Monday, December 25, 2017

Madeline 22 & 23 Mon

Weight: You're are still tiny.  Everyone mistakes you for much younger than you are because of your height and weight. 

Health: You had some minor cold stuff throughout the last two months.  We all got hit hard with a respiratory virus.  You had it first and gave it to your sister and I!

Social: You keep expanding your vocabulary; sometimes it seems overnight! You put full sentences together and are starting to replace some of your words with actual ones the rest of us can understand.  You love playing with your older sister and doing everything she does.  You're not too sure about kids your age and mainly like to "dictate" what they do when you guys are playing together.  Bossy little thing you are!

Diet: We're starting to see some pickiness come out in you.  Sometimes you will love a dinner one night and then hate the leftovers the next.  You defintily have your favorites (aka you could eat just yogurt and be happy I think) though and are willing to try most things. 

Clothes: You are still in 18-24 month items although I think some of the strictly 18 month things are becoming a little short all around.  You will defintily be in this size for the forseable future though!

Mama's Favorites: I love the faces you make! We are solidly into the two sassiness and you show it.  You have the most hilarious tantrum faces (although we try not to laugh). 

Crying: Really only when you are throwing a tantrum.  There's no arguing with you lady.  You want what you want and that's it. 

I didn't think sleep could get better for you but it has!! You go down without little prompt. We still rock at night but I can rock you as little as 15 minutes and then you are happy to lay in your bed till you fall asleep.  We could probably even do less but I think I am selfishly holding on to this a bit.  You go down at 8 and now sleep/hang out in your bed comfortably till about 9.  It's still dark in the mornings here at that time so I think that helps.  Naps are a tad shorter most days and you rarely sleep for more than an hour. 

This Month: These past two months have been slow.  Mama was in the last few months of her pregnancy and feeling large. We tried to get out and play with friends and enjoy the last few weeks of just the four of us. 

We celebrated Halloween and you were Madeline.  I couldn't resist the play on your name! We also had Thanksgiving at our home and saw Santa!

Baby Likes: You love to play with your older sister.  You love your "Anna's" (aka anything that resembles a princess).  You have started dressing up in Mara's clothes.  You love to play nap spreading a blanket and pillow down.

Milestones: You are responding to instruction.

You help clean up your toys when prompted.

You color with crayons and markers.

You play make believe with dolls and figures.

Best of Times: Watching your personality bloom.  There's not a single day that goes by that you don't have us laughing. 

Worst of Times: The week in here where you thought it was awesome to put your hands in your diaper and pull them down while you slept.

Sister Diaries: We are still constantly breaking up fights between your sister and you.  You guys play great but there is definite times where Mara needs her space.  She is so patient with you and lets you really rough house.

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