Saturday, May 2, 2015

Mara-19 Months

Wears:  You are still in 18 month clothes although your pants are getting a little short.  I tried 24 month pants on you the other day but they were way too long.  Good thing the weather is getting nice and you'll be in shorts soon!  With our upcoming move I'm wondering if I should box away your 24 month/2T clothing or pack it along.  I have no idea when you'll transition into it.

You wore size 3 disposable diapers on our vacation and you still are somewhere around 22 pounds.

Health:  Thankfully this month we didn't have any major illnesses to deal with.  You did great on vacation and have been super healthy since.

Says:  This month you added a few more animal sounds.  You now buzz like a bee and constantly do your monkey imitation.  You have also started to "talk" like Donald Duck when you watch Mickey Mouse.  It's super cute!

You still have your regular words (no, ut oh, I did it., mommy, da da, mickey, buddy, baby) and haven't added much.  You still understand everything we say to you.  Your daddy recently had a serious talk with you about how pacis are for babies and now you point to the paci and say baby every time you see it.  Crazy how you remember that!

You sort of have your more and eat sign mixed up.  You know both give you food so you do either when you're hungry.

Favorite Foods: This month some of your favorites include pasta, mushrooms, mashed potatoes, yogurt, strawberries, cheese, green beans, turkey, cherry tomatoes, hummus and triscits.

You're still pretty picky and super cautious when it comes to trying new things.

Sleep: You slept through the night this month!!!  It was only one night but it was awesome. We have also instigated a bedtime routine that you love.  You do really well when we say it's bedtime.  You pick up your toys, kiss daddy and then go with mommy for some cuddles.

You are still only waking once to nurse then you go back to sleep.  Recently it's becoming hard to lay you back down because you immediately spring up and cry.  I usually send daddy in after this and you tend to calm down much better for him.  I've seen you go through so many phases of this so I am hoping it only lasts a week or two.

You slept pretty good on vacation.  We put you in the front room of our suite and we slept in the back bedroom.  A few nights you woke twice but it was alright.  

Your naps are still ok.  I've given up on the crib and taken to laying you on the guest bedroom.  I didn't want to put you in our room because I didn't want you to get any ideas that you could sleep there at night.  You do well on the bed and usually sleep for about 2 hours around mid-day.  I'd be convinced you were ready for a big bed because of this if you didnt stand up at night in your crib.  I'm not ready to move you yet.

Best Moment:  Vacation!  Yep we went on vacation two months in a row!  This time we went to Grand Cayman and you loved it.  The sand.  The ocean.  Girl you were great!

Milestones: You blow dandelions.

You tell mama when you are wet.

You wave good bye and blow kisses when someone is leaving.

You play well with older kids.

You balance on one foot.

You climb on the sofa and have started crawling through objects to explore.

You try to ride buddy and give him hugs.

You blow on all food before eating it.

You knew exactly what to do when it was time to take your 19 month sticker picture.

Loves To:  You love to play outside.

You love the beach and the sand.

You love to have long conversations.

You love when your dada comes home and run to him first thing.

You love to try on hats.

Favorite Toys: books, mickey mouse, toy kitchen, paper plates and bowls, swing, tea set

Dislikes: when you don't get your way, when your diaper needs to be changed, when we have to go inside, when you can't be picked up immediately, when mommy tells you no nursing

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