Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Love/Hate Relationship With Nesting

Nesting.  That lovely pregnancy thing that usually strikes the average pregnant lady sometime during their third trimester.  That surge of hormones that suddenly makes you want to expect every nook and cranny of your house and get down on your hands and knees to scrub that grout that you would normally never touch.

So why do I love this stage of pregnancy?  I mean if you're a bit type A like I am you love an organized house.  I'm just generally happier if everything has a home and I can find things easily.  Nesting has me washing outside windows, trimming hedges, moving rugs to vacuum under them, bleaching anything and everything, etc.  Normally I'm not this much of a clean freak but I do appreciate how clean my home has been the last few months.  And the beauty of it is its not over yet...I have huge plans for one last deep clean before she comes.  I mean total scrub down of EVERYTHING.

So why do I hate this stage of pregnancy?  Nesting stresses me out.  It makes me compulsively write lists and freak out when I don't have things on them completed.  It comes in these sudden urges which are usually accompanied by tears and anxiety.  Poor Josh must think I'm crazy to be completely happy with the way things are one day and upset about them the next (or even hours later!).  I am so blessed to have such an understanding husband who just blames the hormones and doesn't start to question my sanity :)  Nesting for me also started a lot earlier than the normal pregnant woman.  With our move from Kenya hitting about 20 weeks, I've been in full fledge nesting mode for literally half of my pregnancy.  Not fun.

So how do deal with this balance?  Well I just take each day as it comes.  Sure some days are going to be bad but then there are those days where I get a ton done and feel so good about myself.  Like finally being able to say the outside windows are done today.  Priceless.  I know I'll be happy everything is clean and ready for when she comes because I'm sure not going to want to be doing that kind of stuff when she gets here (that's what family visitors are for).  Until then I'll just keep plugging along on my lists and hopefully not drive Josh too crazy.  It'll get there and I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

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