Thursday, August 13, 2015

18 Weeks with Baby #2

This week has been a whirl wind as we start to really settle in our new home.  I am so thankful that we were able to move in immediately.  It has really made the transition so much better.  I can't imagine going into a temporary house while this one was prepared as most families do here.

I'm starting to feel some of the typical aches and pains that usually come with getting bigger.  My abs are getting weaker and sometimes I am pretty sore in the mornings.  I haven't taken to using my pregnancy pillow which really surprises me.  I was craving it before but now I'm ok with sleeping without it for the time being.  Part of it is probably because I like sleeping next to my hubby without a pillow in between and the other part is because it's doing double duty right now keeping Mara in her bed.

We also went into the doctor here.  The embassy health unit will be providing the majority of my care during this pregnancy and we wanted to get the ball rolling with them.  We are due for our midway (how are we almost halfway?!) ultrasound here in a few weeks and needed to go in.  They will process the request through the health insurance and get us a referral for a clinic in town.

The biggest thing this week has been new discussions as to where to have this baby.  We originally planned on having him or her here but were advised by the embassy to leave the country.  Given a normal and healthy birth (which is likely in our case) delivering here in Tbilisi would be fine.  It's the unknown that worries the health unit and is the reason for the referral.  There really isn't much in the way of NICU services and we're not sure what a C-section would look like if it came to that.  On top of the medical factors we are also looking into Tricare and what it would and wouldn't cover.

I've been also thinking about where to go if we left.  Do we go to Germany or all the way home?  I'd have to take Mara with me so that plays a role in it.  I'm also thinking about the holidays and wanting to be together as a family.  This baby is due right after the new year so I'd have to fly early December at the latest.  Spending another Thanksgiving and Christmas apart from each other just isn't an option in my head.

All that being said our decision hasn't been made yet.  We've been talking to a few women who have given birth here and are asking a lot of questions.  We still have plenty of time to think about it and make that call.

For comparison 18 weeks with Mara!  Wearing the same outfit!

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