Friday, January 30, 2015

Mara-16 Months

Wears:  You are still in 18 month clothing with a lot of room to spare.  I'm thinking this set of clothes will get the longest wear yet!  When I put you in disposables you are in size 4.

At your 15 month appointment at the beginning of this month you were 21 lbs. and 29.5 inches.

Wearing Mama's old dress to church

Health: You have been super healthy as normal this month.  You have had a slight runny nose at time but I think that's too be expected with the time of year and all the germs being passed around at the nursery at church.

You now have all your teeth besides the top right molar.  Thus far it doesn't seem to be coming in but we'll see.

First day of ballet.  Unsure but oh so cute!

Says:  Your vocabulary has almost doubled this month.  You now regularly say: "Ut, oh!", "Oww!", "doggie", "no", "Nama" (Grandma), and "I know."

Besides the clear words you say you also seemingly talk in complete sentences in your own language.  You string multiple "words" together when you are talking to Mommy and Daddy and seem to have something very important to say.  

Bath time is still high up on your list

Favorite Foods: This month we have added enchiladas, blueberries, tomatoes, hamburger, and zucchini to the list of foods you'll eat.  I'd still classify you as pretty picky but we are slowly trying to change that.  

New toys from Grandma

Sleep: You STILL haven't slept through the night yet.  Lately your sleep has been a real struggle.  You used to lay back down (even if you were semi-awake) at night and fall back asleep on your own.  Now you've been screaming as soon as I lay you down.  We usually do this dance for about an hour before you resettle back down.  You are probably up 2-3 times a night still.  It's completely exhausting.

Your naps haven't really been affected this month.  You still usually take one longer nap (1.5-2 hours) mid-day.  The only difference I've noticed is that if you fall asleep in the car it's been really hard to get you in the house asleep.


Best Moment:  The best moments this month have been having Grandma and Aunt Mary come for a visit.  It was a last minute trip but you had so much fun with both of them.  You chased Aunt Mary around in your Radio Flyer and had Grandma read you a ton of books.

We have also started ballet and music class this month.  It's been a lot of fun watching you enjoy these new classes and start to interact with your peers

Selfies after bath time

Milestones: You raise your hands to be tickled.  You continue to do this although the height you raise them get's less and less the more I tickle you.

You can identify objects in your "I spy" books.

You bend over to look between your legs in a kind of headstand yoga movement.

You have a great memory.  You repeatedly know where you've left things and what things are called.  You know that you get a stamp at ballet and music class and will point to your hand all week at the mere mention of it.

You blow on your food when I tell you it's hot.

You're the best helper.  You throw things away when asked including the links on our daddy countdown each morning.  You also close doors and put dirty laundry in the hamper.

You know your body parts.  You can identify your head, eyes, nose, mouth, cheek, ears and toes when asked.

You ask for your boo boos to be kissed. :)

16 months

Loves To:  You love to read still.  Books all day.  Your favorite ones are any about Mickey Mouse and farm animals.

You love your stuffed animals.  You carry them around all day and give them squeezes.  You just got a Mickey Mouse one which you haven't let out of your sight.

You love Mickey Mouse.  I let you watch a tiny bit of TV everyday and you always want Mickey.

You love music and dancing.  Every song that comes on you sway your hands and bounce around.

You love to give kisses.  You always give one when asked.

You love buddy.  You always want to know where he is and will go sit by him.

You love drinking out of Mommy's cup.  You prefer this cup to all others.

How is she a 1/3 of the way to 2?!

Favorite Toys: Radio flyer scooter, BOOKS, teddy bear, anything with music, mickey mouse, new farm tractor and safari van

I love that silly grin

Dislikes: not getting your way immediately, diaper changes, when Mama doesn't let you watch Mickey Mouse

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