Saturday, July 25, 2015

16 Weeks with Baby #2

Well we're finally caught up with these posts.

This week Mara and I traveled back to North Carolina to be reunited with Josh.  At the end of the week we'll start the long journey overseas!

I'm so thankful that I've been feeling really well.  I really haven't had any true pregnancy symptoms this week other than getting bigger. Again I feel like this pregnancy is flying by and that I'm not really soaking it in.  Not that we haven't been busy with the move and general life.  We are already at the four month point and almost halfway!

I'm getting anxious to find out if we'll be adding a little girl or boy to the family.  Essentially I think we'd be able to find out now but we'll wait till we get settled and established with the medical community over there.  Hopefully it will go smoothly and we'll be satisfied with the level of care available.

Food cravings are becoming a regular thing around here.  Lately it's been everything Asian!  I'm also really excited to have Indian tonight.  My sweet tooth is still there but not as intense as it was with Mara and just my normal self lol.

I've been wearing a lot of maternity clothes already.  It's probably not extremely necessary but is more comfortable.  My regular jeans don't fit anymore but the full belly of maternity pants isn't comfortable yet.  I'm ready to have my full wardrobe back and some options!

Otherwise nothing exciting here.  I'm ready to be in our new home and seriously hope it doesn't trigger the nesting stage early like moving did with Mara.

For comparison 16 weeks with Mara!

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