Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend we had a great time hanging out with friends and relaxing around the house.  Saturday Josh and I headed into town to pick up a few groceries and run some errands.  We needed some meat for a BBQ on Sunday and some missing ingredients for the marinade.  At home we whipped together the food and threw it in the fridge for the party.  After a game of Settlers of Catan (Josh got the upper hand) and a quick workout, we headed to the pool to meet up with friends.

Normally we don't go to the pool at Nyanza Club but today it was perfect.  The weather is starting to get pretty hot so it was really refreshing to get into the chilly water.  From the pool we headed over to their house to hang out and check out their recent changes to the backyard.  Its really amazing what they have done with what was a blank slate.  They have a huge garden, beautiful terraced planting beds, a fire pit and a very large tiki bar! We had a blast jumping on the trampoline with their 4-year old son and sitting outside into the night just chatting with them.

On Sunday we slept in (a lot) then spent some time doing our Jesse Tree devotionals.  We still haven't caught up but we're getting there.  I was feeling a bit restless so I went down stairs and put together a few side dishes for a BBQ we were headed to later that day.  Before we knew it, it was time to go and we headed up to the rooftop for dinner and an amazing sunset.  You really can't beat the sunsets in Kisumu even with all the hyasin floating in the lake.

We spent the rest of the night relaxing on the roof and enjoying the company of good friends.  It really was a great weekend especially with the holiday weekend around the corner.  (When did Christmas get to be 8 days away?) Next weekend we're hoping to get out of town.

We have a few options, the main one being Uganda but right now we are at the mercy of the Kenyan immigration services.  They have my passport and are supposed to be issuing me a new visa.  IF we get it back before the end of the week we are Uganda bound....If not we'll be spending the holiday somewhere else in Kenya.  Either way its going to be great.  I'm really excited for our first holiday together as a married couple!

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