Friday, April 11, 2014

Mara-26 Weeks

Weight: You are 17 pounds 4 ounces and 26.5 inches long.  You are in the 70% and 60% respectively.
First day in 9 month clothes

Health: You have been doing so good in this department the last two weeks.  You've only had one day where you threw up but I think that was a fluke.  I hope you continue to be our healthy girl!!

Social: You continue to be very social.  You love to be in the nursery at church so you can play with the other babies.  You grab for faces and really observe everyday actions.  I can already see you trying to mimic others facial expressions.

Diet: Breast milk and purees!  We tried a little breastmilk in a sippy cup the other day but you weren't too interested.  Mama's ok with that because that just means she has to spend more time with the pump rather than nursing you and right now she would rather nurse you!

You are still getting about 1 ounce at night.  We have tried sweet potatoes, avocado, pears, red peppers, green beans, zucchini and apples.  You HATED the green beans but are still on the fence with the zucchini and apples.  We're going to try them again today and see what you think.  Your body still hasn't completely caught up with the new food.  Its kind of funny to hear you grunt girl.  Mama feels so bad laughing but you make so much noise when you're trying to "take care of business".

You still seem to love dinner time and happily sit in your chair as we feed you.  I can already see that you are becoming Miss. Independent in this though.  You like to grab the spoon and "guide" it to your mouth.  I bet we'll soon be doing a form of baby led weaning because I just know you're not going to be satisfied with us feeding you for much longer.

Red peppers 

Clothes: You are officially in 9 month clothes.  I packed away anything 6 month and under although some things still fit.  I figured you had so much 9 month things that I better get started with them otherwise you won't wear them all!  Its for the best as these clothes seem to fit you the best.

I've noticed that you're feet are pretty small.  When we do put shoes on you, you are still comfortably in 0 to 6 month shoes.  I think that's size 1?  Size 2 is way too big!  You must take after your Daddy in this department as Mama has big feet.

Your diapers are fitting much better.  I don't regret going with the one size cloth diapers because buying multiple sizes seems crazy to me.  I do wish the fit didn't fluctuate so much though.

Bead mazes taste yummy

Mama's Favorites: I am still loving seeing you interact with your daddy.  You are finally at the age where you are able to do those daddy daughter things.  You ride on his shoulders and bounce on the bed.  Daddy is so much fun!

I am also loving your independent streak lately.  I love to see you play on your own and explore things.  You still need your mama but I love you trying to do things for yourself too.

Crying: You still aren't really crying a lot.  You do fuss when you want to be held but will stop if picked up or talked to.  You are a super content baby!

Strategically placed duck

Sleep:  You are doing AMAZING in this department.  We got a new swaddler (the Halo Sleep Sack Swaddler) and it seems to work wonders.  You have yet to escape it and are seriously so much more calmer.  I like it because I don't feel like I have to put another blanket on you after you are in it either which is the safest way for you to sleep.

Lately you have been sleeping from 6 to 8 hours straight at night!!  You usually wake up around 4 to nurse and then sleep till 8 or so.  I have even stopped bringing you into my room in the mornings because you have stopped your frequent wakings in the mornings.  I love it and am so thankful.

You new favorite place to be

 This Week: This week daddy was in the field again so we had lots of girl time.  We kept busy visiting with friends and going to meetings around post.  You, like always, were the best girl during these times.

We also went to the Spring Festival for our Battalion.  You got to meet the Easter Bunny and hunt for some Easter eggs.  Daddy even took you into the bounce house to jump around!

Blurry but so happy

Baby Likes: You are still putting everything in your mouth.  You love all your toys especially the ones that make music.

Even though you are loving eating big girl food, you are still nursing like crazy.  You love to nurse and still use it for comfort.

You love to sit up now and really hate it when we lay you down.  You still don't have your balance perfected and will sometimes fall backwards.  The funny part is sometimes this doesn't even faze you.

Distracted by the TV

Milestones: You have two teeth on the bottom!!  They still aren't completely in but they come in more and more each day.

You have recently started to look for recognition from Daddy and I.  You will hit a button to play music on your activity table and then look at us as if saying, "Look what I did."  We smile and then you do it again.

You have also seemed to figure out cause and effect.  You will hit your activity table to make the music go then sit back and listen to the duration of the song.  When its done you reach over and hit another button.  This goes on for hours.

You are saying more syllables but by far your favorite way of communicating is grunting.  You grunt to make your point clear and to express your frustration.

You met the Easter bunny and did so much better than with Santa.  You let the bunny hold you and loved touching the fur.

You recently love to stick out your tongue.  You do it when you smile and when you're concentrating on something.  Its adorable.

We've started to do sign language with you.  Nothing major just simple signs for milk and eat.  You are really interested and watch us when we are doing them.  I'm sure you'll surprise us and do them soon!

Girl I think you want to do so much more.  You are trying to scoot and get so mad when you can't.  You are also trying to play with toys that are a bit beyond your age group and sometimes can't make things work like they should.  You get so angry.  I can just see your mind trying to tell your hands what to do.

A tongue shot

Best of Times:  Having daddy home from the field and getting to spend all weekend as a family.  We took pictures and played.  You met the easter bunny and got many rides on daddy's shoulders, which you loved.

Standing to play

Worst of Times:  Having daddy in the field for a whole week.  We kept really busy but its never the same without him around!

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