Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mara-11 Month

Weight: Not sure on this one.  I swear you feel heavier but it's hard to tell.

You carry toys around in your mouth all the time

Health:  Still just a few bumps and bruises from cruising around the house but no sickness lately.  With all the traveling I am nervously waiting for something to arise.  It's rare we can visit all your cousins without something.  Just so many people in one place something is bound to pop up.

You recently were teething what I believe to be your one year molar.  You were in so much pain girl.  You wouldn't nurse.  You wouldn't eat.  Gave mama a scare.  It was three long days but you slowly got better.

Loving spaghetti

Social: You are doing great with our traveling.  You warmed up really fast to Arthi and Vik over the weekend.  You also have taken to your cousins, Auntie Carrie and Uncle Caleb.  I'm so happy to see your stranger danger isn't so extreme anymore.

You can't crawl through everything

Diet: You definitely prefer to feed yourself real food versus baby food but have taken a pouch on occasion while traveling.  We mainly stick to your favorites sometimes introducing a new protein here and there.  You still love your strawberries and cheese.  You also do really well with avocado and lunch meat.  Yesterday you tried fish for the first time and liked it.  We really need to introduce more veggies into your diet though.

You are doing great with your sippy cup and water.  You have finally figured it out and drink from it regularly.    

Your tongue is now a regular part of your smile

Clothes:  You are still in 12 month clothes and fitting well.  You are also in size 3 disposable diapers.

All dressed up and ready for the trolley

Mama's FavoritesI love taking you to new places and watching you interact with new people.  It was so much fun to explore Chicago with you and you love interacting with your cousins.

Spinning circles is so much fun

Crying:  You have really started fussing a lot more lately.  You are very stubborn and get very focused on what you want.  You usually fuss if you cannot get it or are having trouble.  Case in point: You tried to chase the cat behind the couch the other day and couldn't fit.  Instead of giving up you screamed because you were stuck and then screamed louder when I pulled you out because all you wanted was to follow the cat.  I think as you get more mobile this is becoming more evident.  Hopefully we can relieve some of this frustration as we better communicate to each other through sign and vocal sounds.

Sleep:  Eh I'm not sure I even want to go here.  I am so frustrated in this department.  You were doing ok at Grandma's but then we had a major set back at Arthi's.  You ended up in the bed with me for most of the night.  Here at Auntie Carrie & Uncle Caleb's it seems to have gotten even worse, if that's possible.  You are waking anywhere from 4 to 6 times a night.  You're unsure and cling to me.  Even in the bed you roll over until you are literally on top of me to get close.  This is too much for mama as you still pinch and touch her all through the night.  You may be sleeping but I am not.  For now I don't really see a way around it.  Once we get back to Grandma's we may have to adjust our arrangement.  You will likely sleep in your crib in my old room and Mama will find a new bed!

Taking it all in at the splash pad

This Week: We traveled to Chicago to visit Mama's friend Arthi and explored the city.  We went to the splash pad and the zoo.  We also went to visit your Daddy's side of the family.  You played with your cousins, aunts and uncles.  

Baby Likes: You loved the splash pad in Millennium Park.  You sat content as content can be and watched the bigger kids run around. You weren't even phased when they splashed you.  After a bit you were having a blast splashing with both your hands and feet, even crawling through the water.  

You love your cousins' cats.  You chase both of them around the house and get really frustrated when you can't get to where they are hiding (ie. behind the couch).  You make the best high pitch yelping sound as if you are talking to them.  

You really like being around all the kids, especially Talia who is only a few years older than you.  You warmed up immediately and love "chatting" and playing with them.

You are still my good eater.  You will usually eat everything I put in front of you still favoring strawberries and cheese.

You loved looking out the window at Arthi's at the cars below.  You were amazed at the little moving vehicles.  You also loved playing peek-a-boo behind her long curtains.  You were entertained for hours.

Cat in a box.  The perfect toy.

Milestones:  You are mastering your physical mobility skills.  You are getting sturdier on your feet and hardly wobble.  Your assisted steps are smaller and more controlled.  You still pull yourself up with ease and walk along furniture.  Your preferred method of mobility is still crawling although you have taken a few hesitant steps behind push toys.  

You went to the zoo for the first time!  I thought you'd be more interested in the bigger animals but you were in your zone in the stroller.  We pointed out the lions and the sea otters and you really could have cared less.  haha.  You did come alive when we passed the flamingos.  I don't know if it was the pink color or the flapping wings that interested you.  

You are perfecting some of your sounds.  You have said phrases that sound really like dada when we skype Josh on the computer.  You have also said something that sounds like mama when you want to get picked up.

You have mastered the sippy cup.  You really like this cup and drink water from it regularly.  

You went on your first trolley ride at Starved Rock.  We toured the park and the surrounding city.  You loved looking out the window at the animals and trees.

Dueling pianos

Best of Times: You're personality is blooming.  You have a stubborn streak and are very determined.  I love seeing you start to set off on your own exploring your surroundings.  It's also been great seeing you play with your cousins.  

Not so interested in smiling.

Worst of Times: The sleep girl.  Mama is a walking zombie most days and cannot wait for the day that you sleep longer stretches of time.

11 months

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