Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Dreaded D Word


That dreaded d word that it seems every military family has had to deal with over the last ten years.  Some soldiers have been on multiple deployments spending years away from their families.  Others are being sent for their first time.  No matter how many times deployments come up it never gets easier for the soldiers leaving and the families they leave behind.

We've known about this deployment ever since Josh took command about one year ago.  At first it was just a lingering thought in the back of our minds; something on the horizon but nothing to worry about in the present.

As time goes on and the date gets closer, reality has started to sink in.  It creeps up on us over a holiday that we won't get to spend together next year or just in a passing phrase.  There's moments when I feel prepared and there's moments of weakness.

Mostly I get upset when I think of Mara.  She loves her daddy and it just hurts my heart for her and him to be apart. I can take comfort in knowing that in the long run she won't remember this time and I can do all I can to make the transition easier for Josh (because despite his strength I know its going to be hard on him).

Initially, I was really struggling with the "Why us?" question for awhile.  Why now when we have just gotten married?  Just started our lives together?  Just had Mara? But then my mother-in-law said something that just really clicked for me.  We've prayed for this to go away.  We've prayed for direction.  We've prayed for a sign.  Nothing has changed.  And that's OK.  Because this is His will.  And if there's not a safer place to be than in the center of God's will for your life.  I take such comfort in this.

We will get through this deployment and it will only make us stronger.  In the meantime we will rejoice in the little moments and soak up every second we have together until he leaves.  This is what we do.  We're a military family and we choose to serve our nation.  There will be sacrifices and this is just one of those times.

If you think about it I just ask for prayer.  Prayer for the soldiers.  For their safety and confidence in their ability to carry out their mission.  Prayer for the families.  For strength to endure the time apart from their loved one and the ability to run their households alone.  Prayer for me.  To enjoy every minute and to just live in the moment.  Prayer for Mara as we go through this transition period.  Most of all prayer for Josh.  For his safety first and foremost but also that he's able to confidently lead his soldiers and accomplish the mission.

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