Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas 2017

Christmas this year was super simple.  We knew that we would be welcoming Sena just a little bit beforehand so we had no expectations for the holiday just wanted to enjoy some quality family time. 
Ready for Christmas Eve church

Opening gifts from cousins

The girls woke up at their usual time (please Lord can we get a few more years of this?!) and we headed downstairs.  Mara was a tad disapointed as she was convinced that it would snow on Christmas Day, that this act of weather would define the holiday.  Hunger quickly was forgotten when they saw that the stockings were filled.  We told them we would open stockings but then it was breakfast time!

Mara was a serious joy to watch.  She was really into it and I found it interesting how quickly she grasped onto the idea of Santa.  Santa is something we have never really reinforced or encouraged.  We're kind of indifferent about the idea but she was insistent this year so Santa brought the stockings.  ;)

Maddy helping with the fire before presents

American girl dolls for the win

Breakfast was homemade pancakes which Mara helped make.  She has really become a little baker and enjoys being in the kitchen with me. 

After we ate we passed out presents and got to it.  The girls were fun to watch as they both really grasped the whole concept of opening the gifts and why we had presents.  We got them both American Girl Dolls for their one gift from us.  It was my hope to give them their own baby as we just added a baby to our family.  Maddy was hilarious and so expressive when opening hers.  I knew she would love it even more than Mara.

They both loved this talking tea set

Concentrating hard on opening

They also got Lincoln logs, legos, accessories for their dolls, outdoor play toys and doll furniture.  Everything has been a hit in its own right.  They bounce from new toy to new toy enjoying all.  Maddy loves her new blow up horse from my brother and her talking tea pot from Aunt Mary.  Mara is loving her duplo legos from Aunt Mary and keeps serving us her new cupcakes from Grandma and Grandpa.  The matching jammies were also big hits with both girls!

Bonus presents were brought up from the basement

Poor Sena didn't get any presents this year! We were just thankful to have her with us!!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, watching football and enjoying our new toys.  We skyped with family and ate some yummy food for dinner! Can't wait till next year when we have three little girls ripping paper off presents!

Grandma & Grandpa scored with matching pjs

Dolly bunk beds

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