Friday, October 26, 2012

The Little things In the U.S.

A trip to the U.S. brings a whole lot of excitement and usually a long list of things to get done and people to see.  This upcoming trip will be no exception as we have the wedding :) and all things related.  Although the wedding is the "main event" so to speak, there are a few other things that I'm looking forward to on this trip as well.

In no particular order....

1. Stephenitch girls Night (otherwise known as Taco Tuesdays):  This event has been one of the highlights of my time in the U.S. ever since I've lived abroad.  All the ladies on my mom's side get together over a pitcher of margaritas and yummy tacos and discuss life.  This usually results in a lot of laughter and a whole lot of fun.

2. Manis and Pedis with my mom: I guess on some regards this is related to the wedding but I'm still excited to spend some time at the spa with my mom.  She's going to get a manicure while I'm getting both my feet and hands done.  Walking around Kenya in flip flops everyday does a number on your feet!

3. Seeing family and friends: This trip we will get to see both of our families and the best part of it all is they will be in the same place.  I love getting to see everyone when I come back but honestly sometimes its really hard to make time to do so.  Traveling to them requires driving (or even flying) across the country and there just isn't time.  I always end up feeling guilty for leaving my family too.  BUT this time everyone will be in one place!  Super exciting!

4. Organizing: Ok so I know this one sounds weird, but I love me some organization.  Right now it just kills me that all my possessions are scattered around my parents house.  So in all that free time I'll have leading up to the wedding (lol) I'm planning on going through as much of my stuff as possible.  I'd like to try to pack up a few things and sort through some others.  I figure anything I can get done now is one less thing for us to do when we come back to the States next year.

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