Monday, August 19, 2013

Pregnancy Must Haves

Pregnancy in general has been fairly easy for me.  I really didn't experience any of the first trimester morning sickness but I definitely am feeling the pains and discomforts of third trimester.  I have a few tricks with dealing with them and I wanted to document some of my favorite pregnancy must haves to look back for future pregnancies.

1. Bio Oil

I love this stuff.  I have been rubbing it on my stomach since the first day I found out I was expecting.  At first I did it mainly to prevent stretch marks but when I hit the halfway point it turned more into a hydration technique.  In general I have sensitive skin and Bio Oil was the only cream/oil/lotion that relieved the itchiness and didn't cause a rash.  With my belly being so big, I'm now just slathering it on.  My only beef is its pretty expensive for the amount you get.  That being said I'm on my third bottle now and would buy another if I needed too.

2. The Snoogle

At first I was so against these maternity pillows.  I thought they were bulky and honestly would have rather snuggled with my husband than a pillow.  That being said...I am SO glad Josh talked me into this pillow.  I've had it since 20 weeks and have slept with it every night.  At about the halfway point my hips started to really hurt at night and the pillow provides the support I need to get comfortable at night.  I still have a love/hate relationship with how big it is and now getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom is a bit cumbersome but its worth it for those hours of sleep.

3. Water bottle

I go everywhere with my water bottle.  I've had a hard time picking the perfect bottle but lately I've really loved one that I picked up from my brother.  Its just a basic cup with a lid.  The straw is what makes it for me.  There's something about the straw that just encourages me to drink more water which is always good.

4. Cotton T-shirts

I really don't have a ton of maternity wear.  I just can't get over the high prices they want for clothes that I will only fit into for a limited amount of time.  The majority of my wardrobe consists of plain t-shirts.  A little boring yes but I love to just throw on one of these shirts and run out the door.  They are super comfy and soft and that's what's most important.

5. Snacks

I'm constantly snacking. Earlier in my pregnancy I think I just needed the added nutrition but now its a matter of a small stomach from being squished by baby girl.  I am also trying to eat pretty healthy so its all about keeping easy snack foods around.  I have so much dried fruit, nuts, string cheese and yogurt in the house.  These are my go to snacks.  I know that if it involves too much work I won't prepare it so anything I can grab and go is great.

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