Weight: You continue to hover around 20 lbs and 27 inches as far as I can tell.
Health: You were cutting your molars for the majority of this month which was really hard. You didn't drool but I could tell you were in a lot of pain.
Social: You really interact with all around you. You ask to be held and then proceed to take whomever is holding you around on your whims. "get this" "go there". You're so sweet you get away with this often.
Diet: You are still so demanding when it comes to food. It doesn't matter what it is you have to try it if someone else is eating it. This goes for drink too. Last night at dinner you had 3 different water bottles around you simply because others were using them too. You still really love: rice, chicken, pasta, cheese, apples, bananas, etc.
We are still nursing a lot (maybe 5 times daily), more so with the teething.
Clothes: You are still in 12 month clothing. We are straying away from any onsies as it's hard to snap them underneath your diapers but you still fit comfortably in any regular long sleeve shirts. Your pants are slightly too short so we may be moving up to 18 months in a month or two.
Health: You were cutting your molars for the majority of this month which was really hard. You didn't drool but I could tell you were in a lot of pain.
You were so over the sticker |
We are still nursing a lot (maybe 5 times daily), more so with the teething.
Mama's Favorites: I love watching you carry around your dolly. You are obsessed with it and will walk around all day with it by the arm. You pat its back and give it to us to "love".
Crying: There isn't really much crying unless you wake in the middle of the night or are hurt. Otherwise it's mainly a whining cry to get whatever you think you need at that moment.
Sleep: You are going to bed at night around 8 pm and sleeping till 8 in the morning. You've been waking up 2-3 times a night lately and it's killing me. I'm hoping that it's a combination developmental stage and teeth.
You do your one nap a day around the noon hour. This nap is usually 1.5-2.5 hours.
This Month: You traveled in the states visiting your cousins, aunts and uncles. We also came back home to Georgia and spent a few weeks getting back settled into life here.
Crying: There isn't really much crying unless you wake in the middle of the night or are hurt. Otherwise it's mainly a whining cry to get whatever you think you need at that moment.
You do your one nap a day around the noon hour. This nap is usually 1.5-2.5 hours.
This Month: You traveled in the states visiting your cousins, aunts and uncles. We also came back home to Georgia and spent a few weeks getting back settled into life here.
Baby Likes: You love to eat. You love your sister. You love to do whatever she is doing. You love your dolly. You love Buddy. You love to watch your Daddy leave from the window and greet him when he comes home. You love to sit down to eat dinner. You love going on walks in the wagon.
Milestones: You are walking! You finally got enough confidence to go for it. It was literally 2 days later and you are walking more than crawling. It's so cute to see you waddling along. You have mastered the stairs and can easily get down as well as up.
Best of Times: You're happy attitude always.
Worst of Times: Jet lag....
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