Saturday, July 18, 2015

13 Weeks with Baby #2

This week we had a fun start traveling from North Carolina to Wisconsin.  It was a long road trip and I am thankful that I had no real serious symptoms.  I did a lot of the driving but didn't get any swollen feet or bloated veins.

My nausea is gone and I just really need to make sure I continue to eat on a timely basis.  There were a few days that I didn't get breakfast soon enough and felt bad.  I get this weird dry mouth sensation when I don't get enough food.  That is something I do not remember with Mara.

We've already had a few encounters with family asking about another baby.  We wanted to keep it a secret from Josh's parents and brother's family until his sister's family could be here.  We plan on telling them all together.  Our niece asked us if we wanted more kids and I had a long conversation about baby names with my sister-in-law.  I think we have them fooled though!


We finally told everyone on Saturday of this week.  We were taking a family photo and Josh told everyone to say "Jen's pregnant!"  It was great because Josh kept snapping through it all and we captured everyone's reactions.  We'll tell the rest of my family on Monday and then we can officially go public with this news.

For comparison 13 weeks with Mara!

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