Sunday, July 12, 2015

7 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has pretty much been similar to my pregnancy with Mara.  I have been dragging my feet like no other and it's everything I can do to get out of bed in the morning.  I have had some nausea but I can usually combat it if I eat something.  At night I also get a lot of stretching and bloating.  Sleep is also hit or miss.  I usually have insomnia and am already having a lot of trouble getting comfortable at night.  I was joking with Josh last night saying that I may break out the pregnancy pillow sooner rather than later.

I had my first ob appointment this week.  Normally I wouldn't go into the doctor this early as I am pretty hands off when it comes to my pregnancies.  I decided to go in early because of our move.  I wanted to get the blood work done and just start the process in hope that we can do an ultrasound before going overseas.

The appointment went well.  Here at Ft. Bragg your first appointment is just basically a lot of information.  What to do.  What not to do.  They ask about your medical history and give you a lot of handouts.  Basically it was all old hat.  The one funny bit was on top of the 9 vials of blood they originally had to take I had to run in right before my appointment for one more.  Guess what they forgot to run?.....the pregnancy test!  Duh!

Otherwise I'm feeling ok.  This has definitely been the worse week for me thus far but I'm hanging in there.  I know I have it a lot better than most and for that I am grateful.  I can't wait for our ultrasound in a couple of weeks and being able to tell my mom when she comes.

Here's Mara at 7 weeks!

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