Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mara-12 months

Weight: I think you're probably a little more than 20 lbs. and probably somewhere around 27 inches.   I'm looking forward to your first year appointment so we can get the exact stats.

Pumpkin patch

Health: You're still healthy as can be!  You have been showing some signs of teething but nothing major.  If anything you're a tad more fussy and want mama more.
No baby you're too big to ship to Daddy

Social: You are still my social butterfly when you are around those you know.  You love to play with Grandma and Grandpa.  You love when they chase you around and love to entertain them with your antics.

When you are around others that you don't know you tend to be pretty shy.  You kind of recede into yourself.

Mama and Mara

Diet: You are starting to be a bit picky and I think it's probably mama's fault.  I have a hard time trying to figure out good meals for you.  You love your strawberries and cheese.  You will also eat avocado and turkey breast.  You like chicken and will sometimes eat peas.

For breakfast you usually eat one fruit and maybe some toast or waffles.  You're not really a big breakfast eater though.  You still usually prefer to just nurse.  I think you are just too ready to play to be bothered with eating.

For lunch you usually have another fruit, some cheese, protein and avocado.  We're trying to mix it up but like I said mama struggles with good meals for you.

Dinner is usually similar to lunch.  Sometimes you get spaghetti or another type of noodle which you love.  This isn't an usual occurrence though.   

Bath time

Clothes:  You are still in 12 month clothes and fitting well.  You are also in size 3 disposable diapers.

Mama's Favorites:  I love how vocal you've become in the last few days.  You were before but lately you have been using a lot of different syllables.  You seem to have a lot of conversations with yourself as well as everyone around you.  You especially love chatting to daddy on skype.

Crying:  You have mastered the fake cry.  You stick out your little lip and start the tears until you get what you want.  You have also started crying out for mama at night.  This makes nights hard.  Hearing you cry "mommy" just tears at my heart.

Ready for the parade

Sleep:  Ugh I don't even want to go hear.  We are a mess when it comes to sleep girl.  No I take that back.  Your naps are ok.  You were taking two naps a day for usually about a total of 2.5 hours.  The past few days though you have only taken one two hour nap.  I'm not ready for a one nap a day.  Mama likes her "me time".

But anyways nights.  Yeah they're bad.  You usually wake up 3-4 times.  The last two nights though its been every two hours.  Your clingy and basically want to lay on me.  I can't handle this as you pinch and pull at me.  I know you find comfort in this but Mama can't sleep while you do this.  Right now we are just coasting as I know you will probably have some adjustment as we travel back to North Carolina soon.

This Week:   It's your birthday baby girl!!!  We had a party for you and you loved all the attention.  You ate cake and smeared the frosting on your face.  We also went to the park on your actual birthday and you loved swinging.  

Baby Likes: You love your cozy coupe.  You love getting in and out of it.  You also love beeping the horn and will do it when someone says "Beep. Beep."  You also love when Grandpa pushes you around in it.

You love talking to daddy on skype.  Lately you have been going over to the computer and will try opening it.  You look at me and ask, "dada?"

You love walking when someone holds your hands.  You are very specific about this.  You will not walk unless you have both fingers.

You love music and anything that plays music.  You are entertained for hours pushing the buttons and listening.  You usually dance along too.

You love being chased.  You live for someone to chase you.  You squeal and crawl faster.  You usually stop and look behind you just to make sure we're following you.

You love mama's cell phone.  You know how to open it and push the home button.  It's been difficult keeping you away from it and watching you to make sure you don't lock me out of it.  You get really angry if I take it away so I try really hard to make sure you don't see it in the first place.

Watching the parade

Milestones:  You are clearly saying mommy and daddy.  You cry out for mommy at night and ask for daddy on the computer.

You are getting more stable on your feet.  You take pretty reasonable sized steps when you are holding on to someone's hands.  You have even taken a few steps on your own.  Nothing to take note of.  I am certain you aren't going to walk till you are sure you can do it perfectly.

You had your first birthday party last weekend.  You had so many friends and families spoiling you.  You always had someone to walk you around the house which you loved.

You also got to eat cake for the first time.  You picked at the frosting before really getting into it.  You never really got to the cake as the sugar in the frosting had you from the first bite.

You are mimicking more frequently now.  You stick out your tongue when someone does it to you.  You also blow raspberries and try to make the popping noise that daddy does.  

You went to your second pumpkin patch.  We had apple cider donuts and took pictures in front of pumpkins.

You watched your first parade.  We went in for the homecoming parade.  You loved watching all the kids and the band.  

Best of Times:  Mama loved watching you at your first birthday party.  You weren't shy and were entertaining everyone.

Asleep in the baler.  Farming is hard work!

Worst of Times:  The sleep.  It's been a year baby girl since mama has slept through the night.  Enough said.

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