US of A.  After a whirlwind of house hunting, car shopping and family visiting we are finally getting settled in here in North Carolina.  As much as I loved visiting with family and friends it is nice to be stable in one place again.

Right now we are dealing with the typical new place items: turning on utilities, running errands and unpacking.  Oh the dreaded unpacking...Usually I am all for unpacking.  Seriously this is something I ENJOY.  But for some reason this time around its been a bit more difficult for some reason.  I don't know if its the pregnancy nesting kicking in or my general want for this home of ours to really be a reflection of both of us.  Whatever it is has really taking which is normally a fast task for me and slowed it down significantly.

On top of all that its been a bit difficult to picture the house with all of our things.  Right now we are living off of my stuff until our other shipments come in.  We have one coming from Kenya tomorrow and the other from storage on Monday.  Its been this guessing game of how will things fit and where we should store things.  I'm a bit of a planner and find it hard to put things away when I don't know where their final "homes" will be.  Thankfully I have a very encouraging husband that even when there are tons of boxes left to unpack nicely describes the house as "almost done".  Love him!

Besides getting settled at home Josh has been trying to get started at work.  He's been doing the usual in processing activities as well as some specific to his new unit.  Please pray that everything continues to go well and that its not too stressful for him.

I'm hoping to be able to get out and meet some other wives soon.  We were able to have dinner with some of Josh's old friends last night and it was so nice to just chat over a delicious dinner.  Unfortunately they are moving away soon, so I hope we can get out and meet some other friends in the next couple of weeks.

Little girl is still as active as ever despite all the moving around I've been doing the last few weeks.  You would think the movement would put her to sleep but no.  We have been so blessed by friends and family who have already given her so much.  She's barely "half-cooked" and already has a crib, rocker, dresser/changing table, changing pad, boppy pillow, crib sheets, mattress, books, blankets, and a few outfits.  Seems to be she might be a bit spoiled already!

Well that's about our lives at the moment in a nutshell.  I've been trying so hard to keep up with the blog but admist all the moving its been a bit difficult.  I am also thinking about renaming it as we are no longer in Kenya but am stumped for a new name.  Suggestions welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Destination: Adventure (that should cover all future moves and life in general, right?) Hang in there! Everything will eventually find a place - I promise!


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