Monday, September 15, 2014

Mara-50 Weeks

*Umm how do I have an almost 1 year old.........(ps this means the next update will be a year, gulp)

Weight: I don't know your stats exactly but I'd bet you have finally crossed the 20 lb. mark.  You are also around 27 inches.

pretty girl

Health:  You have a bit of a shinner on your right eye from a collision with the rocker.  Other than that you have a few bruises from crawling.  None of which seem to bother you much!

You have had a bit of a runny nose this week.  I think we both have a touch of a cold.

Social: A new side of you has seemed to emerge.  You are very social with those you know.  You get so excited when Grandma and Grandpa come home.  You love being around them.  You especially love when Grandpa takes you cruising in your Cozy Coupe.

Her smile makes everyday worth it

Diet: You still like to feed yourself almost exclusively.  You adamantly refuse baby food or cereal.  You really like your fruits.  Strawberries are still your favorite although you will eat grapes, oranges, blueberries and apples.  You love cheese and will eat turkey quite regularly.

You still do great out of your sippy cup.  This week we've been experimenting with different types of cups and you have mastered them all.  We still do just water but that doesn't seem to phase you.  

Clothes:  You are still in 12 month clothes and fitting well.  You are also in size 3 disposable diapers.

One of her favorite hiding places

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you learn so many new things so quickly.  You catch on so fast and I feel like you change daily.

Crying:  You are still really only crying when you are frustrated.  Now that you are pretty mobile you get frustrated when we do not know what you want instantly.  It's interesting as you know your signs but still do not use them.  Sometimes I cannot even get you to look at me to show you a sign you are so beside yourself with frustration.

Loves pushing her tractor around the living room
Sleep:  We go up and down in this department so much that I'm hesitant to write about our successes this week.  You transitioned back to Grandma's pretty easily.  You are waking up 2-3 times in the night still but it's better than what we were doing in Wisconsin.  We still only nurse once and the other times we just cuddle.  For now I think we will just roll with this and try to make some changes once we get home to North Carolina.  

Grocery shopping with Grandma puffs in hand

This Week: We've been on the go with Grandma.  She took the whole week off of work so we've been shopping and running errands.  We held a garage sale in town and relaxed at home.    

Baby Likes: You like hearing yourself talk.  You jabber to yourself all day and love screeching if no one is paying attention to you.

You like crawling up the stairs and could do it all day if we'd let you.  You get up to the top and then want to go down and do it all over again.

You love to cruise.  Whether it's in the cozy coupe, the smaller car or the office chair you don't care.  You love it so much you scream every time we stop.  You could cruise for hours.

You love to walk with someone holding your hands.  You are no longer satisfied with crawling anywhere and must hold our hands to walk.

You love to throw things over the balcony at Grandma and Grandpa's.  You throw balls and toys down expecting someone to throw them back to you in which you repeat the process over again.

You love mama's phone.  You know that you can do things by swiping the screen and pushing the buttons.  You get really mad if I lock it. 

Cruising in the office chair

Milestones:  You are getting better and better at your mobile skills.  You now stand on your own unassisted.  You think this is the coolest thing and look to us immediately for recognition.  You will now walk behind walking toys.  They go a bit fast for you but you usually do ok.

You have mastered the steps.  One day you just decided to start climbing and never looked back!  Before that you had only gone up one step and stopped.

You walk holding others hands regularly.  You prefer to get around this way in fact.  You have taken one hesitant step on your own but decided that you weren't ready yet.  

Best of Times: You are becoming a little girl.  You have opinions about things and like to get your way.  Your smile is contagious and you love to play.  You get everyone around you involved in what you're doing.  I love seeing you grow girl!

Worst of Times: Nothing major stands out.  I guess I'd say I'd hope your small tantrums die down.  Whether it's with better signing or something else.  I hope we are able to communicate better.

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