Monday, August 31, 2015

21 Weeks With Baby #2

There really isn't much new to report this week.  We went in to get some routine blood work done and then made an appointment with the health unit at the embassy.  They were getting the ultrasound translated and wanted to give us the results.  

Everything looks good in there! Baby girl is growing well and this mom is healthy.  They do want to do another blood test.  Not sure exactly the reason behind it but they want to test for some clotting factors.  The doctor didn't seem concerned and again the communication barrier left some things lost in translation.  

We haven't made much progress in deciding where to have this baby.  We really appreciate all who are praying for us and helping us along the way in this decision.  I've been able to reach out to ladies who have given birth in my hometown, Germany and here so that has been super helpful.

I'm getting more uncomfortable by the day.  Mara suddenly decided she wants to sleep through the night just about the time where I have to now get up 3 times a night to pee.  Thanks Lord for that one!  My right hip gives me pain too when I sleep on that side too long.  Funny though my left one is fine.  
In general Mara is getting a tad heavy for me and going up and down the stairs is a chore.  I find myself wondering if I really need items or if it can wait.  I pile things at the top and bottom to avoid the climb.  

I'm still getting some nausea this week.  I think it's mainly heartburn related.  Last night Josh ran out and got me the local equivalent to Tums.  It's been helping a lot.  Food still has weird smells.  Case in point: Josh's morning coffee smells like tuna fish to me.  Weird I know.  I am also a sucker for cravings and mainly want Asian all the time.  

Otherwise everything is great.  We've been practicing baby sister with Mara and everyday she seems more aware of the whole baby thing.  

For comparison 21 weeks with Mara!

Monday, August 24, 2015

20 Weeks with Baby #2

And just like that we're halfway!  I feel like this milestone always sneaks up on us regardless of the pregnancy although I do feel like this one is going much faster.  This week we had our big mid-pregnancy ultrasound.  It was a little difficult to schedule but once we got confirmation from our health insurance it was smooth sailing.

The ultrasound went great as far as we can tell.  The language barrier did impede things a bit and the tech wasn't really able to communicate with us well.  We did ask to find out the sex of the baby and right now the guess is girl!  I say guess because again with the language barrier and the baby's modesty it was a bit difficult to determine.  The tech seemed fairly confident that it was a girl and we asked numerous times.  I'm just going to make sure that next time we ask again.  Just to confirm!

Next week I'll go in to the doctor at the health clinic for a check up and full translation of the report.  I'm still not sure if I'll be at the health unit for the duration of my pregnancy or if they will transfer me to an ob/gyn.  It seems really silly to not see an ob at some point in the pregnancy but at the same time as long as everything is healthy then I'm ok with it.

We still haven't made much progress as to deciding where we are having this little girl.  Our health insurance has put the pressure on me to make a decision in the next month.  It seems fast but I understand their perspective.  The due date will be here before we know it!

Overall I've honestly felt pretty crummy this week.  I've been slightly nauseous and tired.  I feel like maybe I'm missing some key nutrient or am slightly anemic.  I had a CBC as part of my 20-week tests so that will tell us if I am.

Baby girl 2 is still active in there.  She moves a ton at night before I go to bed and sometimes during the day when I constrict that area a bit.  I am excited that this time my placenta is not anterior so it should make it easier to feel her.

For comparison 20 weeks with Mara!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's a.......


We're so excited to be adding another girl to the mix come January!  
Mara's going to have a little sister!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Turtle Lake

This weekend was a little more laid back than last mainly because we got out household items in and are trying to settle in.  Despite unpacking we did want to get out of the house and continue to explore the area.

In the city we live pretty close to a steep hill and on top there is a small lake.  Georgians and expats alike flock to the lake to get away for the day or utilize the running path.  We decided to make our lap around it and headed up there Saturday morning.

The lake itself is really nice but I honestly expected there to be more there than there was.  We enjoyed making the circle and I can see how it would be great for exercise!  We did find yet another playground and Mara got an opportunity to get out and enjoy going down the slide a few times.

On the end of our loop we stopped into one of the cafes for a light lunch on the water.  Overall it was a nice morning and I'm glad we got up and explored it.  I see us returning there when we're looking for an easy walk and also exploring some of the more difficult hiking paths when we are wanting something a bit more strenuous.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Exploring the Neighborhood and Funicular

Two weekends ago (yes I am behind) we were itching to get out and explore the area a bit.  It rained slightly that morning but we didn't let that stop us and headed toward the park.  At the time we didn't have any real destination in mind but ended up deciding to wander around three of the downtown streets.  We had heard that there were a lot of little shops and great cafes.

Lunch at Entree

Mara loved sitting in the window

Isn't she a beauty?!

We spent the early part of the afternoon doing just that.  We didn't stop into any shops but hit up a local bakery for lunch.  Entree is a twist on a French bakery with mouth watering pastries and a decent selection of grab and go sandwiches.  We decided that would be our lunch stop and hung out people watching for a bit.  


Park fun

Look at her hair!
Afterwards we made our way to a near by park.  I swear there are more playgrounds in Tbilisi than there are kids because we always seem to stumble upon another one.  Mara has really gotten into slides and this one had two that she could go down.  

Here comes the funicular
From there it was a quick run to the neighborhood grocery store for a few staples.  Mainly we wanted to check out the selection.  We really haven't identified our main store for groceries yet and usually by a little here and there.  

Going up!

By late afternoon we were ready for a little fun and less walking.  Josh had suggested we visit the funicular so we jumped in a cab and headed that way.  The funicular is basically a cable car you can take up this steep mountain overlooking the city.  At the top is a restaurant and an amusement park with a huge Ferris wheel.  

Unfortunately the Ferris wheel wasn't in operation but had a few rides Mara could get on.  She loved the merry-go-round and the bee cars.  She hasn't stopped talking about the "buzzzzzz ride"!   

We stopped in the restaurant for dinner and enjoyed some traditional Georgian fare.  We got a few chicken kabobs to share and some seasonal veggies.  All was delicious!  The views overlooking the meal were even better!


The next day we took it a little easier and went to the local mall.  I was really impressed with the amount and quality of the stores in there.  I felt like we were back in the states!  From what I've heard prices are reasonable and the quality is pretty much the same.  They also have a large grocery store which is toted as being the best.  It definitely had the most selection out of all the places we've been but it is quite a drive to get out there.  I'm not sure how much we'll be headed that way!

She just wanted to ride in this not the horses

On the buzz ride with Daddy

In the afternoon we attended a church service in town.  We've been to two churches now and have enjoyed both.  The biggest difference is the service time.  The later one seems to be a tad hard to get to with naps and bedtime/dinner.

We're hungry!

Overall it was a great weekend.  It was really nice to get out and enjoy the city!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Travelling Internationally with a Toddler

Travelling with a toddler is no joke.  I didn't expect it to be easy but yeah it can be a lot of work.  Add in the traditional traveler fatigue and yeah it's a lot.  I'm no expert by any means (this wasn't our first international flight with Mara but our first long haul) but I thought I'd jot down a few of my thoughts for future reference.

1. Travel as light as possible

Yeah this seems difficult to do.  Kids require a lot of stuff.  There's the stroller and the carrier.  Wait do they have their own seat on the plane?  Yes so there's the car seat.  Add in the diaper bag and all the little toys and snacks to keep them entertained... Oh did you forget yourself.  You mean you actually need things for yourself.  We had the max bags per person for this flight and it was rough.  I really wish I had pictures of us lugging this stuff through the airports and onto the planes.  We got so many looks.  Is it possible to travel lighter probably.  In the future I will be taking the bare minimum on the plane!

2. If possible get children under 2 their own seat

I know plane tickets are expensive especially the long international ones but Mara having her own seat was gold.  When she fell asleep I could put her in her car seat and sleep myself.  The car seat even made a surprisingly comfortable pillow in a pinch!

3. Pack snacks.  Lots of snacks.

Sometimes it's really hard to find toddler approved food on the airplane and in the airports.  Mara really isn't a picky eater but turned up her nose at most of what was given to her.  We tried to order the kids menu on the plane but even that isn't available on all airlines.  I just tried to keep a stash of her favorites and not think too much about her eating an entire bag of gold fish for a meal.

4. Double team that

If possible fly with two adults.  I know we only have Mara right now but it was indispensable to have us both traveling together.  Not only could we manage the bags together but we could take turns being with Mara while the other cat napped or grabbed something to eat.

5. Get on the time zone as quickly as possible

This one is hard especially with a little one.  They don't understand why they need to sleep but aren't tired.  Our flight got in early morning and we went straight to bed till about noon.  We probably should have stayed up a bit but in the end it worked out.  The first few nights Mara woke at about midnight hungry.  We just tried to roll with it.  We all got up, ate and went back to bed.  Melatonin became our friend.

19 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has been just exhausting.  Our household goods came on Tuesday (which was exciting) but I've been spending every available minute putting things away and trying to get us out from underneath the piles.  For some reason we always seem to move when I about half way through a pregnancy.  We did it with Mara and now again with this baby.  I remember it being trying in North Carolina but adding an almost two year old to the that's insane.  Let's just say she's been watching way too much tv this week.  :/

With being on my feet all day comes some aches and pains.  My feet usually hurt pretty bad at the end of the day.  I have solicited a foot massage from the hubs but have yet to see it.  lol  My hips have also been a bit out of sorts lately especially when I first get out of bed.  I f I am already having these aches and pains now it makes me nervous for ten/fifteen weeks down the road.  I've started sleeping with the pregnancy pillow and it helps a bit.

This little one has been really active at night this week.  When I finally get a few minutes to sit down, he or she starts moving.  For the most part the kicks have been just from the inside.  However there has been a few that I have been able to feel on the outside.  Josh has yet to catch any of these.

Mara is getting harder and harder to carry.  She's getting bigger but I also think I am slowing down more.  I almost dread every time I have to wrangle her up the stairs or stop her from running off somewhere.

We still don't have a confirmed date of our mid-pregnancy ultrasound yet.  I think the paperwork was processed via Tricare but they have yet to send a note to the clinic here confirming payment.  Without this we cannot proceed.  It's not a huge deal and we'll likely be good to go by the end of next week.

For comparison 19 weeks with Mara!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

18 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has been a whirl wind as we start to really settle in our new home.  I am so thankful that we were able to move in immediately.  It has really made the transition so much better.  I can't imagine going into a temporary house while this one was prepared as most families do here.

I'm starting to feel some of the typical aches and pains that usually come with getting bigger.  My abs are getting weaker and sometimes I am pretty sore in the mornings.  I haven't taken to using my pregnancy pillow which really surprises me.  I was craving it before but now I'm ok with sleeping without it for the time being.  Part of it is probably because I like sleeping next to my hubby without a pillow in between and the other part is because it's doing double duty right now keeping Mara in her bed.

We also went into the doctor here.  The embassy health unit will be providing the majority of my care during this pregnancy and we wanted to get the ball rolling with them.  We are due for our midway (how are we almost halfway?!) ultrasound here in a few weeks and needed to go in.  They will process the request through the health insurance and get us a referral for a clinic in town.

The biggest thing this week has been new discussions as to where to have this baby.  We originally planned on having him or her here but were advised by the embassy to leave the country.  Given a normal and healthy birth (which is likely in our case) delivering here in Tbilisi would be fine.  It's the unknown that worries the health unit and is the reason for the referral.  There really isn't much in the way of NICU services and we're not sure what a C-section would look like if it came to that.  On top of the medical factors we are also looking into Tricare and what it would and wouldn't cover.

I've been also thinking about where to go if we left.  Do we go to Germany or all the way home?  I'd have to take Mara with me so that plays a role in it.  I'm also thinking about the holidays and wanting to be together as a family.  This baby is due right after the new year so I'd have to fly early December at the latest.  Spending another Thanksgiving and Christmas apart from each other just isn't an option in my head.

All that being said our decision hasn't been made yet.  We've been talking to a few women who have given birth here and are asking a lot of questions.  We still have plenty of time to think about it and make that call.

For comparison 18 weeks with Mara!  Wearing the same outfit!

Friday, August 7, 2015

One Week In

So we're approximately one week into our Georgian adventure and things are starting to settle down a bit. We've finished what I like to call the temporary unpack emptying our suitcases and putting away our UAB (unaccompanied baggage move).  Temporary because it is likely most of it will get rearranged when the rest of our things arrive.  We have also moved some of the smaller furniture but still have some bigger pieces that need to find new homes.

We've managed to hit up the grocery stores a couple of times and I am slowly getting used to cooking here.  On that note we have had some issues with our cooking apparatuses in our kitchen.  Our oven didn't work and yesterday our stove top glass top shattered while cooking.  Just keeping it interesting around here :)

Mara is settling in great!  She is fully on the time zone and is sleeping in a twin bed.  We never expected to transition her so soon but it just kind of happened.  I really think she wasn't comfortable in her pack n play.  For the most part it has been an easy transition.  She really took to the bed!  She still wakes up occasionally and we have our good nights and bad.

We're slowly meeting people too.  I've been able to attend a spouse coffee sponsored by the embassy and went swimming with a few new friends today.  There is a lot of young kids Mara's age which is great.  We are already looking forward to many more play dates in our future!

On the horizon we're waiting on the rest of our things and getting really settled.  We're also looking into hiring some household help and possibly a driver.  In general we're just excited to start exploring our new home.  There is so much going on in our neighborhood, great restaurants and little shops to explore.  I'm ready to start really getting the feel of the land and learning our way around here!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mara-22 Months

Wears: You still have anywhere from 18 to 2T in your drawers although I'd say the 2T fit you the best.  Now that we are back into cloth diapers you especially need 2T bottoms.

This month we switched you up to size 4 disposable diapers while we were traveling.  Now that we are back in cloth I don't really notice a difference in the sizing from a few months ago.  You still have a ways to go in them but I don't think that will be necessary.

Health:  You weren't sick this month, thank goodness.  Our major issue was cutting a few two year old molars.  You got your bottom two in and ran a pretty high fever one day because of it.  Despite the fever you were your normal self and we just gave you some Motrin to bring it down.

Says:  You are becoming more and more verbal this month.  You started nodding yes (finally!) although you don't say the word.  You do seem to have your own version of yes which comes out as "I did sha know."  We're not sure where you got this but it's pretty funny.  While visiting family you started to learn names.  You can say Papa, Seija and Ani/Arne.

Once we arrived in Georgia your sentence structure exploded overnight.  It was the strangest thing.  You are stringing together a ton of sounds and it almost sounds like you already know the language over here!

Favorite Foods:  You have become such a good eater!  You seem to have an endless pit.  While we were traveling you ate everything.  I was actually pretty worried about visiting others and you not getting your favorites but I didn't give you enough credit.  You loved trying new foods and didn't make a stink about it like you usually do.  Some new foods for you this month are oatmeal and eggs.

We are down to one nursing session a day right before bed.  Surprisingly it was an easy transition from 3 to 1 and we fell into it beautifully.  You still sometimes ask for it throughout the day when you are tired but I gently remind you it is only for night time and you then settle for cuddles.

Sleep: Sleep has been hard for you this month.  At first I thought it was all because of the traveling and it may have played a role in it but I think you were uncomfortable in your pack n play mainly.  the last two days you have slept in a twin bed in your room and done great.  I didn't expect to transition you to a big bed so soon but I am thankful that this transition has gone so smoothly.

It took you a few days to get on the time zone here but after four days I think you are good.  You still take your mid-day nap and go to bed sometime around 9 waking up at 8.  The first few days trying to get you on the time zone were rough.  You woke at midnight hungry and wanting to play.

You also slept pretty well on the plane especially the first leg.  You didn't sleep on the second leg which through off our plans of getting you on the time zone fast but in the end I think it worked out.

Best Moment:  My favorite moments this month include seeing you with family.  You loved getting to play with your cousins in Wisconsin and then with my parents in Illinois.  

Milestones: You tried to ride a tricycle and did pretty good with pedaling.

You have started to really enjoy pretend play.  You feed your babies and cook in the kitchen.

You moved internationally and had your first long plane ride.

You went down a slide all by yourself.

You decided you like the bath again. Thank goodness!

Loves To:  You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love to ride escalators and elevators.

You love test your limits.  You push back every time Mommy and Daddy say no.

You love to be in the water.  Swimming and playing with water filled mixing bowls.

You love to play in the sand box.

Favorite Toys: slide, easy coupe, toy vacuum, toy lawn mower, rocks, tea set

Dislikes: covers, being told no

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