Saturday, February 11, 2017

Madeline-12 Months

Weight: At one year you were 19.5 pounds and 27 inches! You're smaller than your sister but still doing well on the growth charts.

Health: Just the same little cold that everyone has around here.  You are cutting your bottom molars so you have the fussiness, runny nose and pain from that!

 Social: You are super social still and love to be around other kids.  I am amazed how much you enter your own world when you are with your sister or older friends.  You rarely look to mama and dada and just do your thing.

Diet: You can be very demanding when it comes to food!  We are already hiding when we are eating around you because you insist that you need some too no matter what it is.  Your favorites are: yogurt, cheese, beans, chicken, rice, carrots and peas.

We are still nursing a lot (maybe 5 times daily), more so with the teething.

Clothes: You are still in 12 month clothing.  You have good length still on the pants and shirts.  We have a lot of warm weather clothes in this size so we did have to purchase a few winter things to make up for it.  I hope we'll get a  few weeks of the warm stuff before we have to pack it all up because you out grow it!

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you with new family members and in new situations.  You go with the flow and adapt really easily.

Crying: You have found your voice in this department and sometimes the crying whine is worse than your sister's toddler whinning!  But for the most part it only comes when you are tired, hungry or angry.

Sleep: You are a one nap girl.  You go down for your mid-day nap around 12 and sleep from 1.5 hours to 2.5 depending on your morning and previous night.  Night time usually happens aroudn 8 and you sleep till about 8-8:30 with one random wake up during hte night.  I still try to sneak in and give you a top up at night.  I've found if I don't do this you wake at like 2 which is really hard on me (I need to go to bed earlier...)

We had a *blank* of a time getting you back on the time zone.  Man we were going crazy here on the sleep deprivation.  We used melatonin and lavender and thankfully after about a week we had you back to the correct cycle.

This Month: You traveled on your first long haul plane ride back to the states.  You also got to meet your grandpa, cousins and aunts/uncles.  You turned 1!

Baby Likes: You love to eat.  You love your sister.  You love to talk to people on skype.  You love Buddy. You love to show off your walking skills.  You like to crawl up the steps. You love to jump on the couch with your sister.  You love trying to do everything your sister does.  You love to crawl to daddy when he comes home. You love your dollies and giving hugs.

Milestones: You are walking assisted and will walk with the puss walker.  You traveled to the states for the first time.  You met your extended family and we celebrated your first birthday.  You got your bottom molars.  You crawled up the steps for the first time unassisted.  You saw snow for the first time and went sledding. You give hugs when asked. You met Santa and celebrated your first Christmas.

Best of Times: You're happy attitude always.

Worst of Times: Jet lag....

Sister Diaries: Mara gets frustrated easily with how you want to be where she is always.  I see her needing alone time to play and try to give it to her.  She still loves being near you and asks to play with you alone in her room.

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