Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mommy-hood Confessions

I think sometimes with the technologies of social media we paint a rosey picture of motherhood, of perfectly decorated rooms, well-crafted meals, pinterest crafts galore.  Yes sometimes there's enough time in the day to make a good meal and clean up around the house, but most days the house goes unnoticed as the focus is on Mara and taking care of her.  

Here are some of my Mommy-hood confessions:

1. Mara's favorite toy is my keys.  Yes I realize they are probably disgusting but I'm just building her immune system right?

2.  On that note I usually just pick up dropped toys and hand them back to her.  They usually promptly go into her mouth.  Think immune system. 

3. Sometimes I unplug the extension cord and let her play with it.  If its not plugged into the outlet its fine right?

4. Mara has on numerous occasions swallowed balls of cat hair.  She picks up everything and puts it in her mouth.

5. Lately her favorite toys aren't toys at all.  She loves DVD covers, sunscreen bottles and remotes.  Does that stop us from having baskets full of toys...no.

6. In the morning her favorite toy is a thermometer.  If I give her this it usually buys me another five minutes of sleep.  I'd do anything for sleep.

7. Before Mara I tried to make sure I wore real clothes everyday, occasionally make up.  Now I count a shower as a good day.

8. When I am really at my whits end, I turn on TV and sit her in front of it.  She is mesmerized and I get a minute to collect myself.

9. Sometimes I'm not in love with nursing.  I love that I can feed her and that I don't have to wash bottles but sometimes I just need space.

10. Sometimes I let Mara cry outside the bathroom door simply because I want to pee in private.  Is it too much to ask to not have a baby crawling up your legs while on the toilet.

Motherhood has its ups and downs.  Its trying and oh so rewarding.  Mara is such a blessing to my life and despite the trials I can't imagine a day without her.

1 comment:

  1. You speak TRUTH! Amen, sister! Hang in there. You are "doing this thing"! Kelly


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