Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mara-2 Years

Wears: You are still in in anywhere from 18 month to 2T in clothing.  You weigh about 24 lbs and are 32 inches tall.  I see us staying in 2T for awhile as you have plenty of room in both length and size.

Health:  You were super healthy this month.  No runny noises or coughs!

Says:  This month you added a few words to your vocabulary: ice, I do!, No, me!, Sissy, thank you, peas, and good morning.  We love that you say, "I do!" instead of yes.  You also say, "No, me!" when you want to do something by yourself.  As you get more and more independent we hear this one a lot!

You still have a pretty extensive made up vocabulary.  We hear a lot of words that you make up but all of the words have meaning.

Favorite Foods:  You are still a pretty good eater.  Your favorites this month are bananas, applesauce, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, grilled cheese, noodles, rice, beans and watermelon.

This month we stopped breastfeeding.  We stopped at the beginning of the month and never looked back.  You have never once asked for it since we stopped and I think it was the best time for both of us.

Sleep: Sleep has been going good.  You sleep through the night about 50% of the time.  Surprisingly it comes in weekly waves for you.  One week you'll sleep through the night every night and then the next you wake up during the night.  This past week we worked on not laying down with you when you do wake in the middle of the night.  We tell you that it's time for sleep and that we'll stay with you a minute.  You usually have no problem falling asleep again.

You are still waking up pretty early every morning around 6:30.  You'll lay with us for about an hour but you usually don't go back to sleep.  This is a little hard for Mommy and Daddy.

Nap time has been going so smoothly.  You had a few days where you refused to nap so Mommy took it into her own hands to get you on a schedule.  We go upstairs to your room at 1 every day and lay down.  You usually fall asleep in about five minutes and sleep anywhere from 1.5-2 hours.

Best Moment:  I love your personality this month.  You have opinions about everything and are such a little toddler.  This is such a fun age!

Milestones: You are a climber.  You scaled the rock wall on the playground this month without help.  You go up the ladders on the playground with ease.

You hand from bars for about 5 seconds.  You like to do this on the playground and in the elevator.

You are sleeping through the night pretty consistently.

You are developing a sense of humor and try to do things that make us laugh.

You talk in your sleep.

You go up steps and down steps without holding on to a railing.

You shake your finger for no.

You are obsessed with Minnie and playgrounds.

You have started tot school this month.  Every week you and Mommy do activities centered around a theme.

You walk around on your tippy toes ALL THE TIME!

Loves To:  You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love to ride escalators and elevators.

You to wear Mommy's necklaces.

You love animals.  You always point out everyone you see.

You love Minnie Mouse.

You loved opening your presents on your birthday.

You love your baby doll.

You love sleeping with ALL your animals.

You love to ask, "What's that?"

Favorite Toys: slides, swings, musical instruments, legos, baby doll, shopping cart, books, bath toys, wool dryer balls, Mom's necklaces

Dislikes: covers, being told no, things not happening immediately, not "going"

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