Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mara-38 Weeks

Weight: You are 18 lbs 14 oz and 27.6 inches tall.  You are now officially under the 50% mark.  I think it's because you've been so active as of late.

Health:  You are still super healthy still despite a few bumps and bruises.  As you get more and more mobile we have had a lot of boo boos, but nothing a few kisses and cuddles hasn't fixed.

This is what she looks like when she gets a decent nap...happy.

Social: A shyer side of you is emerging.  You like to study people from afar and are hesitant to approach others if you are unsure.  When there is a lot of people around you tend to hang back and cling to mama but when it's just you and another person you love to engage them and talk.

You haven't like the church nursery lately.  You will go in there for about 15 minutes and then fuss for your mama.  Usually there's nothing the matter except you were looking for me.

Morning sillies

Diet: You have suddenly decided that you are over purees.  You adamantly refuse them at meal time unless you can eat them from the packet.  You are still eating twice daily with dinner being your bigger meal.  You also usually have a snack sometime during the day consisting of puffs.  Oh girl how you love puffs.

A typical meal currently includes avocado, sweet potato and strawberries.  You have also tried bananas, pancakes and turkey.  You don't like bananas but seem to like the pancakes and turkey.

You really don't drop food much anymore.  You only do this when you are done eating and bored.  You are, however, a super messy eater.  You squish it in your hands and smear it on your clothes.  We almost always have to have a bath right after.

She did this awhile in protest of purees

Clothes: You are completely in 12 month clothes and most of your bottoms are 12-18 months.  You keep growing out of clothes despite not really going up in weight.  It's kind of baffling to me.  I'm hoping you don't get into 18 month clothes within the next month or so.  We really don't have to many 18 month items!

First day of finger foods

Mama's FavoritesI love watching you become more mobile.  Girl you are all over the place.  You are getting into drawers and pulling everything out.

Crying:  You have been having major melt downs at night and will just scream until I come in.  It's so hard on mommy's heart.

You also fuss when I leave you in the nursery.  You are very attached to mama and do not like to be out of eye sight of her.

Dinner always is followed by a bath now!

Sleep:  We are going through a massive sleep regression.  I've read that with the major physical and cognitive developments you are undergoing that it's normal but man is it hard.  Every night is different.  You sleep anywhere between 1 and 6 hours then wake up.

Getting you back to bed is difficult.  Sometimes you are asleep but then wake up screaming when I lay you down.  You proceed to scream until I pick you up again.  You are so persistent in this.

Naps are about the same.  Most times they are about 30 minutes.  On a rare occasion you will sleep about an hour.  The other day you only had one nap but I think it was a fluke.  You do not seem ready to transition to one nap a day.

Anything that isn't a toy is her favorite things

This Week: We have been visiting with friends and trying to keep busy.  We have also been thinking ahead to our upcoming travels and getting excited to see family and friends.

Out for our nightly walk

Baby Likes: You love anything that is not specifically a toy.  You constantly pull on extension cords and throw coasters around.  You open every drawer you can and pull out everything that is inside.

You love to crawl around after Buddy.  You have discovered you can easily catch him and chase him around the house daily.  You get so excited when he comes into the room and you love to pet him.

You like going on walks in the afternoon.  You seem to zone out while we are on walk especially if I put on your sunglasses.  You have even fallen asleep once (which is so unlike you).

You like to have mama brush your teeth every night.  You open your mouth wide and let me brush away!

Milestones:  You are on the move girl!  There is no stopping you now.  You are cruising and checking out your world.  I cannot take my eyes off of you for fear that you are getting into something anymore.

You are still talking and making more noises daily.  You jabber all the time and seem to think you are really talking.

You are mimicking more and will copy me when I do the Indian noise or clap.  We are still working on waving and blowing kisses.

You will take steps when someone holds your hands and have taken a few cautious steps behind your walker.

Best of Times:  This week I am grateful for the sweet little moments.  The kisses and hugs make the hard moments better.

Worst of Times: The sleep regression is driving this mama crazy.  I hope we can emerge from it soon.

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