Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mom Super Powers

No one ever told me that once I became a mom I would get super powers.  That bit of information was left out.  I mean it was over night and BAM there they were all these new abilities....

1. The power to wake up at EVERY SINGLE noise your child makes regardless of if they are in your room or across the house.

2. The power to wake up multiple times a night when they sleep through the night for the first time.

3. The power to carry both your groceries, purse, diaper bag, child and oh you want that rock on the ground.  Ok I'll pick that up too.

4. The power to multitask to the extreme.  Yes honey I can do that for you let me just also throw this away, while I'm emptying the dish washer.  Oh and let's not forget supper on the stove or the screaming toddler at my feet.

5. The power to see behind your head.  Nope don't touch that.  I can see you getting into that!

6. The ability to know when it's been too quiet for exactly the right about of time for your child to get into trouble.

7. The ability to know exactly how many minutes there are till nap time.

8. The power to remember every single kids song or cartoon theme out there but can't remember your phone number.  The important things.

9. To power to pack exactly the right about of snacks, diaper, wipes and change of clothes needed for a weekend trip but forget your tooth brush.

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