Saturday, July 11, 2015

6 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has brought a lot of pregnancy symptoms.  I'm getting a little nausea at night and definitely have the baby bloats.  I know my stomach will go back down but for now I look like I'm 12 weeks instead of 6.  I have also been really exhausted as of late.  In the mornings it's all I can do to drag my butt out of bed and usually around 4 I hit a wall.  This isn't the most convenient as Mara is still running around then and it's about time to start dinner.

I also haven't been eating the greatest.  Basically if it sounds good at the moment I will eat it.  There's been times when I make dinner to only not want it at all.  Hopefully soon my taste buds will go back to normal.

Today we did all the blood work the hospital requires.  I forgot how many vials they need.  They made me fast and took 9!!  Note to doctors: not a good idea.  By the time it was over I was pretty close to fainting.  I got out of there and grabbed something to eat stat!

I also found out today that one of my close friends here is also expecting!  She's about one week ahead of us.  It's super exciting and I only wish we could go through this entire pregnancy together.  I'm so happy for them and pumped to have another pregnant friend to go through this with.

Otherwise there isn't much new.  Everything is going pretty much as normal.  Next week we have our first appointment and then will schedule our 12 week appointment after that.  It's exciting because hopefully by the 12 week appointment we'll be able to hear this sweet babe's heartbeat.

For comparison Mara at 6 Weeks!

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