Saturday, June 8, 2013

23 Weeks

Hello 23 weeks!  Where has the time gone?!  We are almost at 6 months.  This week I finally got in to see a doctor.  Yes people it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy and not go into the doctor every couple of weeks (no I'm not advocating this but just noting that pregnancy is NOT something "wrong" with your body but something completely natural).  Everything looks good in there.  I'm measuring right on track and it looks like her due date is still September 30th.

OH in big news, we found out that Baby Bast is a GIRL!!  I was thinking boy from the start and most of the old wives tales seem to point that way too.  Guess the bottom line is you can never predict these things.  We are so excited to be having a daughter and can't wait to add another Bast granddaughter to the clan.  :-)

I'm starting to feel quite large this week.  Its a bit depressing as I know I will only get bigger.  I'm just trying to get used to the fact that it's going to take me longer to do certain things than it once did and I'm going to get tired faster.  My belly button is getting shallower by the day.  I'm hoping that it stays an innie but won't put any money on it.

I have reached a new normal when it comes to sleep.  I was telling Josh the other day that if I wake up less than five times during the night I consider that a success.  Its so strange to be measuring that as good sleep.  For the most part I've been falling asleep with my regular pillow and then switching over to the Snoogle pillow in the middle of the night (usually after bathroom break numero uno).  For the most part it works great.  I do get some right hip pain if I lay on that side more than my left and that's just a reminder that I shouldn't be laying on that side.

Baby girl has been kicking a lot more than usual lately.  Her kicks are still VERY sporadic and deep in my pelvis.  This unfortunately makes it hard for Josh to feel them unless he wants to keep his hand on my stomach for the entire night.  She mainly kicks in the morning and then again at night.  It seems that she's sleeping for the better part of the day.  According to the ultrasound she's breech and has managed to somehow wedge her legs up so that her bottom really is the furthest south part of her body.  She can stay that way for now but better realize that she needs to flip around in a few more months!

Overall I'm still feeling really good.  Life around the Bast house has been super busy with getting settled and we still have a ton to do.  I'm trying to take it slow and not over exert myself.  I can't wait till everything is put away and we can finally start thinking seriously about her room.  I don't think we need to paint but we may be refinishing some furniture, picking out some wall art and choosing other little kick-knacks.  :-)

White shirt and white door maybe not the best idea

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