Friday, August 23, 2013

A Nursery Update

We decided to put the crib in the back corner of the room because it worked best with the positioning of the window.  The bedding is super simple with just a cream sheet and the red polka-dot bedskirt.  We didn't really have a "theme" for the room but just wanted to stay within our red, yellow and teal color palette.  I also love how her room has turned into a slight collection of things we've collected over the years.  The mobile is something I got in Kenya and just happened to work in the color scheme and the little things in the cubes are all recycled from either Josh or I's personal collections.

I decided not to paint the changing table and actually prefer the natural wood.  The dresser is stocked with our cloth diapers, blankets, extra sheets, towels and wipes.  The changing pad is something I picked up on Etsy as well as the hanging wet bag.  I think for the most part we're going to use the stainless steel trash can with a pail liner for our cloth diapers and wipes.  I heard that the steel prevents the can from smelling and the foot pedal will be good for hands free disposal.  I grabbed the organizer at Target to hold our cloth wipes, diaper cream and wipe solution.

This dresser is recycled from my nursery and we're using it right now to hold her current clothing.  I'm not a 100% happy with it as there's a musty smell that still lingers from it sitting in my dad's shop for two years, but I do love how it matches the crib and rocker.  I created a burlap hair bow holder out of an oatmeal can.  I'm sort of happy with it but think I need to mount it on a some kind of candlestick to give it some height.  The pull behind mickey just happens to be the perfect colors and is something Josh took from his grandmother's house.  The collage wall is one of my favorites.  I picked out some fabric matching our colors and stretched them in wooden embroidery hoops.  I added in the teal cork board, yellow mirror and cloth covered frame to mix it up a bit.  My favorite part though is the wooden carving that Josh did when he was little.  Again it just happened to be the perfect colors for the room!  The pile of toys will hopefully be soon in a small toy basket.

Here's a close up of the cork board.  I stretched some yellow fabric on the back and put up this quote.

I wanted to add some scripture somewhere and thought these hoops were the perfect place.  I cross stitched this into some spare fabric and adhered it on the hoop.

The bookcases are spice racks from Ikea that I spray painted red.  Josh got the joy of hanging them which turned out to be a bit trickier than expected.  We wanted to anchor at least the bottom two because as she grows she will be able to pull at them and lets just say getting the anchors in and the right size screws was a bit trying.  But they're up and filled with some of our favorite books.  

In the corner by the window I hung three frames in which I put some of her ultrasound photos in.  The rocker is from my parents and I bought the cream cushion for it.  The side table was one of our projects and I ended up painting it teal.  I love that there's a side portion and I can store all of my breast feeding things in there.  It's even big enough to hold the boppy!  I plan on spending a lot of time feeding in this chair.  I picked up the simple lamp at Target so that I wouldn't have to turn on the main light in the middle of the night. 

This is the rug we picked up in Morocco that inspired the entire room.  I love the colorful geometric designs.

Her closet is packed full of outfits.  I used cloth dividers to separate them by month.  I plan to move things to her dresser as she grows into them.  I may have to get another hanging bar if she gets anything else!  I also repurposed the dividers from my old dresser to hold hats, bibs and socks.  They are really handy and light to pull down and get whatever I need from them.

The nursery isn't completely finished but its super close.  We finally have the last few of our major projects accomplished and almost everything bought that we need.  The little things that I'd still like to do aren't critical and will probably not happen till little girl is here.  I still want to get a small toy basket for the few things she has and possibly do a large red initial above her crib.  Of course I can't do this until we have a name picked out :) We also have a few frames scattered about the room.  Right now they have old pictures in them but I'd like to replace them with photos of baby girl or potentially some of our maternity photos.

I also need to finish sewing our cloth wipes and make the wipe solution.  I still have some time for this because we're not planning to start cloth diapering right away.  We want a little time to settle down into parenthood first.

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