Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mara-21 Months

Wears: You are still in a mix of sizes.  You are wearing 18, 24 and 2T.  Most of your 18 month pants don't fit anymore so you are wearing 24 or 2T shorts instead.  Your shirts are mainly 18-24 months and the few 2T ones you have are doable but a little long.

You are still in size 3 diapers but once we are done with all the size 3 we are going to switch you to size 4.  We went into the doctor for one last check up before we move and you were 22.8 pounds (20%) and 31.8 inches (25%).

Health:  No major illnesses this month to report.  You are almost over your runny nose.  The doctor said that maybe you have minor allergies.  You also have small patches of eczema on the backs of your legs.  You had this when you were younger too.  It doesn't seem to bother you much during the day but you do itch it at night.  
Says:  You've almost doubled your vocabulary this month.  You try to count but just say, "two, two, two".  You also say dirty, Minnie, Papa, and the end.  Mommy and Daddy have also been able to figure out what you're saying more this month too.  I don't know if you're clearer or we are just able to understand better.

Watching cartoons

she loved crawling in this drawer

Favorite Foods:  You still continue to try most things.  However, if you decide you don't like something it is SO hard to make you try it.  I think you may get this from me (hangs head).  You really love Chipolte and chips this month.

You are still eating all the time and always ask for more.  You have drastically cut back on your nursing this month (not by choice).  Your latch is horrible now-a-days so I only let you nurse for a bit.  Right now you nurse at most 3 times a day and at least once.  Mainly these sessions are at night or when I am putting you down for your afternoon nap.
Mr. Bear had to wear the sticker before Mara wanted to

Not the best month shot but we tried so many times

Sleep: This month has been hit or miss for sleep.  I think it has been hard on you to move to another place.  The majority of this month you have been sleeping regularly: going down at about 9 and waking at about 6.  At that point we bring you into bed with us and you sleep till 8.  We did have a few nights that you were up every two hours.  This was really hard but I honestly think you had a bad dream.  You were really hard to console and just out of yourself.

Best Moment:  My favorite moments this month has just been watching you really love on those you know.  You seem to have deepened your attachments to some people.  You especially love on your daddy and ask where he is constantly.

playing with the water bowls

Milestones: You had your first ballet recital.  Grandma, Mommy and Daddy came to watch.  You did great!

You give fist bumps, high fives and kisses out freely when asked.

You count but only say two as you point to each object.

You play the copy cat game.

You have cut back on nursing.

You pick your scabs and fingernails.

You moved for the first time.

You can push play on multi media devices.

getting in some park time

these two 

Loves To:  You love to chase buddy around. You are terrorizing him girl!

You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love when daddy copies what you do.

You love to tell us you have stinky feet.

You love test your limits.  You push back every time Mommy and Daddy say no.

You love to be in the water.  Swimming and playing with water filled mixing bowls.

ballet recital time

Favorite Toys: books, mickey mouse, tea set, plastic mixing bowls filled with water

grandma came to visit

Dislikes: bath time, getting in trouble, not getting your way

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